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Kim Seokjin POV

I stared the painting in front of me and frowned at it. I hadn't done anything productive all day, and I was extremely bored. Hoseok was nowhere to be seen, Namjoon had work, And Taehyung had inisisted that nobody was to disrupt him and Jungkook until said. I wondered what happened, they weren't at dinner last night and were to be left alone today. Did they make up? I'm guessing so. I sighed and turned around. I wandered down the long hallways and admired the beautiful tapestries. I eventually ended up before a large set of doors, larger than the ones to the throne room. I quickly retrached my steps before pusing one of the doors open. I was really heavy for a door, and I wondered if it was meant to be opened. Hot air hit my face as soon as I left and I looked out to where I now was. It was dark but redish light made it so I could see. I didn't know where I was, and curiosity begged for me to continue. I walked farther away from the doors and came to an alley of sorts. I walked through it and was speachless.

People of all ages and sizes were walking around. Everyone had charred black faces and they all looked negative. Everyone was tinted red from the light, and I kept moving trying to go unoticed. I saw people coming in and out of buildings that were all unique. I also noticed everyone had silver chains on their wrists. I kept moving until I saw a group of winged beings ahead. Their wings were large and black, and they all had black eyes with no whites that I could see from afar. I walked closer to them, but in a trance I slammed into someone. I looked at the old woman who I slammed into, and she stared daggers. She conntinued staring and suddenly yelled.
     "Fresh blood! He's human!" She yelled and fear filled me as more people turned to look. Whispers filled the air and the winged beings looked at and over at me. My gut burned and I told myslef to run, but my legs wouldn't move. "Get over here!" One of the beings yelled and everyone snickered as I was pushed foreward to where the winged beings were. My heart was racing, and I feared about I had gotten myself into. When I arrived they stared me down before the one who spoke pulled me up and stered me down. "He's alive." The being said and the other beings, who I'm guessing were Demons looked at me. "Where did you come from?" Another said, and I let out a shallow breath. "The doors, The large doors." I spoke out, and he looked at me, squinting. "Doors?" He asked, and I nodded anxiously. "What's your name boy?" He asked and I held my breath. "Seokjin."

"Seokjin, huh?" The one said that was holding me and I nodded. "Why does that name sound familiar?" Another Demon said, and the others nodded in agreement. "You know where to take him boys, I'll finish up here." The one holding me said, and I was guessing he was their leader. They nodded, before he dropped me and two other Demons grabbed my arms and started to pull me away from the doors. I screamed and thrashed wildly, but they kept pulling me. "Let me go!" I yelled at one of them and he just rolled his eyes. I continued, but soon their nails dug into my skin and I could feel that my arms were starting to bleed. I desperately tried to get away, and I turned around to see that everyone was watching, expressionless. I gave the crowd a pleading look, but nobody budged. I desperately needed to get out of here, I should've never come. Will Namjoon find me? Am I going to die? My thoughts raced and I continued to attempt to escape from the Demon's insanely tight grip, but they were much stronger than me. Tears threatened to spill and I was running out of gas. I tried to drag my feet to slow them down, but nothing worked. I eventually lost where we were going and fear clawed my insides. I didn't even realise when they brought me inside a building and tied me to a chair. I shut my eyes tightly, but couldn't do anything.

Not long after I arrived in the room the Demon leader entered and stood looking at me. It was just us, and I feared for my life. "You're extremely rare around here, Seokjin. Souls will pay thousands for you. So tell me, how did you get here?" He asked, and I frowned. "I told you, the doors. I was walking around and found the doors. So I opened them and left." I said, and he frowned. "Where did you open the doors?" He asked and I stopped. I had a feeling that if I told him he would just put high ransom on me for Namjoon to pay. "I said, where did you open the doors? Do I have to force it out of you?" He asked angry. "A place. It shouldn't be any of your concern." I told him, but he slapped me in the face. It stung but I couldn't touch it. "Fine. So, how much should we put on you boy?" He asked me and I looked at him, confused. He sighed, before calling the rest of his group into the room. I took a mental note of where the door was, and then looked at the floor. One lifted up my chin and I stared into his black eyes. "He's nice boss, he'll go for good." He said, and I jerked my head away from him. "I kind of think we should keep him for ourselves." Another said, but their leader shook his head. "He has to go. We can't keep him." he said, and I averted my eyes. "5,000." another said but they shook their heads. "Higher." The leader said and I stared at him. "Are you at least tell me what's going to happen to me?" I asked partily annoyed, but mostly scared. "We're going to sell you to some rich Demon. We want the money, and it's not our place to ask why they might want you." He said, and my breath hitched. "You-you can't d-do that!" I said trying to break free, but one Demon grabbed my chair and hissed. "We can do whatever we want, boy. We out number you and out power you. Don't try." He said, and I tried to move again. "I won't let you do this. You can't!" I yelled and a Demon slapped me. I looked down and tried to move again. This time I yelled as well, which just seemed to aggravate them. Soon enough, a piece of cloth was tied around my mouth to prevent me from speaking. I mumbled, but it hurt my mouth whenever I did.
"10,000. Starting bid." A Demon said, and the others nodded. My eyelids were heavy and my arms hurt from being tied back for so long. I had given up, and I was terrified for what was coming. I knew I fucked up, now I'll never see Joon again. On that, I'll never see anyone again. My head hurt and I was running on empty. "What's your Surname Seokjin?" The leader asked, and I mumbled a "Kim" giving up. He quickly wrote something down on a piece of paper before looking at the others. "This Sunday an auction will be held on Kim Seokjin, a male mortal. All welcome. Starting bid is 10,000 gold." The leader read, and the room was silent.
"There will be no auction on Sunday." A voice suddenly said, and everyone turned to a cloaked figure. I couldn't see their face, but it was intimidating. A Darkness surrounded him, and I gulped. "Who the Hell are you?" The leader asked straightening his back. Then, the hood was pulled down and there stood none other than Kim Namjoon. What made him stand out the most however, was a silver crown that was placed upon his head. It had points all around it, and had delicate engravings on it. My breath hitched, and my mind wasn't processing anything. "Your highness, this must be some misunderstanding." The leader said flashing his eyes between me and Joon. "Oh really? Please tell me." He said moving closer and the leader backed away. "He's mortal. He caused a distraction so we took him. We were going to auction him away. I'm sure you would understand." He said, and Joon walked over to me and lifted my chin up. I was too weak to smile, but I could see the rage in his eyes for my captors. On that, rather than his warm brown eyes, he had blood red ones, eyes that even scared the shit out of me. "You see, he's not yours to auction. He's mine." Namjoon said turning to my captors. I could see the "Oh shit." Look on their faces.
"Oh my, we are extremely sorry your highness, we didn't know." One Demon said, but Namjoon brought his attention back to me. "He's hurt. He can't even talk." He said, and I felt my heart sink. "Sir we can fix him, please forgive us." The leader pleaded, but Namjoon wasn't having any of it. "It doesn't matter. You hurt him in the first place. Nobody hurts what is mine and you all know that. Now, begone. You disgust me." He said, before snapping his fingers and screams occurring as their bodies instantly caught flame before turning to ash. He then quickly untied me and pulled me in for an embrace. We then teleported to our chambers where my body went limp on him. He held me close and ran his hands through my hair. "Baby, you scared the shit out of me. Thank god I got to you in time." He told me, and I felt the tears finally come. "I'm sorry, I'm so stupid." I said and he rubbed my back. "Jin, promise me something." He said breaking the embrace so we could make eye contact. "Promise me that you won't go anywhere with my permission first. Promise me that you will never leave this palace without my accompany." He told me and I nodded. "I promise." I said before closing my eyes and burying my head into his chest. "Okay, let's get into bed. It's okay Baby, you're safe as long as you're with me." He said and I nodded before drifting off into sleep.

Hey guys! So I'm watching the Olympics and I love Adam Rippon so fucking much. He's just so good and graceful and just amazes me so much. I just can't express my love for him. He literally has me star struck or something lol. I hope you enjoyed!
             - e.s

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