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Park Jimin POV

I got out of the shower and grabbed a towel. I hadn't showered in a while, being bed ridden for a day or so. Yoongi and the others had insisted on having me rest even though I wasn't that bad off. Jae had it much worse, he was still in bed today. I yawned as I dried off my body and shook my hair out. The water drops were tinted pink from the hair dye and turned the towel pink. I wrapped the towel around my waist before walking to the mirror. I then brushed, parted, and sprayed my hair to get it how I wanted it. I smiled in the mirror before opening the cabinet and grabbing my makeup bag. I quickly did my eyes and lips before putting the bag away again deciding it was enough. I hummed slightly as I stepped around the bathroom carefully. I twirled and laughed as I grabbed my clothes. I put on my boxers and heard a knock on the door which caused me to freeze. "Who is it?" I asked calmly looking at the door. "Who do you think?" Yoongi asked from the other side and I laughed. "You can come in I guess." I said and the door clicked open.

"Oh, I could've waited." He said his cheeks tinted red and I smiled. "It's fine. I'm almost done anyways." I said before putting on my pants. Yoongi went through the cabinets before taking out some sleeping pills. He looked at the date in the bottle before putting the bottle in his pocket. "How much have you gained lately?" He asked looking at my stomach. "A bit." I said shyly and he frowned. "Lovey, you look better, but still not great." Yoongi said and I looked down to my flat stomach. "I'm trying." I said weakly and he smiled encouragingly. "Good. Now come give me a hug." He said opening his arms and I obeyed. I hugged him tightly and he rested his head on mine. I closed my eyes and sighed before breaking the hug. "I should really finish getting dressed." I said and he laughed nodding. "Sorry Jiminnie, I'll be in the kitchen if you're looking for me." He said cheerfully and I nodded before he waved goodbye before leaving. I quickly turned and finished getting dressed before exiting the bathroom to go check in my resting friend.

"Jimin, come here" Yoongi's voice called once I exited the bathroom. I walked to the dinning room where Yoongi was. "what's up?" I asked as I entered the room. He was stirring something in a pot and I came closer. "I'm working on some old spells and such. I was wondering if you could help." He said and I smiled. "what do I need to do?" I asked and he waved me come close. I did and I stared into the pot. The dark liquid swirled as Yoongi stirred it. He pulled out the bottle of pills he had taken earlier. He poured the whole bottle in and they sizzled and bubbled. A foul smell erupted and as if on cue, me and Yoongi turned away and coughed. A few seconds later we came back up and Yoongi tossed the empty bottle in the trash. "You see the book on the table? Can you get it for me?" He asked and I turned to where it was. I picked it up and flipped through the pages. The cover was leather and it looked like it hadn't been used in years. There were still cracks in the spine, which showed that at once point it had been used a lot. I handed the book to Yoongi and he flipped through the pages. "There's a certain spell in here that makes a healing potion. However, if it is consumed by any biblical being, they will die in seconds. It's not used often for that reason, but it was commonly used in ancient wars to heal humans." He said before stopping on a page. "So if I drank it, I would be fine, but you drank it you would die?" I asked and he looked at me. "Kinda, if you drank it but you weren't hurt physically, you would also die." He said and I nodded stepping back. "So, are there spells for stuff like emotional pain?" I asked and he nodded. "Not here, but you could find dozens of spell books on emotional stuff up in Heaven's library. You can find so much stuff there, it's huge. Second biggest library on earth." He said proudly. "What's the biggest then?" I asked and his smile faded. "Hell's library. They have so much more than us. We only have spells and such, but they have a copy of almost everything ever written in history. The only things they don't have are super secretive and only God himself can read making them kinda useless." He said sighing. "Can I make a guess that not many take that library to an advantage?" I said and he nodded. "Do you remember that Demon Hoseok?" He asked and I nodded. "By what I know, that Demon is too smart for his own good. I'm not sure if it's true but I've heard he has been studying in there for years. He knows where everything is and has read almost all of it. He's been a Demon for hundreds of years and he hasn't gotten through everything in there. I would safely assume he's smarter than the Devil himself. That makes him a deadly weapon that could cost thousands of lives." He said looking at me. I messed with my fingers and looked up at the ceiling. "That's all very interesting, but you never got to tell me why you're making that potion." I said and he laughed. "Oh yeah, it's for Jae. Do you think you could give it to him when you go visit?" He asked and I nodded. "Anything for you Yoongi." I said cheerfully kissing him on the cheek.
I entered Jae's room and smiled at Brian who was sitting next to his bed. He had a cold worried stare on his face and didn't even look up once at my presence. He was holding one of Jae's hands, running his own hands along Jae's stiff fingers. "Brian, I can take watch for a bit." I said quietly and he finally looked up. "Okay." He said and I walked closer to Jae's resting body. "Take a break, I'll stay here until you come back." I said and he reluctantly let go of Jae's hand. "If he wakes up, call me in." He said quietly before exiting the room. I sat down in his spot and sighed before putting down the drink Yoongi had made. "Jae, if you can hear this, just know I'm sorry. When we went exploring, I didn't think anything bad would happen." I stopped talking and looked away. The images flashed in my mind and I held them back. "I didn't know that you would still be in bed because of this. I'm sorry, I really am. I'm sorry for trying to make you feel better and messing up." I finished sighing deeply. I looked down at my hands and frowned. "I'm really bad at caring for people. Just know that everyone has your back even if it doesn't seem like it sometimes. You're never alone." I added and that was it. He didn't reply, so I just sat there in silence listening to his deep breaths waiting for anything. Brian to come back, a sign of life, Yoongi to come to tell me it's lunch but nothing happened. We just sat there in silence and it hurt. I felt guilty for messing up so badly, and I felt like a nuisance to everyone else. I didn't feel like I belonged and I felt it would be better to go home. But I didn't do anything, I just sat there lost in my own thoughts unaware of what was going on everywhere outside of my mind.

     A scream was heard from down the hallway and I shot up. I frowned looking at Jae and muttered a sorry before silently slipping through the door to where the scream was heard from.  A loud "What the fuck!" Erupted and I froze. I looked foreword and saw Sungjin on the floor unconscious. Blood came out of his nose and mouth and fear went through my body. I moved foreword silently afraid of what I would see. I heard a loud bang before a thump was heard and a knew someone else went down. I breathed in and continued. "If you even try to hurt Jae, I will slit all of your throats slowly and painfully." I heard Brian say and I realised that something, or someone was here that wasn't supposed to be. I knew Yoongi wouldn't do that, neither would Dowoon, and everyone was unable to be causing this right now. "Oh, I'm so scared of a petty little hunter." I heard the another voice say before a crash and Brian flew across the room. I stood in horror as he crashed into a table. He tried to get up, but the blow was too bad. He looked over to me and froze. He mouthed a "Run." but I had nowhere to go. He closed his eyes, and like the others, was useless. I turned around and picked up a glass vase. I walked foreword slowly, and froze when I spotted the intruders. They were dressed in all black, and had black eyes. I guessed they were demons, I don't think angels would do this if Yoongi was an angel. I looked around realising that they didn't know I was here yet. I looked and saw Yoongi on the floor. I covered my mouth holding back a scream, and tears threatened to spill. He was bleeding and his snow white wings were stained crimson red. I held the vase tighter and prepared myself to swing. I took a step foreword letting anger fill me but the Demons turned and caught me.
     In a matter of seconds I was pinned to a wall and the Demon breathed down my neck. If I thought I was scared before, I was wrong. I'm scared now. "You're a pretty one." The Demon said and I breathed shallowly. "What do you think boss?" another Demon said picking a few things up. He pocketed a gold watch that Brian was wearing and looked for anything else that was worth stealing. "I think we should we should take this one. He's pretty enough to keep for myself." The Demon said coldly running his fingers along my neck. "Leave me alone. I am not something you can just own." I said trying to act tough. "Can I take a guess that you're that one's?" He said pointing to Yoongi and I sighed. He smiled before yanking me off the wall and to the table. "Find me a piece of paper and pen." The Demon that was holding me said to the other and he nodded before hurrying away. "Clearly Min Yoongi thinks of you highly, so I think it would be best if you wrote the note." He said and I looked at him in disbelief. "I won't do shit for you." I said and he laughed. "You will soon."

     I carefully wrote everything he said down on the paper in fear. The knife that was held on my neck was tight, and I feared for my life. It's funny how fast you can change your mind when it's a life or death situation, I'm starting to realise why Hoseok was so fast to help us in the woods, he feared for his life, and most would've done the same. The demon was telling me to write a random note in my own handwriting, which is pretty fucked up. I didn't oblige though, I want to be able to kiss Yoongi goodbye when I die. "Are you finished?" The Demon asked and I nodded before signing at the bottom. "Good." He said before slamming my head on the table and into darkness.


Hey guys! So it was wicked gross ouside today so we had a delay because the roads were bad then my bus crashed and totaled a car (Yay). I had never been in a car accident before, so it was pretty scary. We were stuck on the bus for two hours and I didn't even get to go home after. Also, I have plans for another book (Or maybe two?) that won't upload until this book finishes. anyway, I hope you enjoyed!

- e.s

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