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Jung Hoseok POV

     I closed the back door of the mansion and blew out the small candle inside my lantern before placing it on the floor and taking off my shoes. I then took off my large cloak that I had to wear ever since the weather had gotten colder and I needed more clothing desperately. I held the pitch black cloak and ran my fingers over its delicate embroidery around the edges. The color made it almost invisible during the night and it was quite warm, at least during the winter. I hung up the cloak and sighed at the work I still needed to complete. I walked around the house and blew out all of the candles I had lit at dawn. It had become routine for many years now, and I had grown to hate the pesky job of blowing out every shitty candle in this dumb ass mansion then having to re-light then every morning, usually when I was the only one up.
     I blew out the last candle in the ballroom which left the whole house in darkness except in Taehyung's room which I wasn't allowed to go inside ever since Jungkook arrived. I sighed before taking out the book of matches I always kept in my pocket and lighting a small candle so I could see as I made my way through the mansion. I had started come back here later and later every night after I was given the large load of Taehyung's plan.

     I walked up the stairs and down the hallway to my room at the back of the house. I opened my door and set the candle down before changing and placing out clothes for morning. I walked over to my bookshelf and skimmed my hand pass all of the books
Before picking one and reading it until I got too tired and I blew out the candle and fell asleep.

Le magical time skip ~

     I poured the tea into a small cup for myself before hearing foot steps that entered the kitchen soon after. "Morning." Words spoke out, a voice that belonged to nobody else but Taehyung. "What do you want?" I asked him in the cold tone I almost always spoke to him in these days. "I'm going out. I'll be back before four. Make sure that Jungkook eats lunch and plan dinner please." He said before walking over and pouring himself a cup of tea. I nodded before finishing my tea. "Have you found anything yet?" Tae asked and I frowned. "Well I found out how to do it but it will take me at least two days before anything will be ready. But I don't even know if it will work." I told him before walking to leave to begin my days work. "Good." He said but before he could say anything else I got up and walked out.

     I stared at the information in the large book before I was redirected to a scroll in the oldest section in the library. I was looking for Information on a certain type of gem stone that I had never heard of. The worst part however, was I kept getting redirected to something else and I still haven't found shit about this gem stone. At first it was  books in Korean and now I was looking at ancient scrolls in Latin that was so old I even had trouble understanding fully. I looked through the scroll before moving to another, than another. My head had started to ache after a bit but I finally learned that it was a diamond that changed color when a spell was casted onto it. I continued on finally feeling like I had found something that could be helpful. I walked down the stairs of the library and to my the table where I had all my notes when a voice piped out of the silence.
     "What's that?" I looked up to see Jungkook standing across from the table. "It's a scroll. I'm collecting information." I said plainly before rolling the scroll back up and putting it on the table where dozens of other books, papers and random things sat. To say to the least, it was an organised mess.
     "I made lunch." Jungkook said and I looked at him slightly surprised. I don't remember the last time someone cooked but that was mostly because the kitchen was also an organised mess. "Really?" I asked him and he nodded before ushering me to follow him out of the library.
     We left and eventually made it to the dining room where red soup was perfectly poured into bowls. We sat down and Jungkook watched as I slowly opened my mouth and ate the soup. It was pretty good, I don't think I've ever had this type before.
     "So, I totally understand if you don't want to, but I barely know you and I want to learn more." He said before beginning to eat his own food. "What would you like to know?" I asked him and he gave me a small smirk. "Well, its more of what are you?" He said and I looked down at the soup trying to think of what to say. I wasn't sure if he knew about Taehyung or not. "Do you know about-" I began but he cut me off with a yes. I ate the rest of my soup before speaking again. "I'm a demon." I said and he nodded. "So how did you meet Tae?" He asked and I sighed. "I guess you could say he pitied me." I said and he nodded slowly before finishing his bowl of soup.
      We began to clean up and I almost started to walk back to the library when Jungkook stopped me. "What happened to you that made you into a demon?" Jungkook asked me and I looked at him making eye contact.
     "I committed suicide." I told him before I sighed once again and turning around to continue my work in the library.

Hey guys! Not much going on ATM so I just hope you guys enjoyed!
                 - Em

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