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Jung Hoseok POV

I ran through the forest tears streaming down my face. I couldn't even process what he said to me. Was I really a selfish coward? I never thought about it that way but he was probably right. My father always called me a coward because I would rather keep my head in a book and learn new things rather than fight. I always told him I wanted to be a philosopher but he never listened. My mother always supported me but it never worked out.
     I kept running trying to get as far away from that damn mansion until I had started to run out of breath. I saw the pond in my line of vision so I kept going. I pushed myself farther however, and the second I got there I collapsed onto the grass. My breathing was heavy and my thoughts clouded up. I looked down at the ground and spit blood out of my mouth. I began to cough and even more blood came out. My vision was blurry from tears but I needed to wash off all of the blood  I quickly took off my jacket, shirt, shoes and shirt and I dived (more of fell) into the water.
     The water was freezing because of the cold air but I tried to focus on wiping the blood off. I spat into the water and I eventually emerged from the water. I shook my hair and breathed heavily clearing my thoughts. My left eye had swollen shut which didn't help and bruises had started to form on my stomach arms and hands. The skin had broken in my knuckles and they were sore. I stretched out my wings and luckily they were the only thing that weren't harmed. I mostly fought in my human form but I needed the extra strength. I looked at the large black wings and frowned. I hated them, I just wish I wasn't turned into a demon. I had thought about cutting them off so many times but I knew it wouldn't end well because I wouldn't be able to go to Hell and check in. I never told Taehyung, but I was also the kings right-hand man. Apparently being smart is more helpful when you're dead rather than alive.
     I got out of the water and dried off before putting my clothes back on. I sat at the small pond and I finally decided to process what had happened. I felt anger bubble inside me thinking about everything I had done for him but sadness took over as I realised nothing would be the same. I wondered if he realised what he said, or if he is as cold as he seems. I felt tears drop down my face as I began to think about all the memories me and Taehyung had together and I almost felt them turn from happy memories to sad and nostalgic ones. The tears fell harder as I remembered the first time we went. I remember he promised that nobody could hurt me as I long I stayed by his side. It hurt me most as I realised that the only person that had ever done harm to me was Taehyung himself, he broke the rule he made himself.

I said there just crying for what seemed like hours but was probably only ten minutes thinking about everything until the noise of rustling leaves erupted. I froze knowing that these words were made so that no animal could live here and no wind was anywhere. That meant I wasn't alone.
I thought about my choices and realised I didn't have many. The first was to run to the mansion but that's the last place I wanted to be right now. The second was to they to find out who was there, but that seemed like a really bad idea. Choice three? Hide. So that's what I did.
     I walked quietly to a nearby section of bushes and looked around to see if anyone was near. I turned around when I saw seven men all ready to kill me. Okay well make that more of four. I fell to the ground and looked at them realising it was too late to transform as my wings were fanned out for the world to see.
     "Who the Hell are you?" One of them asked a gun pointed right at me. "That's none other than Jung Hoseok, a pretty famous demon if you ask me." Someone said emerging to the front. I looked up and nearly shit my pants. It was Min Yoongi. "Look please don't kill me, I've had enough for one day." I suddenly said and I wanted to slap myself in the face. "Hoseok you've been on my list for years now." Yoongi said before taking out his shiny blade. It gleamed in the moonlight and the designs in the metal made it stand out from any regular blade. It was Min Yoongi's blade, different than any other blade made, it was a blade that no demon ever wanted to see. I took a beep breath realising I was screwed. "Yoongi wait." Another voice said pushing through the others and walking to me. He kneeled down and looked at me. He turned around and told the others to put down their guns. I couldn't believe it when they actually did but the looks on their faces were not approving.
     "So why can't we kill him?" One asked looking at me. "Yoongi you said he's a famous demon, right?" The man said who was kneeling in front of me said looking at Yoong and he nodded. "If anybody can help us he will." He said and I realised that's why he doesn't want to kill me. He wants information. "I'll help you, if that's what you want." I said surprisingly confidently. "For what? I know how you demons are." One said. "First, I would like to be healed. I just got into a fight with a very important person." I said looking at Yoongi and he rolled his eyes. "Also, you can't kill me. None of you. Ever." I said clearly which was a bit shocking. "Is that all?" Yoongi asked. "Well, I want to know who you all are, and if this doesn't work out, you can't kill me." I finally said and they looked at each other. "Yoongi, we need to talk." One of the men said and he nodded before walking away.
     "I'm Jimin by the way." The boy with silver hair said smiling at me. "So, how are you with all of them? You don't seem that dangerous." I said and he laughed. "Me and Yoongi are a thing. Well I mean we haven't made anything official." I nodded looking up at the sky. "So what happened to you?" Jimin asked pointing at my black eye. "I got into a fight. Not much too it." I said he nodded looking over to the others who were deep in conversation. "What do they think about you?" I said looking at the men Yoongi was conversing with. "I don't know. I don't think they trust me." He said frowning as they walked back over to us.
     Yoongi stuck out his hand to Jimin and pulled him up. I stood up before changing into my human form. "So..." I said looking at them. "It's a deal." One of them said putting his knife away. "I'm Brian, this is Wonpil, that's Dowoon, Jaehyung and Sungjin." One said pointing to the others. "They're hunters and I'm an angel." Dowoon said before walking to me and healing everything. I mumbled a thanks before stretching. "So what do you need to know?" I said a small smile forming. "Where is Jeon Jungkook?" Yoongi said looking at me. I laughed lightly and looked at them. "Jungkook is with no other than Kim Taehyung." I said as Yoongi's expression changed. "Are you serious?" He asked and I nodded. "Well, do we have to kill this dude?" Brain asked looking at Yoongi. "You can't kill him." I said looking at them. "Wait why?" Yoongi asked looking at me as if I was lying. "He put a spell over his mansion and the surrounding area so that no type of magic could be used except his own. That means spells, devil traps, certain weapons and such won't work on him. He also made it so only people who have made deals with with him and me can find the mansion. Also it has a lock." I said trying not laugh. "So how are we going to do this?" Wonpil asked looking at the others. "Well, I will leave the door unlocked. You just have to get them out somehow. After all, Taehyung hasn't gotten his wings back yet." I added and Yoongi looked at me. "What do you mean yet?" Yoongi said his voice suddenly shaky. "What do you think?" I said. "Okay, are you going to show us the way?" Sungjin said and I nodded. "One more thing once I go in you have to wait a half hour. I want to get my favourite books." I said a lie escaping my lips. All of the original copies are in the king's libary. But they don't have to know that. "Okay." Brian said and I smiled as I walked in front and began to lead the way to the mansion.

Ooooo we're finally getting somewhere in the book (Not really though). I had my last band concert for the winter tonight and I'm sad now. We have like two month break from band which will be nice cause I can get some writing done. But it's close to the holidays so yay! I hope you enjoyed!
- e.s

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