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Jeon Jungkook POV

I looked at the targets and the flames bust out of my right hand hitting each target. Beads of sweat dripped down my forehead and I swallowed hard. The constant practice of Pyro kinesis was well, hot. The whole room had gotten to be above normal temperatures for November, and I wasn't prepared. I had taken my shirt off awhile ago, but it wasn't helping with the increasing temperatures. On top of that, I was cracking down a lot and it was tiring. I wanted to learn how to control water, but I didn't think I would get to it by the end of the week. I had to work up and build up muscle, at least that's what Hoseok said, and I wouldn't be able to control my powers if I didn't. So my day was made up of waking up at around 4:30, eating breakfast, building muscle, cardio, then I would eat lunch with Hoseok (nobody else would be awake yet) then working on my powers until dinner. I usually didn't stay to talk, it wasn't deemed important to me, but instead going straight to the library to study on magic and philosophy before going to sleep on a pile of books and blankets, which was the opposite of comforting. Or at least, that what I wish it was like. Mostly I just procrastinate, and get side tracked thinking about Taehyung. Every night I lie wide awake, wanting to go to him but not knowing how to. I tried to blur my emotions out while training, but in the back of my mind I was just doing it so I can impress him. I sighed, and ran my hands through my sweaty hair. I didn't know what to do, I was really just a lost puppy trying to find its owner. I scratched my arm, and I could feel that just in a short amount of time, I had became physically stronger, but mentally weaker.

I slid to the floor, and created a flame from my hand. It amazed me that I was capable of all this and how my cowardly parents weren't ever even going to tell me about it. They were just going to have me live out a normal human life, which was the exact opposite of where I was now. Most kids were sitting in class right now, sleeping, or learning, whatever would get them through the day. But instead I was sitting here in the palace of Hell, learning Pyro kinesis. That's not very normal if you ask me. I frowned, and the flame extinguished. I sat in silence, trying not to let my feelings get in my head.

"Jungkook?" a voice called from the stairs and I yelled back. Footsteps made their way down the stairs, and soon enough, I faced Namjoon. I didn't make any sign of emotion, as the last time we talked, he tried to kill me. "What could you want?" I asked him, and he fanned the air around him. "It's pretty damn hot in here. And no, it's not you." He said, and I sighed, he didn't answer my question. "Anyways, we're going to have dinner early tonight, don't ask me why, so start getting ready." He said and I nodded before he walked out. I stood back up, and blew out all the candles that lit the small training room. I spent most I my time there, and it was the only place to call home at the moment. I exited reluctantly, grabbing my shirt on the way.

I tamed my messy hair, and applied some cologne before walking out. I adjusted my shirt collar, before walking back out to the dinning room. Once I arrived I had a bit of small talk with the guards at the door, Jisoo and Jihoon. "Yeah, so we were walking down and then he just tripped and toppled up the stairs. Up the stairs!" Jisoo cried in laughter, and I smiled brightly at him. Jihoon however, didn't find it funny as he was the main character in the story. Jisoo quickly looked at his clock before turning and whispering something into the other guard's ear. He nodded, stifling his laughs. "Anyways, you better go Jungkook, we don't want to make you any later than you are and we have to switch stations." Jisoo said and I nodded, understanding. "Alright, I hope you two have a lovely evening then." I said and they smiled before walking away. I pulled the large door open, before stepping inside the room.

"Glad to see that you made it." A voice said and shivers ran down my spine. I looked up to see none other than Taehyung sitting at the head of the table. "Where are the others?" I asked, feeling uncomfortable at us being alone for the first time in what seemed like forever. "They aren't coming. I was hoping we could have dinner alone. Like old times." He said, a smirk upon his pink lips. I walked closer, and he noticed the unsure look on my face. Namjoon must've set me up I realised before checking my appearance. I sighed before sitting down at the other end of the table. "Come closer, I haven't seen you in so long, I miss your beautiful face." He said, and I looked up before reluctantly moving next to him. I looked at my feet and wished the food would arrive already. "Not much to say, huh?" Taehyung questioned, holding my chin so we made eye contact. I stared at his icy blue eyes, putting me in a trance could convince me to do anything at his bid. "No, not really." I said back, being careful not to trip over my words. "You're so pretty Jungkook, do you know that?" He asked, and a blush fell upon my cheeks. "I'm not that pretty." I retaliated, but he frowned, running his thumb across my chapped, bitten lip. He looked at it intrigued, and I noticed that his hair was almost brown. He had deep bags under his eyes, but they were mostly covered from makeup. "Don't bite your lip Bunny, They'll get damaged and will hurt." He told me, and I nodded and he let go of me. I looked at the doors and soon food came out and we began to eat.

The talk was light, but I had a small feeling that Taehyung had deeper intentions than just a nice meal and chat. I looked at the candles that flickered and took another sip of my drink. We had talked about what I had done since we last talked, but nothing about himself. I looked at him and I remember why I loved him so much. He never meant to hurt me, and I started to feel guilty for what I had done all those nights ago. I though about the necklace, and how it never came off even during our fight. I looked at his hand, and his ring still sat there, shining in the candlelight. He looked up at me finishing his food and noticed that I was looking at his ring. I looked up at him, and pulled my necklace out of my shirt. He smiled and I sighed. 
     "I'm sorry, Hyung. I shouldn't have gotten mad at you even though all you ever did was care for me. I'm such an asshole." I finally spoke out, and I saw something flicker in his eyes. He smiled and he stood up before pulling me out of my seat. He spun me around before holding me close.

"Really? Do you think a simple sorry will cut it?" He asked, and I swallowed hard. I should've known that it wouldn't work. "I ought to at least say something. I really am Tae, it's all my fault." I said, and his smile began to worry me. "Let me ask you a question Jungkook, where do you belong?" He asked, and I closed my eyes in thought. His breath ran hot down my neck and I couldn't think of anything. "I-I don't know." I admitted, and he stared into my eyes, the icy blue seeming to get darker. "Do you want to know where you belong?" he asked, and I paused, before slowly nodding. His grip was tight on my wrist, and I worried it would leave a bruise. "You belong to me, and don't forget that. I've given you everything so that's how you'll repay me. You don't leave my side, and you don't go against my bidding. Do you here me?" He asked and I noticed that his polite, kind loving demeanor had completely changed. Was this why people feared him? I let out a shallow breath, nodding at what he told me. "Good. Now tell me, where do belong Jungkook?" He asked and I exhaled. "I belong to you, Taehyung. I won't forget it." I said and he smiled, content. He then connected our lips, and a wave of emotions came through me. Rather than sweet and pleasant, they were deeper, clawing my insides making me eager for more. I added more force to the kiss, and it became heated as his hands pulled at my hair and my grip was tight on his waist. All the emotions I had gone through in the past week dispated and something inside me blossomed. I wanted more, and I couldn't contain it. As I added more force, Tae seemed to catch on, and licked my bottom lip. Shivers ran down my spine but I opened my mouth allowing him entrance. He ran his tounge around my mouth and he pulled on my hair tighter causing shivers to run down my spine. After seeming to go on forever, he broke the kiss, and I frowned immediately. "We're taking this somewhere else." He whispered in my ear before picking me up bridal style and teleporting to his room. At first I felt guilty for not cleaning up, but that immediately dissipated along with a majority of my clothes. Tae pulled me in, kissing me on the mouth then moving down to my jaw and to shoulders. I let a moan or two slip out in certain places, signalling where my pleasure points were. He smiled before leading me to the bed and lying me down. We continued in and I could feel lust building in the room. I looked at Taehyung, exhaling sharply. He looked at me and broke through the silence. "Are you sure?" He asked, and I nodded, knowing the time was ready. "Promise that you will tell me if you want to stop." He told me and I nodded. "I dont know when else to do this, so we might as well do it now." I replied, and he smiled. "I love you Jungkook" he spoke softly and I smiled. "I love you too Taehyung."

Hey guys! Oh shitttttt, things got pretty smexy here. This is about as "bad" as I can go, and I hope you can infer what's going to happen next (I'll leave to your own imagination) ;). I hope you enjoyed!
                  - e.s

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