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Park Jaehyung POV

     "Ravi, that's enough for one day." A voice said and my blotched vision tried to make out what was going on. My breaths were shallow as one of the demons walked over to me and got close. I had no clue where my glasses were, so I relied on my nose to figure out who was who. All the demons that held me here had a distinct smell, and I knew that their leader N, was in front of me. I knew that they all had real names, but they used fake ones. They probably didn't want to anyone to know their true identities, which was brilliant if you ask me. "Look at this sack of bones, who would want him?" he said whacking me upside the head. I know if I was in good condition, I would've bitch slapped him to the moon, but I wasn't cable to, mentally or physically. The large masses of pain I went through everyday weakened me to point of no return. if I could speak, I would've begged them to just kill me already. I prayed that the others would find me, especially the pretty one. oh god, I can't even remember his name. Bob? Bill? Brian? Yeah, I think it was Brian. I missed him so much. I tried to remind myself of what they looked like and such, but I seemed to have forgotten. The pain was all I could think about, and well dying.

     "I think we should just hand him to the king." Ravi said and I mentally rolled my eyes. I wonder if his name is Ravi cause he likes Raviolis. Probably not. If I could give myself a new name, I would do something like "FEisty JaE" no, that sounds like a stripper name. "No, he would kill all of us if he found out what we've been doing behind his back." N said back coldly. "Sorry, I'll go now." Ravi said before exiting quickly, leaving me and N alone. "So, has he been good to you? It sure doesn't look like it." he said and I could feel the smile on his face. "I-think y-you should j-j-just kill me." I said weakly and he laughed. "Jae, you've been here for a month now and we haven't killed you yet. It's not happening any time soon. We like to have a little fun first." He said and I sighed. "why should I have even tried." I said dryly and he patted me on the back leading me to a bloody cough. "well, since you've been such a great subject, if there anything you would like? Food or a bath maybe?" he asked and I barely managed a smile. "My glasses. I want my glasses." I said and he scoffed. "Out of everything, you want your glasses?" he asked and I looked up at his blurry face. "Yes. In the month I've been here, I realized the power of sight. I would love to be able to see what true monsters look like." I said coldly staring into his blurry eyes. "Fine. If that's what you really want."

     "Fuck!" I screamed as the blade drove into my skin. I clenched my eyes closed as Leo laughed coldly. "Does it hurt?" He said mockingly. I whimpered a yes and he drove the blade in deeper. The pain was immense, and I tried so hard, but I couldn't get used to it. The blade was pulled out a few seconds and it dropped to the floor. "Ugh, this is boring. Now what would you rather have electrocution or extremely hot knives?" he asked and I sighed, knowing either wasn't good. "Hot knives I said dully and he smiled. "Electrocution it is."

     "It can't get much worse now can it?" Hyuk asked as he wiped the blood off of my glasses. Hyuk was the only nice one out of all of the demons. He always made sure I ate, and cleaned all my wounds, even if it was in secret. He told me he hated the others and was roped into it. I hope that he could possibly get me out of here but it might risk his own life. "I really don't know Hy, I don't even know how long I will last." I said looking down at my bloody hands. I hadn't taken a bath since I got here, and my clothes were left to rags. "I'm sorry, you shouldn't have to go through all this." Hyuk said before taking my hands in his own. "Look, I think we could break out of here. We could run away." He said and I squeezed his hands. "That would be nice. I don't want you to risk your life though." I said and he frowned looking down. "I would risk it all to get you out of here." Hyuk said before looking up at me. I gave a weary smile and we made eye contact. At that moment time seemed to stop. Our lips collided and I felt a welcoming surge of warmth. We broke the kiss short after before erupting in laughs. It made me forget everything else except his shiny smile. Eventually all good times come to an end however, and we pecked each other's lips before bidding farewell. That night we made a connection and I never wanted it to break or end.

     "Jae, wake up. I really need you wake up, please." A voice said and I opened my eyes. I looked up at Sungjin who looked concerned. I looked around and frowned. Hyuk wasn't here. Why would he be though? I'm losing it. "I'm so glad you're awake Jae. I thought I was going to lose you." Sungjin said and I sat up. Emotions and memories filled my mind that I thought I had put away for good. I thought I had forgotten my first love. I ran my hand through my hair and Sungjin sat down on the bed next to me. "What happened?" He asked and I frowned. A blotch of my memory was gone but I remember walking with Jimin then everything went black. "I had a dream, or more of a trip down memory lane." I said and he patted my back. "You seemed to be looking for someone. Who?" He asked and I looked down at my fingers. Everything came back in a flash, so fast and all at once. I remembered what happened and I lied my head on Sungjin's shoulder. "I've never told anyone this so you have to keep quiet." I started and he nodded. "My lips are sealed shut." He said and I took a breath. "When I was taken, I fell in love with one of the demons. They called him Hyuk. He never hurt me, but helped me and protected me as much as he could. We loved each other." I said and my eyes started to water. "It's okay if you don't want to finish." Sungjin said but I shook my head. "It's fine. I've needed to get this out for awhile now." I said and he nodded understandingly. "We made a plan to escape. We were going to run away and move back to the states, together. I was never going to tell you guys what happened to me. I was head over heels in love, so was Hyuk. We were careless however." I took a deep breath for the next part, it hurt more then all the torture did. "They caught us. They killed Hyuk brutally and forced me to watch every part of it. That same day, I was sent to the vamps. I was ready to die by then. My life support was gone. Hyuk was my first love and I was his last." I said and tears started to flow out of my eyes. Sungjin shushed me and wiped my tears before turning to me. "Jae, it's hard, it always has been. But you have us now. I know I probably shouldn't tell you this, but Brian loves you so much. He was heartbroken when you were taken. He cried for days. I'm not good when it comes to this stuff, but give him a chance. I bet he will love you better then Hyuk did. Hyuk was your first love. First loves have to be soulmates to last forever. You and Hyuk would've fallen apart eventually. Take this as a sign and try Brian, or go solo for longer. I could care less. As long as you're happy and healthy." He said and I smiled. "Thanks Sungjin. I knew I could count on you." I said and he smiled. "You can always count on me, and you can count int he fact that you look like a ghost. Go back to sleep. We'll get you food when you need it." He said before getting up. "Don't gotta tell me twice." I responded before flipping over and dozing back off to sleep.

Hey guys! Nothing much to say, except now the plot is really getting moving so you guys should be hyped. I hope you enjoyed!
                 - e.s

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