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Please read the A/N after this because it's very important 

Jeon Jungkook POV

     "Baby, wake up." A voice says quietly waking me up from my precious sleep. I kept my eyes closed and flipped over so my back faced up wards. "Kookie, you got to get up. It's important." The voice said again but I didn't flinch. I felt finger tips trace over my bare back but I still didn't move. "What couldst beest so important right anon?" I huffed still not moving. "Well William Shakespeare, I don't wot. Some guard just came in and woke me up. He said we all need to report to the throne room asap." Taehyung spoke softly and I turned around. I opened my eyes and gazed into the deep blue orbs of my lover. His wings were unfurled for the world to see, and I touched them carefully. The large wings enveloped us in darkness and I couldn't see what was around me, but I didn't care. I ran my fingers along the soft feathers and he smiled at how intrigued I was. "Your wings are so beautiful. I'm so happy that I got to give you what you've wanted for so long." I said and he frowned. "That's were you're wrong. I can live without my wings, I have for so long. Jungkook, you are what I've wanted for so long." Tae said and I felt a shiver run down my spine. Before I had a chance to respond he connected our lips in a sweet kiss. I savored the moment, but it didn't last long, as we still had to get up. "Come on, we have to get up." Tae spoke and I nodded frowning.

     "Can I just go in my Pj's?" I asked and Tae nodded as he lit a candle nearby. Now that he has his wings, Tae has been in his human form more often, as it is easier to move around, but I made him promise not to change into his human form. I always felt a bit awkward when he asked me why, but the main reason was because I liked Tae's blue eyes more, they stood out well with his blonde hair, which apparently was a side effect of losing his wings. I could see that slowly it was fading back to brown, which I've never seen, but I was excited about. It was always the small changes people have that I love, not the wild crazy changes, which is interesting knowing that a lot has changed ever since I met Tae. I haven't been back at school, or even worse my cold home and I liked it. Tae always talked about how I was what he was missing, but I feel the same way about him. It feels like everything is complete when I'm with him, the missing piece of my heart has finally been found.

     "Baby boy, are you ready to go?" Tae asked sending me out of my thoughts. I nodded before walking to him and taking his hand before we left the room. We walked in silence, I still wasn't sure what Hoseok needed to tell us so badly, and why he couldn't wait. I felt a small nervous pit form in my stomach, and I knew it was late because the hallways were dead empty, not even Jin and Namjoon were anywhere to be seen. I wasn't sure if they had left yet or not, and it worried me. I gripped Tae's hand tighter and he pulled me in, wrapping his arm around my waist and I leaned my head on his shoulder. He didn't seem that worried, so I took a deep breath and thought about going back to bed in a bit where I could snuggle into Taehyung's arms and fall into a sweet sleep.

     We eventually arrived and Tae opened the door to the large room. The throne room was definitely the centerpiece of the whole place, it was an architectural masterpiece. I wish I could tell the architects that they did a marvelous job, but they're probably long dead. I mean this place clearly wasn't built recently, only some things have been improved over time, such as the beds and baths. But for the most part, this place was old. It was still lit by candles. I looked around and saw that Jin and Namjoon were sitting, well Namjoon was sitting and Jin was leaned on Namjoon, half asleep. Hoseok was making circles around the room lost in thought and I looked at the others, who also were a bit confused at Hoseok's behavior. Tae and me also sat on the floor before Namjoon coughed and Hoseok looked up. "Is everyone here?" He asked and we all nodded still confused. "So what's so important that you felt the need to tell us about at this time at night?" Jin said getting right to the point and we all nodded. "I was reading some things and I think I might have uncovered something huge." He started and we all looked at him confused. "But there is one catch, and I'm completely wrong if this one thing isn't true." He said and we all hastily nodded ready for him to tell us what was going on. "Jungkook, what's your real name?" He asked clearly and everyone looked at me. How did he know I had a different birth name? I looked around and I took a deep breath. "Jungkook, is your real name Jeon Jeongguk?" Hoseok said and I froze. I looked up in shock. "Um, y-yes, how did you know?" I then asked and he took a deep breath.

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