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Park Jaehyung POV

     The sun shone through the trees waking me up. I sat up and yawned before pulling off the covers and walking to the dressers that were in my room. I looked to see that Sungjin's bed was empty, he must've gotten up already. I quickly changed my clothes and grabbed my glasses before walking out into the dining rooom. It was quiet, and I saw that Jimin was sitting at the table reading a book. He looked up at me, and smiled. "Moring sleeping beauty ." He said and I smiled before plopping down at the table. "What's going on?" I asked scratching my back looking at him. "Um, nothing much. I'm reading on some stuff while Wonpil is in the shower and the others are outside." He said before looking back down. Wait, wasn't Jimin like dead the last time I saw him? How long was I out? I thought before a door opened and Wonpil walked out drying his hair with a towel. "Find anything we could do?" He asked and Jimin nodded closing the book. "Yeah, some more than others. It should keep us busy for a while." Jimin said standing up. "Oh, morning Jae." Wonpil said and I smiled before following the two into the kitchen.

     "Jae get me some mint." Jimin told me and I grabbed it before giving it to Wonpil. "One half part." He said and Wonpil nodded before handing the correct amount to Jimin. "Jae can you go outside and get some willow bark? In the forest there is a willow tree." He asked and I nodded before grabbing a krife and my coat and exiting into the cold. As soon as I exited I saw Brian lying in the snow and Hoseok laughing. Yoongi looked at me and I walked over to him. "I need to get willow bark. Any clue where I could find it?" I asked him and he looked around. "Um, There's a river a bit north of here. A half hour's journey there and back. If you're going to find a willow tree it would be there." Yoongi said pointing north. I nodded and looked to where he was pointed. I then headed off on my short journey.

      I finally arrived at the river and it was running fast. I noticed that there was a willow on the other side, but I wasn't sure how I would get across. I would get caught in the tide if I tried to run across, but I knew Jimin would be mad if I didn't come back with sometthing. I looked around and saw a tree tipping over. I pulled out my knife and walked to it, before sawing it down to make a bridge. It hit the ground with a thud, and I jumped back. I then slowly pulled the tree over to the river and pushed it so it was a bridge. I smiled, and carefully walked across. After arriving, I quickly peeled a ton of bark off the tree, and walked back across the bridge almost falling over a few times. One I got across I smiled and made my journey back to the hideout.

    "Took you long enough." Jimin teased as I placed the bark on the table. Wonpil then immeditatly took a peice and measured it. Water boiled in a pot and jimin placed the other indredients in the bowl along with a cut piece of bark. "What are you doing?" I asked and he smiled taking out glasses. "It's a drink. Used for strength. I don't know how it'll taste though." He said and I frowed. "You're going to drink that shit?" I asked and Wonpil stirred it. "We all are." He said and I moved back. Is Jimin a witch or some shit? I wondered as a minty smell came from the pot. "It looks done Jimin." Wonpil said as he took it out and I frowned as the pot was placed on the table to cool. Alright, we need to hurry on the next one, thee others will be in for lunch soon. "Jae, because you are all freaked out by this, can you make some lunch?" He asked and I nodded before digging through the fridge. I guess I'll make sandwiches." I said before grabbing what I need.

     I finished lunch and placed it on the counter before heading back to Jimin and Wonpil. They finished what ever they werejust doing and placed it on the counter to cool a few minuets later the others came in shivering from the cold and we all sat down at the table. Jimin was smiling as he handed the minty drinks on the table and everyone looked at them. "Jiminnie what is this?" Yoongi asked as he poked at the mush in his cup. "A healing mixture, I know it doesn't look apetizing but we all have to drink it." Jimin said before picking up his glass and quickly chugging the mixture. He then placed his glass back down and smiled trying not to gag. "Yummy." He said covering his mouth. "Okay well if Jimin did it  we all have to." Sungjin said picking up his glass. We then all followed, drinking the mush.

     "Oh Hoseok, we've been meaning to ask you about something but we didn't have a chance." Yoongi said once he put down his drink and Hoseok nodded. "So, do you know why Jimin is like healed fully?" He asked and Jimin nodded. "Yeah, good question. First off, tell me exactly what  happened." Hoseok said before grabbing a sandwhich and stuffing the whole thing in his mouth. "Well, when he woke up I helped him take a bath. Then we kissed and seconds later he was fully healed. No scars or anything." Yoongi said and Hoseok put his head on his chin. "Well, by the sounds of it, you bonded. I don't have the book however." He said and Yoongi frowned. "What book?" He asked and Hoseok looked up. "In Hell's library there's a book. In that book, it says who everybody's soulmate is. I could look you two up in it, but it's very rare for Human's to have soulmates who aren't well, Human. The only Human and biblical being pairing I know of is Namjoon and Jin. But of course, they don't know they're soulmates." He said and Yoongi frowned. "But, it's possible. It's said that only true love can do that kind of magic. And true love only occurs between soulmates. By the sounds of it, you two bonded unintentionally. Bonding is one of the most powerful things you can do, that magic both of you created manedged to heal Jimin, it's something not just Yoongi's magic could do." Hoseok said and I watched as both of their faces lit up. "Are you being serious Hoseok? Are you just trying to play with us?" Yoongi askedd but he shook his head. "One hundred percent serious. It's a good and bad thing however. How do you think Taehyung got his wings back?" Hoseok said and Yoongi nodded. "Only that kind of magic would get Taehyung's wings back." Yoongi said and Hoseok nodded.

So that means that him and Jungkook are soulmates huh?" Yoongi asked and Hoseok nodded. "Shit." He mumbled. "Wait what's so bad about this?" Brian asked and Yoongi frowned. "An Archangel and Mixed breed get married and are the ruler's of Hell." Yoongi said and Sungjin frowned. "Big trouble for Heaven." Sungjin said and Yoongi nodded. "We just have to convince Jungkook to join Heaven's side. Then we won't have to worry." Wonpil said but Hoseok sighed.
     "That's basically impossible. What you guys don't know is that Jungkook binded his soul to Taehyung's, but Taehyung didn't bond his to Jungkook's." He said and Yoongi ran his hands through his hair. "Fuck." Yoongi said and we all stared at him. "What's the problem?" I asked and Yoongi let out a frusterated breath. "Because Taehyung didn't bind his soul to Jungkook's it's a power imbalance. Taehyung has full power over Jungkook. Jungkook will do anything Taehyung says and he can't stop it unless Taehyung binds his soul to Jungkook's. That means that most likely he's not going ot let Jungkook join our side." Yoongi said and I let out a sigh. "Well shit." I said and everyone laughed. "How are you guys doing by the way? Do you think you'll do alright when the fight does come?" Jimin asked and another sigh came out. "Okay, but not even close to being ready for one on one combat." Yoongi said and Jimin sighed. "Why do I have a really bad feeling about this?" He asked and Brian scratched his head. "Because we're screwed." Brian said and I frowned. "Well, come on guys, we better get to be making a ton more healing ointment." Jimin said and I let out a nervous laugh. "Yeah, before it's too late." Wonpil said and we stood up. "Same with you guys. We really got to get going." I said and the others nodded before standing up to continue their training.

     We began to put everything away when Hoseok looked outside. "Guys we have a huge problem." He said and we looked to face him. "What is it Hoseok?" Yoongi asked shifting his postition. "They're coming."

Hey guys! OOF shit is going to go down hope you're excited. I've procrastinated writing though so I'm not sure what's next. However I've also started using my Instagram @ v_spacey again so go check me out there if you haven't already. I hope you enjoyed!

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