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Park Jimin POV

     I looked into the mirror smiling at my pink hair. The light shade was very different from the grey and I liked it. "Yoongi, you did such a good job!" I smiled as he walked over to me. "Of course I did Jiminnie, you always deserve the best." He said before wrapping his arms around my waist. I looked in the mirror at him and smiled. He closed his eyes and rested his head on my neck making me to smile even wider. "You need to stop being so generous. I don't deserve anything you give me." I said and he frowned letting go of me. "what do I have to do to get you to stop talking like that?" He asked turning me around so I faced him and lifting my chin with his index finger. I just stared at him unable to answer, my smile fading as I tried to look away. "You can't do anything. I've been like this for years." I said frowning. He took my hand and squeezed them tight. "You're perfect Jimin. You are sweet and beautiful, you have to stop taking like that." He said and I looked away. "I just can't." I stuttered before letting go of his hands. I looked in the mirror and down to my stomach. "I'm fat and gross. Nothing will change that." I said before walking away to the bathroom tears of self hate threatening to spill.

     I lied on the cold floor with my eyes squeezed shut only opening for more tears to flow out. I had locked the door so Yoongi couldn't get in but now I slightly regretted it, I so desperately wanted a pair of arms to hold me and to tell me everything was going to be okay in the end. But I locked it and I lied on the floor to weak to move so I just cried in my own self pity as I listened to Yoongi begging me open the door. His tone broke my heart even more, which caused more tears to fall making me too weak to get up. The floor was also uncomfortable, which just made the whole experience worse than it already was. "Yoongi, I'm sorry I'm such a miserable fuck up that just takes up precious oxygen." I said lying my head on the ground in a small pool of tears. I heard only mumbles from the other side before a click. the door then opened and I frowned even wider as Yoongi ran over and I could see the others behind him.

     "Jimin you scared me so much, I thought you were going to kill yourself. I had to call them." Yoongi said as he picked me up and carried me out of the bathroom. "I wouldn't do that to you." I told him and he nodded before bringing me to a bedroom. "Rest. I think you need an hour. I will wake you before dinner." he said and I nodded. He quickly planted a kiss on my fore head before leaving. My chest ached and my faced burned from the overwhelming emotions. I sighed and pushed them off however, before looking around and then closing my eyes to driftoff.  

     love. Why do people fall in love? Why do we say that we fall in love rather than rise into love?

     "We say it because we surrender to another person. We tell them that we give our self to them."

     "But that's mad. Won't that let everything go out of control?'

     "Well yes, but to people, during the course of wisdom, what is really sensible, is to let go, is to commit oneself, to give oneself up and that's quite mad. So we come to the strange conclusion that in madness lies sanity."

     "Jimin, wake up." A voice said and I opened my eyes. I looked over but rather than Yoongi calling my name, it was Wonpil. I sat up awkwardly and yawned. "Nice look bubblegum princess." he said and I gave him a mean look before standing up. I was still in the white shirt that now had pink hair dye on it and ugly grey sweatpants, and I frowned. Wonpil just smiled as I walked past him still half asleep.

     I sat down at the dinner table and looked around to see the other hunters but Dowoon was nowhere to be seen. "Dude! What the Hell are you doing?" Yoongi yelled from the kitchen and I laughed softly. The others were talking about something so I didn't bother cutting in, I just sat in silence deep in my thoughts. Ever since earlier the hunters probably think I'm stupid and weak, but then again, I kind of am.

     "Food's ready!" A voice called snapping me out of my thoughts. The hunters looked up as Yoongi entered holding a large pan of food. At first I was shocked at him just holding the pan of hot food but then I realized he has a tolerance for that kind of stuff. He set the pan down at the table before taking a seat next to me and smiling. "I tried my best." he told me and I gave him a reassuring smile as I took some chicken out of the pan. I took a small portion before handing it to Yoongi. I picked a piece of chicken up with my chop sticks and smiled at him brightly.
I quickly ate and held down the guilt and nausea I felt whenever I ate. Yoongi seemed content with himself and I smiled at the pride he held. He probably didn't cook food that much, matter a fact, I don't think angels need things like food to survive.

     I brought plates into the kitchen and began to wash them as Yoongi was talking to the hunters. I learned soon enough that what they were talking about was not for me, so I did my best to stay out of it. I didn't say a word but instead tried my hardest to block out what they were talking about. I knew it was about the matter than Jungkook was still with this Taehyung guy, but that was about the most I knew. I was kind of the odd egg out but I didn't mind, I was used to it by now. Eventually the talk died down and they left just as I finished the dishes. The Sun had begun to go down and the sky was grey from all the clouds, I knew it would snow soon.

     "Jiminnie, did you rest well?" Yoongi asked entering the kitchen as I put the last few dishes back in the cabinet. I nodded before turning around and smiling. "I could've done the dishes, ya know." he said and I smiled. "I would rather have something to do rather than just sitting around while you talked business with the others." I said and he nodded. "Well, I was wondering if you wanted go out and watch the first snowfall tonight." He asked and I smiled. "How do know that it's going to be tonight?" I asked and he stuffed his hands in his pockets. "I'm an Angel. I know these kinds of things." He said and I smiled. "Well, I would love to then."

     We sat down in the small field and looked up as small flakes of white fell from the sky. We were all bundled up in warm clothes but I still sat as close to Yoongi as possible. He had his arm around me and I rested my head on his shoulder. I held out my hand and felt the snowflakes fall on my hands before melting into water. I looked over to Yoongi, who stuck out his tounge catching snowflakes. I giggled at the notion and he looked at me smiling. "You look funny when you do that." I said and he laughed. "Maybe that's the point." He replied and I smiled. I stared into Yoongi's warm brown eyes sensing the emotion he revealed.

     "I feel like I could kiss you right now." He suddenly said and I looked at him. "Then do it." I responed and he smiled before leaning in connecting our lips. My body warmed from Yoongi's lips which caused me to deepen the kiss. His lips tasted sweet like candy, soft but also stiff, dry but also wet. Overall his lips on mine was addicting like nicotine and I never wanted to break the kiss. I felt him lick my bottom lip and my body shuttered. I opened my mouth slightly and his tongue entered my mouth. I moved myself on his lap and he gripped onto my waist.
     His tongue moved around my mouth hitting every corner spreading around warmth through my whole body. eventually a moan escaped my mouth and I broke the kiss falling into the light layer of snow in embarrassed. Yoongi broke out in laughter but I covered my face so he wouldn't see my face looking as bright as a tomato. "Jiminnie, why are you so embarrassed?" He asked grabbing my hands and pulling them away from my face. "I actually can't." I whispered but he pulled me back up. "Don't be embarrassed because you moaned. That means you enjoyed it." he said before winking. "Oh be quiet." I told him but he just smiled. "If I was quiet you wouldn't have just been kissed." He said and I rolled my eyes. "Fine. You can talk on one condition." I said and he looked at me. "Yes, I'll kiss you again." Yoongi said before kissing me again.

Hey guys! Ooooooo we finally have some Yoonmin action here lol. Also the audio is from a philosopher Alan Watts and I love his work so much that I felt the need to include it somehow in here so yeah. On a side note however my holiday is almost over and I'm emo cause school sucks but whatever. Hope you enjoyed!
          - e.s

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