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Kim Taehyung POV

     "This way Bunny." I said walking throught the halls after breakfast. Me and Jungkook were supposed to meet Namjoon in the training room awhile ago, but we woke up late and just ate. Jungkook trailed a bit behind me, he was tired after a meal. I pulled him into the training room and took a deep breath before opening the door to the small room.

     "Look who decided to show up." Namjoon called out and Joshua and Jihoon both stifled a laugh. I frowned and walked over to the weapons wall. "Sorry Namjoon, we, and by that I mean, I woke up late. We came as fast as we could." Jungkook quickly apologized, giving me a side eye. "I accept your apology Jungkook." Namjoon said and Jungkook gave him a smile before taking his Knives from me. I knew that Namjoon was still mad at me however, but he learned not to take our problems out on Jungkook. "Alright I'm gonna go to one of the target rooms for a while you guys work on some other stuff." Jungkook said and I smiled at him as he exited.
    "You know, I really can't tell if you have Jungkook wrapped around your finger, or if you're wrapped around his." Namjoon spoke out and I turned to look at him. "What are you going on about Namjoon?" I asked before straitening my back out to look at him fully. "Well, you two seem to go back and forth about who has control Taehyung. Are you going to tie him down or let him fly away to never come back?" He asked, and I rolled my eyes. Is this what he thinks our relationship is? A battle for power? "Namjoon I really don't understand what you're trying to say." I said and this time he rolled his eyes. "Come on Taehyung. Did you just get dumber over the years? It's pretty damn clear that I basically control everything Jin does. I got him wrapped around my finger, he's in the palm of my hand. He hasn't even asked me about going back to his home, family, or friends. You need to take control of your relationship." Namjoon said, and all of a sudden I felt a pit of anger fill my stomach.

     "Namjoon, I'm letting him make his own decisions, it's not for me to control. Matter a fact, if he makes the decision to go to the light side I'm not going to stop him. And anyway, the only reason why Jin's really wrapped around your finger is because you took all of his memories of what you've done in the first place. He doesn't deserve the monster that you are." I said and he froze, his face turning a bit red from anger.

     "Hey are you guys going to just do this for the next half hour or what?" A voice asked and both of us looked over at Joshua and Jihoon, who we both realized had been staring there watching and listening in the whole time. I felt embarrassment turn my cheeks pink and I looked at Namjoon. "Oh yeah, sorry. Let's get started then." I apologized before pulling out my sword.

     "Alright, I'm good for today." Jungkook said as he entered the room. We hadn't done much, I was just reviewing certain thrusts and stabs I was rusty on with Jihoon. I stopped and looked at him, beads of sweat ran across his forehead. "Show me baby boy." I said testing his skills and he nodded before walking to the small targets in the room. I stood next to I'm and everyone silently watched as he threw the knives. One after another, they all hit the bull's eye. I smiled at him, but secretly a ping of nerves filled my stomach. What if Namjoon is right? What if Jungkook tries to overthrow me once I get the crown back? The worst part however was the look on his face, no fear that he would miss, I could feel the dark energy flowing into his veins already. As much as I hated to say it, I really couldn't tell what side he will be on. Moments like this I can see the darkness in him, but when talking with others and just in general I can also see the light inside his soul. I patted him on the back however, I couldn't let him see that I was worried for him.

     "Nice job Jungkook. Are you going to work on some sword fighting before lunch?" Namjoon asked and Jungkook nodded before putting his knives back and grabbing a random sword off the rack. "I have to use the bathroom so I'll be back so you guys can go one on one while I'm gone." Joshua said and I nodded as he  put down his weapon and quickly exited the room. "I'll go against Jungkook." Jihoon said and Jungkook nodded and I looked at Namjoon, who I was to go against. "Unguard monsieur." Namjoon said before pulling at his sword and pointing it's razor sharp blade at me. "Prêt à perdre?" I said back and he gave me a mean look before beginning the fight.

     I breathed out heavily as Namjoon attacked me. I had managed to block every single thrust and attempt to kill me, but I wasn't in very good shape. He moved fast, almost to fast for a practice round. However, I stopped blocking him, and started making my own advances toward him. It was silent except the clanging on metal with ever blow we took. I wasn't even sure If Jungkook and Jihoon were still fighting, I was too busy to look. We traveled across the room and I looked at Namjoon, who was clearly intending to do more damage to me than I to him. I fought back brutally though, pulling fast ones and tricks that I hadn't done in so long to fend him off. The farther we went the more frustrated he got however, and I was worried. "Namjoon, calm down." I finally spoke out, but he didn't listen. "Shut the Hell up Taehyung." He told me, before moving his sword a bit to close to my face than what was comfortable. I could feel the anger and Darkness inside him with every move, and that was the moment I realized that Namjoon was who I really should be concerned about.

     Only seconds after that realization Namjoon's sword slashed my arm and cut right through my jacket and shirt sending me off guard. A few more swings and he had cut me in other places before sending my sword clattering to the ground and pushing me hard so I also fell to the cold hard floor. I breathed heavily as he leaned next to me, sword to my throat. My head throbbed and I looked up to look him in the eyes. My breath then hitched, his eyes were blood red. I noticed a cloud of darkness around him, and I couldn't push him off of me. "Namjoon, please get off of me." I pleaded but he just smiled. "Ah Taehyung, the things I have learned while you were gone. You're so stupid, I'm not giving up my throne without a fight, especially when you have that little pet around. I can kill you easily, I could right now at that." He said before moving away from me. "Namjoon! What the fuck?" Jungkook cried out before shoving Namjoon onto the floor and off of me. Jungkook looking at me worried and I gave him a small smile. "I'm okay baby. Don't you ever worry about me." I said and he nodded before looking back to Namjoon. He was on the floor not moving, and Joshua and Jihoon were both kneeling next to him. "He's breathing, but passed out. In the time that me and Joshua have worked here, something like that has never happened." Jihoon said still watching Namjoon. "Alright, I'll take Taehyung up to fix his cuts and get him a change of clothes. Do you want me to call Jin down?" Jungkook asked as he helped me up. "No, I think we should keep this a secret." Joshua said and Jihoon nodded. "Yeah, nobody can tell Jin. Got it?" I said and everyone hastily nodded before Jungkook pulling me out of the room.

     "What even happened?" Jungkook asked as he healed the cuts Namjoon gave me. "I don't even know. It was like something over took him. A darkness surrounded him that even I hadn't ever seen around someone before like that. "Really? That's so odd because- oh never mind." He said before stopping himself. "What baby? Tell me even if you don't want to." I said looking at him.
     "Well, the night we got into our fight, after I left dinner, Namjoon followed me. He had the same darkness that you seem to describe, I mean, he did try to kill me." He said looking at me nervously. "Oh no. This might not be good." I said looking at my hand. "It's not our problem now Hyung, we need to go eat." Jungkook said and I nodded before reluctantly standing up to follow him out.

Hey guys! Not much to say today so I'll keep it short. I hope you enjoyed!
                 - e.s

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