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Park Jimin POV

     I poked at the slop that was my food and pushed the horrible smelling tray away to the other corner of the room. I balled myself back up and looked up. The black ceiling was menacing and there was little light. I sighed and hoped that someone, anyone would come and talk to me. The guards didn't talk to me, they just yelled and forced answers out me until I passed out or gave them everything they wanted. I missed Yoongi, even though I don't it has even been that long. It had probably only been a day or two, but there is no way to keep track of time. I frowned and itched my back sighing. There wasn't even any other prisoners to talk to, but I'm not even sure where I am. My stomach had that pain that I had finally gotten rid of because of Yoongi. I couldn't even tell how long until I would die from hunger because I had grown to be able to go over a week without eating or drinking anything. I looked at the chains on my wrists and how tight they had to put them on because of my skinny wrists. I ran my fingers along the metal and picked off the dried blood. The problem is though, when I woke up I was already here so I don't know how bad I was banged up coming here.

     I heard footsteps coming down the hallway and the soon the large doors that kept me here were opened. One of the guards entered and picked up the tray of slop. "Are you going to eat?" He asked and I shook my head. "Are you ever going to eat?" He asked and I shook my head again. "My master isn't going to be happy if you die you know." He said and I frowned. "And why is that my problem?" I asked and he took a step back. "Getting feisty are you?" He scoffed and I straightened my back out. "What if I am?" I asked letting a bit of confidence fill my body. "I could beat the shit out of you and do a lot worse if that's what you're looking for." He said and I frowned. "Is there anything else you need because frankly, I like the silence more than your annoying posh voice." I said and the guard frowned before walking close to where I sat on the floor. He placed the food down before moving only inches away from me. "I could cut off those pretty lips of yours so your boyfriend can never kiss them again. Or I can ruin them in a special way of my own if you would rather that." He said before licking his own lips. I shrunk back and looked at the guard. "You wouldn't." I said walking on a thin line. "I guess you're right there. You're too pretty to lose you're lips." He said moving even closer. I put my head against the wall and let out a small breath. "Get away from me." I spoke softly and he gave me a dark look. "You know, when Min Yoongi is killed they're not going to need you anymore. You're one of the only people with fresh blood coursing through your veins here and many of us want it. And if anyone is going to get it, it will be me. So you better be careful now or you are going to have it a lot worse when you get out of here." He said so close to me and I stayed silent. "That's what I thought. I'll see you later pretty boy." He said before moving away from me. "Don't call me pretty boy." I said sharply thinking about all the times Yoongi had called me that name. "Excuse me?" He said back and I sat up before moving unto my knees. "Don't call me pretty boy." I said and I could see anger rising inside his eyes. "What are you going to do about it? Did your boyfriend call you that?" He asked and I nodded. "Him and him only." I said and he  pulled a knife put from his belt. "If that's what you really want." he said before walking closer to me with a dark grin.

     I lied on the floor and blood slowly dripped through my hands. The guard had cut my face in multiple places and cut my shirt open and cut my chest also. He left at that, and my whole body burned. I sighed and moved so I was on my back. Only minuets before, my screams of agony tore through the silence I was in and now it was just full of gasp filled breaths and muffled sobs. My whole chest burned and my hands were covered in a crimson red that made me throw up nothing. Tears streamed down my face burning my skin and I worried if the cuts on my face would leave scars. It felt exactly how it was, knives drove into my skin leaving large marks across my skin. I muffled the cries and imagined Yoongi next to me telling me I was okay and was all just a bad dream. But it wasn't and images of Yoongi lying on the ground motionless haunted me every moment I closed my eyes. I hoped he was okay, and as much as it hurt, I hoped he wouldn't try to save me because it would probably get him killed. I hoped everyone was okay, I hope Jae had woken up and everyone only suffered minor injuries. I knew I was just causing trouble for everyone else, and I should've just stayed home where I can be sad and alone. I wouldn't have ever gotten in this mess in the first place and I wouldn't be sitting in a cell in the middle of nowhere profusely bleeding.

     I shut my eyes tightly when I heard loud footsteps running toward me. What made this place so bad was I couldn't see what was going on around me but I could hear it all. The steps came to a sudden halt and I opened my eyes as the large doors holding me here opened. Inside stepped a very familiar man and he ran next to me. "Holy..." He muttered as he looked at my wounds. He looked up at me, but I wasn't sure who it was. everything outside of Yoongi was slightly blurry. "Jimin, it's Hoseok. Do you  remember me?" he asked and I felt a huge "Oh Yeah." in my mind. He was the demon we talked to that night. It was so long ago now, but I remember him. We talked as the others talked to each other. He dressed even nicer than he was before and it made me wonder about him even more. "Y-yeah I remember you." I said but my voice came out dry and pain filled. He sighed and picked up my chained up wrist. "You haven't eaten have you?" He asked and I shook my head. "You've been here for almost a week Jimin. I didn't find out that you were here until this morning. I came as fast as I could." He said and I tried to smile at him. He quickly took off his coat and shirt before ripping it into wraps and putting it on my open wounds. I cringed and he muttering sorry a bunch. After he finished he had me sit up and to try to take deep breath breaths. I did so and he rubbed my back.

     "I'm going to find Yoongi. I'm going to get you out of here. You don't deserve to be here. If anything, I do." Hoseok said softly and I shook my head. "You can't get Yoongi. They'll kill him. The guards even told me that." I said back and he sighed. "You're going to die here Jimin, I can't let that happen. You did save my ass the night at the pond. I have to pay you back." He said and I frowned, knowing I wouldn't win this battle. "I can't get anyone else hurt. I can't risk Yoongi's life. I'm not worth it." I said and he ran his hands through my hair. "Yes you are. I'll protect Yoongi when he comes to get you. You're getting out of here, I swear on it." He said before frowning. I sighed, and he patted my back. "I'll try my best to come and see you soon. I have to go however, I can't let anyone know I'm here. Please, just try not to get hurt anymore. All you have to do is wait. It won't be too long, I promise." he said giving me an encouraging smile. "Thank you." was the last thing I said before he disappeared in a black cloud of mist.

     I sighed again, I didn't want anyone else to get hurt because of me. I lied back down, and closed my eyes before dozing off and hoping that I could dream about seeing Yoongi in my dreams and that everything was okay.

Hey guys, I'm wicked sick currently so I really want to die right now but whatever. Hope you enjoyed!
                         - e.s

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