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Jung Hoseok POV

My feet moved fast and my breath came out in clouds as I dashed through the woods trying not to slam into any trees or tripping over snow covered rocks. I couldn't contact Yoongi or any of the others, but I had managed to find out where the demons had found Jimin. I was on a lack of sleep from studying and helping Jungkook that I was too weak to teleport, so I had to run to find where they were. I was going as fast as I could, but I was running out of energy. I reached a stop and breathed hard when I believed to arrive at my destination. there were only trees, but I wouldn't be surprised if the place was hidden somehow. I looked to my left, and noticed white steps in the snow. I smiled before retracing them carefully. I stopped when they led to a tree. The tree was huge like the others, but I could tell there was something off about it. I looked around and ran my hands along the lowest branches. They all were the same, until I felt one that was heavier than the rest. I pulled down on it with more force, and a click was heard before a large door formed on the trunk of the tree. I smiled, before entering and climbing the large stairs as fast as I could.

I got to the top, and knocked on the door as loud as I could. I was out of breath, and I was breaking out into a cold sweat. I heard a click from the door, before it opened to see Dowoon looking at me confused. "I-I know about J-Jimin." was all I managed to get out before collapsing to the floor in exhaustion.

"Hoseok!" A voice said shaking me awake. I looked around and saw everyone around me. I lied on the floor exactly where I collapsed, and I was guessing I wasn't out for that long. I sat up, and ran my hands through my hair. "You scared us." One of them said and I frowned and I muttered an apology. "Look, I have something very important to tell you guys about, but can I have some water first?" I asked, and they nodded before moving out of my way. I entered the large house and looked around. I sat down at the table and yawned before removing my jacket.

Moments later, the others entered and everyone sat down. Brian handed me a glass of water. I drank it fast, before looking to make sure everyone was there. "So, what's up?" Jae asked, and I sighed rubbing my arm. "I'm guessing you all know that Jimin has disappeared right?" I asked and everyone frantically nodded. "Well, he's alive, but not for long." I told them and Yoongi put his head in his hands. "What do you mean?" Wonpil asked and I frowned. "He's not in good condition. He's not eating, he has many wounds that can't be heeled, and he is in the dungeons of Hell." I said and They all looked down. "How long do you think we have?" Yoongi finally asked, and I could see the distress on his face. He looked as if he hasn't slept in days, which wouldn't be surprising. "It's hard to tell. I'd probably say two weeks tops though. He wasn't in good condition when he came, and doesn't have any body fat to burn off, and it's so cold there that he might freeze, or die of blood loss." I said and Yoongi muttered a Jesus Christ. I knew it was bad, but it didn't really dawn on me how bad it really was until now. "Yoongi, do you want to step out?" Sungjin asked politely, and Yoongi nodded before quickly leaving the room.

"He's been a mess since Jimin was taken." Brian told me once Yoongi was gone and I nodded. "It's not surprising. If that ever happened to me I would be a mess too. The guards of Hell's Dungeon are the worst of thee worst, and Jimin's probably at the top of all of their lists." I said, and I could tell everyone was troubled at the fact that Jimin was gone. "Do you really think it will only be a week or two before Jimin will die?" Jae asked and I nodded. "At least when I was taken I was in prime condition so I was able to last a while. But they might want to try to keep him alive as long as possible. They really only want to get to Yoongi right?" Jae asked and I shrugged. "I really don't know what their plans for Jimin are. The others haven't been able to try anything because of Jungkook's training." I said and Brian looked at me confused. "What do mean about Jungkook's training?" He asked, and I face palmed, they might not know about Jungkook. "Jungkook is a Nephalem. We didn't find out until a bit ago, but he's been going through intense training to control his powers." I said and Brian nodded.

"So you're saying that nobody really knows why they took Jimin?" Wonpil asked and I shook my head. "When I found out that Jimin was taken I immediately went to see him. When we talked he told me that the demons think that Yoongi will try to come and then they will kill him. If I'm right, they probably think you guys will try to save Jimin and they will kill all of you guys right then and there. Or really do anything they want. " I said and Wonpil sighed. "That's exactly what we were going to do." He said, and I nodded. "Well we clearly can't do that then. Thank god for you Hoseok." Brian said and I smiled. "Then what will we do? We have to save him." Jae said, distressed and Brian sighed rubbing his back. "Jae, I'm sure we can figure something out when Yoongi is ready. For now, Hoseok you still look tired. Do you want a room to take a nap in until Yoongi is ready? Or a maybe something to eat?" Brian asked and I nodded. "A room would be nice, but if it's too much you don't have to give me a room." I said but he waved me off. "After coming and telling us Jimin's alive has given us a lot of hope and it's more than what we could ever ask for. Especially after you helped us once." He told me and I gave him a small smile. "I had too, Jimin doesn't deserve what he has been brought into. I want to help him as much as possible." I said and they all smiled. "Alright, thank you Hoseok, I'll show you to your room." Brian said before standing up to leave.

I lied in the bed and rolled over. I knew that it was the right thing to do, but I worried for my own life. I was being risky and I knew that, if Taehyung hasn't figured out that I'm helping them, he will soon. Especially after I disappear tonight. But I could just tell him I decided to see the damage from the mansion fire. I sighed, I knew that I was walking a thin line. I felt like a spy of some sort, betraying the people I knew longer than anything else for one person who doesn't deserve what they're getting at them. I closed my mind off though, I needed to think about something else than what I was getting myself into. I took a few deep breaths, before letting my worries disappear as I dozed off into a troublesome sleep.


Hey guys! I had so much homework to make up from when I was sick, but I finished it and next week I'm on Holiday! It really hasn't been long since our last, but I've been needing it. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed!

- e.s

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