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Jung Hoseok POV

I walked out of the kitchen after grabbing a quick bite to eat then walked into the dinning room. Everyone else was sitting and chatting and I stayed silent hoping I could leave before anyone noticed I was ever there. Namjoon had told me to try to figure out why all of the taken memories all turned gold out of nowhere, but after a half hour I gave up and moved on. Currently I was in the middle of some scrolls that gave many details about certain types of demons. I knew that demons have Black, Blue, Red and rarely White eyes, all based on their ranks and powers, but I was learning about extremely rare demon types that had Grey and Orange eyes. They were very powerful, just under the rank of blue eyes, and there are so few in the world. I also learned about the extinct type of demons that had Green and Purple eyes, so rare and powerful that they were eventually killed by the council for Hell's safety. I was almost finished the scroll, the ancient scroll was a bit of challenging to read, but hopefully I would move on to mixed types by tonight.

I silently continued to the exit but I looked over and eye contact with Jin. I froze and he poked Namjoon and the arm. I mentally face palmed as Namjoon looked up at me. "Hoseok, where are you going?" He asked and I frowned at him. "I'm off to the library. Just reading up on some things." I said calmly and he frowned. "If you are just reading why don't you eat with us?" He asked and by now everyone's attention was on me. "Yeah Hoseok, eat with us." Jungkook said and I frowned. "I'm sorry I just want to get through what I'm reading currently. If I get sidetracked for too long, I will have to start over." I lied and Namjoon rolled his eyes. "Yeah, okay. Don't take too long. We are going to have to talk later." he said and I nodded. "Yeah, I know. Sorry, I will try to be here tomorrow." I said but before anything else could be said, I left the room in a dash trying not to loose the food I carried.

I yawned as I looked at the empty plate of food. I had just finished the scroll and it rolled off the table and onto the floor. I frowned at thought about just crawling into bed when I heard the large doors of the library open and close. I groaned internally and frowned as I heard not one, but two pairs of feet walk around the first floor. I was in a small secluded area in the back of the second floor, hidden from view and I wondered if I should just stay here and wait until they leave. Whoever was here probably wouldn't even to think to look here for me, but I decided to exit so incase they did find me, word would get out of where I was usually in the library.

I walked out and quickly made my way down stairs and weaving through rows of books to make it look like I came from the middle of the first floor rather than the back of the second. I exited and waved to Namjoon and Taehyung who spotted me from a stair case a bit away. "Hoseok, There you are!" he said before walking over to me. "Hey." I said walking over to them. "So, how was whatever you were reading?" Taehyung asked and I shrugged. "Interesting." I said blankly and he frowned. "You think everything is interesting." He said and I looked down. "Anyways, we came to talk to you about Yoongi and the other hunters." Namjoon said and I gulped. They better not know about what I did. It's not my fault, It was a life or death situation. I wasn't going to die over some petty hunters. "What about them?" I asked carefully and they looked at each other. "We need to know how to get them off our tails. They are going to stay near as long as Jungkook is with me." Taehyung said and I sighed. "Well, the easiest way is just to get rid of Jungkook, but I'm guessing that's not an option, so you're going to have to kill 'em." I said and Namjoon nodded. "We guessed that. I just was hoping there was another way." Namjoon said and I frowned. I knew it was going to happen eventually, but I took a like to the hunters, I didn't really want them to die. "Is that everything?" I asked and they looked at each other. "Well, Jungkook has been getting really bad migraines lately, so if you could do something to help, that would be nice." Tae added and I nodded. "I will try my best." I said and he smiled before turning to exit. "I think that Jin's problem is not that big at the moment. I want you to focus on Yoongi." Namjoon said quietly so only we could hear before also turning and catching up with Taehyung.

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