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Kim Taehyung POV

The sun had begun to set and I was lying on the grass hill. Jungkook was next to me also lying down his eyes gazed longingly at the sunset. "Is everything okay Kookie?" I asked gently and I noticed tears start to drip down his face. I sat up and pulled his body close so we made contact and I wiped away his tears.
"I'm sorry." He said as more tears fell and my shirt's sleeves started to get wet. "It's been so long since someone has payed this much attention to me. This reminds me of when I was younger, when my parents still cared." He spilled out before making himself smaller and laying his back against my chest
"Well Kookie you can live here with me if you want. You don't have to worry about anything anymore and I'll always be here for you." I told him softly and he nodded. "That would be nice." He responded and I ran my hands gently through his hair.
I don't know how long we sat there for but the sun eventually set and Jungkook had stopped crying. His body was curled into mine and his breathing was slow, he was probably tired.
     "Kookie are you tired?" I ask him and he looks up at me his soft brown eyes gazing up at me. "I guess, but you never gave me tour of the outdoors." He said and I laughed. "I have a pool, would you like to see it?" I asked him smirking and he nodded. I picked him up and then stood up. He giggled and I smiled at him. I put him down and he stretched out his legs.
     We began to walk and I led him to the garden. The pool was in the middle and the water was black like the night sky and small lanterns were hung lighting the delicate flowers and lighting the pathway. "How deep is it?" Jungkook spoke as he walked to the pool. "3 meters." I responded following him to the pool.
     Jungkook leaned over the marble ledge and ran his hand through the water. I picked him up and he gasped as I jumped into the water still holding onto him.
     We emerged from the warm water and Jungkook yelped. "You scared me Tae, I could have died." He said before splashing me. "Oh no you didn't!" I playfully yelled as I began to chase him in the water. Jungkook was faster than I thought but he never went under the water. I dunked my head and swam searching for him. I eventually got his leg and I pulled him under.
     "Dammit you caught me." He said as we came back up. I looked at him and I had the sudden urge to kiss him. His hair was messy and his face and lips were a soft pink and his eyes. They were a soft brown, and had a glimmer to them that amazed me. I had never seen such, hope and happiness but also sadness and anger all in one pair of eyes like I see in Jungkook's. I felt like I could get lost in his eyes.
     "You two need to quiet down I swear I can hear you for miles." A tired voice said snapping me from my thoughts. I looked over and there stood Hoseok with a lantern in his hand coming from somewhere based on him entering from the gate that lead to the forest nearby. "Sorry." Jungkook spoke softly and Hoseok smiled at him making eye contact. He turned around and locked the gate he entered from before looking at me with his sad eyes and exhausted face. He walked to the gate on the other side and opened the gate to leave.
     "I'm locking up at eleven, if you're not back by then you're sleeping outside." Hoseok said looking directly at me before leaving me Jungkook alone in an uncomfortable silence.
"Is he okay Tae?" Jungkook finally said breaking the silence. I looked over and saw Hoseok blowing out the candle and entering the mansion. "He's had it pretty bad Kookie this happens sometimes he should go back to normal in a few days." I partially told the truth, he has had it rough but I couldn't tell Jungkook about him or me, not yet at least.
Jungkook swam to the edge of the pool and hopped out. I watched him as he walked to a certain part of the garden. He took off his now wet jacket and looked at it carefully. He then placed the jacket down and went deeper into the mass of plants in the garden. Most of the plants had died since it being the fall but not all of them. Jungkook reached out his hand and plucked a flower but I couldn't see what type it was. Soon after followed two more before he walked toward me. I swam to the edge and waited for him to walk to me.
Jungkook sat down next to me and showed me the flowers he had picked. Three roses one red, one white, and the other black. He twirled them in his fingers before looking at me. "I remember I read a book once where the queen wanted red roses in her garden but the servants planted white by accident. So they tried to paint the roses red but the queen caught them and cut off their heads. Then to warn the other servants she made them paint the roses red with the blood of those who made the mistake. But before they could the blood was spilled and seeped into the ground and turned the roses black. From then on the roses would grow back black and the queen could never have red roses in her garden. But the peculiar thing about this is that black roses don't exist, but this rose seems as black as it can get."
Jungkook looked at me right in the eye as waiting for a response but I didn't know what to say.
I pulled my self up onto the ledge and signified him to sit down. He did so and handed me the roses. I looked at them carefully especially the black but my gaze went to Jungkook.
"Roses are an odd flower. The white shows purity the red shows lust and the black shows darkness. I guess that's why they're known for being romantic." Jungkook added before taking the roses back.
One by one he placed them in the water and we watched as they floated away from reach. "Roses bloom and so does love, so I put the roses in so someday we can look back and remember where our love bloomed. Because last night was just crazy and tonight made me realise I like you and someday I hope to love you Tae, and I hope maybe just maybe, you like me too."

Still dying here but that's okay cause I'm getting stuff done. Also, I'll make a deal with you guys. If this chapter gets at least 5 votes, I'll put up a chapter tomorrow and Thursday. That's all for now, love you guys and hope you enjoyed!
                                  - Em

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