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Kim Seokjin POV

     I looked around the classroom and shook my head. I didn't know what class I was in or what was going on, and it had been that way for the past few days. My mind was always on that dream world that I had been entering a lot more lately. I still didn't know what the place was but I didn't care. I liked it there and it had Joon, so I didn't really need anything else. I mean I loved my family but but I can get sick of them fairly easily.
     The odd part however is I'll be in random places when I fall asleep but I'll always wake up in my room. However I'm always tired which makes me wonder if this dream world is actually real and not just a dream. I try to tell Joon about this world but he has seemed off lately, and his dark circles have become more noticeable and he has just seemed generally weak and exhausted.
     "Jin, do you know the answer to number 3?" A voice said and I realised it was my teacher. I looked down at my blank paper and frowned. "Nope" I responded and she rolled her eyes. "Smart one dumbass." A voice behind me said and a few laughs were heard shortly after. I flipped them off and let myself zone back out for the rest of class.

Le magical time skip ~

     I sat in Art and Jimin was blabbing to me about the new guy, Yoongi. It was clear they had hit it off especially when Jimin stopped sitting with us at lunch to sit with Yoongi because I think Namjoon would have bashed Yoongi's face in if he sat with us again. From what Jimin had told me, Yoongi sounded like a cool guy but I still had to put my boyfriend first.
     Jungkook still hadn't been back at school in days and I was beginning to worry about him and what Mr. Kim could've done to him. I hoped that it wasn't bad and I hoped that he was okay but I had no way to be sure and I don't Think it would be smart to just show up at Mr. Kim's without him knowing first.
     "Jin, are you even paying attention?" Jimin said and I turned at him. I thought he stopped talking but I guess not, which is why he's calling me out now. "By the way, have you seen Jungkook lately? He hasn't been here since Halloween." Jimin added looking at the empty seat I front of the both of us. "Nope, I'm kinda worried about him though." I said but Jimin shook his head slightly. "I mean I only talked to him like twice and now I know if he liked me back, he would've said something, but he never did. So I don't care about where he could be as long as he's not dead." Jimin said looking at me before down at his paper. We all had projects that we were to have finished by the end of the semester and I realised everyone else was a lot farther than me. I looked at Jimin's and I smiled at it.
     It was a landscape drawing of two people watching a sunset sitting on an old car, I'm guessing the 1960's. The sky was shades of orange and yellow and the two people I soon realised were none other than Jimin and Yoongi. Jimin's hair was carrot orange like it was a few months ago, and Yoongi's was a mint green.
     I looked at my drawing and it looked horrible. I didn't even know what it was supposed to be, I think flowers but they looked like blobs. I couldn't do art for my life, I was so bad at it. I picked up the messy painting and dropped it in the trash. I changed my mind of what I was going to do.

     "Jin, class is almost over." Jimin said to me and I looked up. I had lost track of time redoing my project. It was really the end of class and I looked at my project. It was the throne room of my dream world, all done from memory. I mean I had been there just hours ago, but I wanted it to be correct. I had drawn out every single stone on the throne and I smiled at it while I put it away.

Another Le magical time skip~

    "Jinnnn" Joon groaned as I stood in the line at the local pharmacy to pick up sleeping medicine. "Look, if I don't get this I might die from lack of sleep." I told him before paying for the medicine. I loved the world I was always brought to every night, but It has started to take a toll on me and I needed sleep. By the way it looked, Joon could use some too. "When we go back to my place we're sleeping. No but's." I told him but he frowned. I hated to upset him, but he looked bad too. "Can I take you somewhere this weekend? I've been meaning to, I really think you'll like it." He said and I smiled. "Of course love, why would I say no to you?" I told him and he smiled.
    We exited the store and walked to the park nearby. I liked it there, it was cozy but also never packed with people. But the main reason why I liked it was because it was where I had my first kiss with Namjoon. That same night we made it official and still to this day I don't think anything could top that. It was August and it had rained all that day. I remember we were walking from school and I had forgotten my umbrella. So we shared one and well, it just happened. I loved to remember it, and I wonder if every time Namjoon comes here he thinks of us too.
     "I love you." Joon said to me and it sounded just as if it was the first time the words had come out of his mouth. I laughed gently and turned to face him. "I love you too." I responded before closing the gap between is and connecting our lips.

Hey guys! I actually just watched BTS on the AMA's before editing this, and damn they were good (I Still like B,S&T's more than DNA tho). Also, Wattpad is kinda glitchy rn so sorry if I missed anything. Hope you enjoyed!
                  - e.s (yeah I don't like "Em" anymore so suck it)

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