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Park Jimin POV

I sat in class alone. Jungkook was absent today which is kind of weird cause he's never absent. Jin was also acting weird and I didn't know why. I sat in history when my teacher asked me to come over to her desk. I like history, but I just didn't care today. I just wanted Lunch so I could see my friends.
"Jimin, we have a new student who is in this class he just got here so for the rest of the block can you give him a tour of the school?" My teacher asked and I nodded. My history Teacher loved me.
"He's in the office now have a good day." I got my stuff and left the room. While I wasn't sure I think she liked me because I expressed myself and I was the only boy in the class that wore makeup everyday. Oh god. I hope this new kid isn't homophobic or I'll die. Whatever. I could care less. I walked down the empty hall and I eventually made it to the office.
"Hello? I'm here to show around the new student." I said and a boy turned to me. I gave him a warm smile and he smiled back. He had jet black hair, small eyes pearly skin and a smile that showed all of his teeth. Oh god. Don't fall for the new kid Jimin, he will probably be like the rest. I let my smile drop and he said something to the lady at the desk before opening the door for me.
"So, who are you other than Pretty boy?" He asked nicely and my cheeks burned red. "I'm Park Jimin. Who are you?" I ask and he replies softly. "I'm Min Yoongi." Yoongi. Remember that Jimin.
We began to walk down the hall after he gave me his schedule. "So Jimin, by any chance do you happen to know a Jeon Jungkook?" Yoongi asked and I was taken back by the specifics. "Yeah I do, why are you asking?" I replied looking at him. "No reason pretty boy. Now are you going to show you're Hyung around or what? And it's clear I'm older so don't bother." I laughed looked at him and I continued to show him his classes.

~ Le small magical time skip ~

"So that's everything you will need to know. It's good that we have some classes together too." I say as we enter the cafeteria. The tour almost went over but that's only cause Yoongi kept pestering me with questions about myself. It made me realise how lame I am. I didn't really think it mattered if we were late cause I kinda hate Jin and Namjoon's make out sessions everyday.
     "Can I sit with you?" He asked and I nodded my head. Maybe I won't feel so awkward with him here. I lead him to my table and we were alone.
     "Does pretty boy sit alone?" Yoongi said as I sat down. I look at the door but Joon and Jin were always late.
     "No, I have two friends but they're always late." I reply sitting down. Today was boys first for lunch so Joon probably went to get something if he is here. "Are you going to eat?" He asked and I shook my head. "No, I'm not hungry." I lied. I never ate anything. So yes, I am hungry but people don't have to know that. "Are you sure you're not hungry? You look like a bag a bones." I felt a wave of fear wash over me. I hated eating, I can't without throwing it back up right after. "Yeah, I don't usually eat lunch anyways. I don't trust the government." I cover it up and I flash my eyes over to the line where I see Joon and Jin. They both knew I didn't eat and they tried to make me for so long. One time they did force me to eat however, but I threw it up and they felt horrible about it. Ever since then it just went over like a secret that wasn't going to get out anytime soon or ever.
"I can sense the bullshit in your voice Jimin. Now tell me the truth." Yoongi suddenly spoke and I froze. I didn't know what to say or how to reply so I just sat in silence looking at him.
"I-I-I" was all I could say. Nothing else left my mouth. "How about this Jimin. After school you tell me your 'secret' and I'll give you a treat. Anything you could want on me."
I looked down at my small chubby hands and frowned. I hated my hands, they were fat like everything else. I didn't know if I should agree, I didn't want to loose this potential friendship.
A hand touched my chin and I made eye contact with Yoongi. "Please agree Jimin. I just want to help. I promise I won't take it badly." I tried to smile but tears started to form in my eyes. "I guess so." I barely spoke out as I blinked away my tears.
"Meet me at the gate after the bell. Okay?" I nodded and he dropped his hand but I secretly wish it was still there. I wish I had an excuse to look into Yoongi's eyes.
"Who's this?" I snapped out of my trance and I looked at Namjoon. Jin and Joon sat down and I smiled at them. "This is Yoongi. He's new and asked to sit with us. I hope you don't mind." I said calmly and looked at Yoongi. He stared at Namjoon and I realised that there tension between them. I looked at Jin and he seemed as confused as me.
"Babe." Jin spoke and Joon looked over. I could sense the sudden tension spread across the table and I mentally face palmed. I fuck up everything.
The rest of lunch was okay Jin told dumb jokes and I laughed but everyone I looked over Namjoon and Yoongi were giving each other death stares. I exited the lunch room and sighed. I wish I hadn't made the mistake of agreeing to Yoongi. I walked down the filling hallways and sighed again as I entered my next class.


Hey guys! So fun story, Satan decided to fuck me over and get me sick. I'm better now but not great. That's all for today and I hope you enjoyed!
                                     - Em

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