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It was quiet as nerves filled the air. Jungkook was getting fitted for his boyfriend's coronation, and he was nervous as Hell. He had never been to a coronation, or even had an outfit fitted for himself before. But here he was, both happening on the same day. The collar was adjusted and the tailor smiled. "You're all set Mr. Jeon." He said and Jungkook smiled before watching as the tailor exited the room. He looked at himself in the mirror, and smiled at his reflection. His coat was navy blue with grey and white designs running up the sleeves and waist. It was silky smooth, the inside and out. His shirt was white, with ruffles on the collar. His pants were black and so were his shoes. Jungkook walked out of the room and knocked on his boyfriend's door. "Come in." A female voice called and Jungkook entered.
"Oh baby you look so good." His boyfriend Taehyung said as he was getting his hair and makeup done. "Thanks." Jungkook said shyly as he adjusted his coat. Taehyung's brown hair was being put to perfection as makeup covered every imperfection, even though Jungkook couldn't see any. "Jungkook, come back here!" A voice called from the other room and Jungkook sighed looking at his boyfriend. "Go bunny." Taehyung said and Jungkook nodded before walking back into his room for his own hair and makeup to be done.

Jungkook walked down the hallway as commotion scattered the palace. This didn't help Jungkook's nerves, he didn't want to disturb anyone at work. He pulled out his most beloved necklace, and twirled it in between his fingers. It was a symbol of his love for his boyfriend, the blood bond he made so many months ago. He kept walking and soon ran into his close friend, Jin. He was dressed and ready, looking more gorgeous then ever. He was getting married soon as well, his blue engagement ring glittering in the candlelight. He smiled at his friend, and waved him over. "What's up?" Jungkook asked as Jin looked down. "What design should go on the cake?" Jin asked as he pointed at his almost finished, five-teared wedding cake. It was black of course, because white was basically a forbidden colour in Hell. Matter a fact, the whole theme of the wedding was black. "I don't know, something black?" He asked and his friend hit him gently. Jin had changed a lot since first coming to Hell, his once pink hair now brown, and while he used to wear bright colours, he now mostly stuck to black, silver and red. It almost was like he was going though an emo phase, but that's what happens when you're the King of Hell's fiancé. "I mean, should I get flowers or something?" Jin asked and Jungkook looked at the cake. "Yeah, go for something red. But no Roses." Jungkook said and Jin sighed. "I'm not stupid, I know Roses are you and Taehyung's thing." Jin said and Jungkook smiled, knowing his friend had one thing right. "On Taehyung, here comes the star of the show." Jin said and Jungkook turned to see Taehyung walking down the hall talking to every advisor who came running up to him. He had a serious look on his face, but his icy blue eyes were wild with excitement. "Hyung!" Jungkook called and his lover looked up. "Hi bunny." He said and Jungkook went to his boyfriend almost like a magnet.
Taehyung's black wings were folded back and his sparkling black jacket made everyone who walked by stop in their tracks. "You look... hot." Jungkook said but his face went red after he realised what came out of his mouth. Taehyung laughed, and kissed the top of his boyfriend's head. "Are you excited?" Taehyung asked and Jungkook half nodded. "It's a bit nerve racking." He said and Taehyung laughed again. "I guess you're right" He said before taking Jungkook's hand amd rubbing it soothingly. "Everyone in place! Mr. Kim and Jeon, it's time." A Demon said before whisking them away to begin the coronation.

It was dead silent as the lovers rode to the center for the coronation. An ancient pavilion, a place Jungkook never seen before. Jin and Namjoon's carriage was speeding ahead, before going down another way to get there faster. Jungkook gripped Taehyung's hand tightly, nerves filling his stomach. As they rode closer, the crowds got bigger. It seemed as if everyone in Hell was here, which wouldn't be surprising. Just as Jungkook remembered to breath, the cheering starting. Everyone was calling out Jungkook's lover's name. Taehyung however had a smile on his face, and Jungkook took deep breaths. "It's going to be okay baby." Taehyung said as if knowing Jungkook's emotions. "Anyways. We're here." Taehyung said as they pulled up to the pavilion. It was black stone, and large. Thousands were outside cheering and everyone of the upper class was inside the pavilion waiting. Taehyung kissed his boyfriend's hand, before the door opening exposing them to the open air.
Taehyung exited first, and the cheers just seemed to get louder at the sight of Hell's true leader. Then Jungkook stepped out, and everyone got even louder at Jungkook's first appearance to the public. Many stared, and many yelled, but Jungkook felt like crawling into a hole. Taehyung squeezed Jungkook's hand, before letting go.
Then Jungkook was escorted into the pavilion, waving and trying to look at much as a prince like as possible. But once he entered the pavilion, he stopped and looked straight ahead. It was dead silent inside, and Jungkook couldn't tell if they were just far more polite or if they were judging his every move. He decided to believe the first, and he walked to where a large red and black throne sat in the middle. He was put on the left, and looked to Namjoon, who was on the right side of the throne. Next to Namjoon were two men, who both looked a few thousand years old. They were in identical red robes but one held some sort of staff and the one closest to Namjoon held a pillow with a silver crown on it. He had seen it before, and he realised it was Namjoon's crown. A few seconds later two more old men appeared but on Jungkook's side. The one next to Jungkook held a pillow with a pure black crown on it, with hundreds on black gemstones on it. After a few seconds, it dawned on Jungkook. That was his crown. He stiffened up, and forced himself to look ahead.
Time seemed to move slow, as Taehyung entered the pavilion. His black jacket glittered, and he was wearing a blood red, silver and black cape that changed colours as he walked. It was magical, and seemed to take everyone's breath away as the crowd went silent. As he walked, his pitch black wings were out and everyone stared. He had not emotion on his face, and Jungkook suddenly felt a wave of emotions fill him. He had to keep it together though, the future prince of Hell couldn't cry. So he just stared as music started playing. It was regal, and Taehyung walked in step, he knew exactly what to do. After what felt like years, Taehyung was standing next to him, and they made eye contact. Now all three in the middle had their wings folded and everyone watched them. First the old man next to Namjoon walked out, and the music stopped. He looked at everyone and began to speak. "All rise to Prince Namjoon the valiant, who will rise in the battles for Purgatory in the near future." The man said loudly and everyone stood. Then the pillow he held disappeared and his gloved hands held Namjoon's crown. Namjoon watched as the old man carefully placed the crown on Namjoon's head and everyone clapped. The man walked back to where he was standing, and the man next to Jungkook walked up. Fear filled up his body, and he began to shake. He breathed carefully and tried to keep calm. "All hail to Prince Jungkook, the magnanimous, who brought our ruler back home and will soon bring all of Hell to glory." The man spoke out and Jungkook froze. Then the pillow disappeared and the black crown was placed upon Jungkook's head, and everyone cheered for him. But he stood still, absolutely terrified.
     Last was Taehyung, who had trouble not smiling. The man of Namjoon's side walked out first and gave Taehyung the staff. "I give this staff to signify our glorious and true ruler." He said and Taehyung gripped it tightly. Then the last man walked up, holding Taehyung's crown. Jungkook had trouble not letting his mouth drop, but it was stunning. It was silver and had many intricate woven pieces of metal. On the metal was rubies and obsidian gems, surrounding the whole crown. Jungkook stared at it, and wondered why he had never seen it until now. He looked past that however, and looked at his lover. "All hail King Taehyung the magnificent, and Hell's true ruler." The man said before placing the crown on Taehyung's head. "Long live the King!" He yelled and the crowd roared. Everyone was cheering and I looked to see Jin in the front row crying. The people next to him were cheering and trying to ignore Jin's breakdown.

Taehyung stepped in front and looked at Jungkook to come to him. His boyfriend did, and they interlocked hands. The crowd went back down to silence, knowing that it was time for their King to speak. "Everyone! The time has finally come. I am back after many, many years, and now I'm here to stay. Now, who's ready to take Purgatory?" Taehyung said loudly amd everyone cheered. "Ah, good. Do you all know what's next after Purgatory?" He asked and silence filled the air. Taehyung smiled, a dark menacing smile. "After Purgatory, we'll take Heaven once and for all!" He shouted and everyone lost it. People were yelling and screaming. "After so many centuries of being brought down, Jungkook and me will bring glory back to Hell!" Taehyung shouted over everyone and even more screaming began. Taehyung rose up his and Jungkook's hands, showing that he was being completely, totally serious about his future intentions.


     Joy and laughter filled the air as everyone danced in the palace ballroom. After the ceremony, there was a huge feast and now the dance. Of course at this time it was only upperclassmen in the ballroom, but the excitement still spread throughout Hell. Taehyung and Jungkook sat in the front, watching as everyone moved around. It was a peaceful silence between the two, as their hands interlocked on the table. Both crowns upon their heads, but neither spoke of what happened earlier. Taehyung promised to bring glory back to Hell, but Jungkook wasn't sure about how he, out of everyone would be part of it. After a small battle where he only killed  an Angel and Human, he didn't even want to imagine killing so many more. But he didn't say anything on the topic to his lover, who he didn't want to upset.
     "Can I have your attention?" The conductor of the orchestra asked and everyone looked up, including the lovers. "We will now be holding the Ball's first official dance. King Taehyung, will you please lead?" The man asked and Taehyung smiled. He nodded and pulled Jungkook up with him to the dance floor. The lovers walked to the middle under the large chandelier, and Taehyung bowed to his partner. Jungkook blushed and took his hand as the dance began.
     After a bit it was clear that Namjoon and Jin were the stars of the show. They danced everything perfectly in sync, which was odd for the fact that both were terrible dancers alone. Taehyung and Jungkook were both in their own world however, dancing together and devouring every moment of each other. The celebration would continue when Namjoon and Jin got married, then lead on for a bit longer. But when the time came that they would actually have to work were forgotten for the moments that they were in each other's presence. Jungkook smiled at his lover and despite being happy, he was drained from the day's events. So after about as long as he could handle, the lovers retreated to their room. It was nice to just be the two of them after being in the public and meeting new people.
    Jungkook finally took his crown off, which fitted his head perfectly and was surprisingly comfortable for a piece of metal, and placed it on a table. Seconds after Taehyung placed his crown down and they sat next to each other. Jungkook sighed in relief as Taehyung took his hand and led him to bed. "Tae, I'm sorry for freaking out earlier." He spoke and Taehyung smiled. "It's okay. I was nervous my first time around too." He said and Jungkook looked at him. "You? Nervous?" He asked and his lover nodded. "I was terrified. At that time I became the official ruler of Hell. There wasn't anyone before me. I didn't know if I'd be good or not." He said and Jungkook. "Well everyone loves so you couldn't have been bad." Jungkook said and Taehyung laughed. "I guess you're right there, but I know I'll be even better with you by my side." And those were the last words spoken before the younger fell asleep in his lovers arms, content and excitement for what was to come.

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