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Kim Seokjin POV
I sat bored out of my mind in History. History was my third class and usually by then I would start to get very sleepy. We were reviewing stuff for a test tomorrow and I already knew all the material for the test.
I looked at the door which was only a few feet away as I could hear faint footsteps as people went to the restroom and to the water fountain but a loud set of footsteps stood out from the rest. They were getting closer and I noticed that the person who's feet they were, they weren't taking their time, which was odd, because kids take as long as possible to miss class. I watched the door and to my shock, a knock sounded causing the whole class to look up at the sudden disruption.
"Come in" Mr. Cheon, my history teacher called out from across the room. The door slowly opened and my mouth dropped. How? What the hell? Mr. Kim was at the door. We made eye contact and his brown eyes flickered their usual icy blue.
"Mr. Kim needs to speak to Seokjin" he said glancing at my teacher before back at me. "Okay but Seokjin, don't be gone for two long." I nodded slowly before I stood up and walked to the door that Mr. Kim held open. I exited the room and we walked a bit down the hallway so nobody could hear our voices through the cold empty hallways we now stood in.
"First off how did you find out what class I was in?" I ask him breaking the silence between us. "I have my ways
Seokjin, and you should know by now that I ask the questions" he says crossing his arms and his brown eyes turning blue. "Sorry, I'm forgetful" I muttered rolling my eyes.
"Anyways, there is a slight change of plans about October 31st, or as you mortals call Halloween" my heart takes a small leap filling with hope that maybe Jungkook will be taken out of the plan.
"Don't get your hopes up" Mr. Kim says almost reading my mind. "Well then what is the change of plan?" I ask him my hands starting to sweat with tension, stress, hope and fear.
"So basically I'm going to make this all a bit easier for you, I'm having a party on Halloween. All you have to do is bring a date for yourself and Jungkook." There goes that.
"Why do want me to bring a date like Namjoon?" I ask gently, I didn't want to drag my Joonie into this. I look up and think about what Joon would think about all this, I don't even think he's religious.
"You bring them here, you and your date third wheel Jungkook. Easy." Mr. Kim says a sly grin climbing on his face. "But what if there is nothing to do at this 'party' your hosting?" I ask getting annoyed.
"You know I'm a lot more known then you think Seokjin, and it is less or a party more of a ball. I like things formal, not half assed like you." He snapped back before turning.
"Oh, and don't be such an ass, I could squash you like a fly but then I'd have a lot more on my hands. Now I don't want to hear the back talk. Besides I'm making your job a hell of a lot easier and I can change it back to how it originally was in under a second." At that Mr. Kim snapped his fingers and disappeared leaving me to be alone.
"I actually hate myself sometimes" I mutter under my breath before walking back to class and turning the know entering.
"What ever happened to being quick?" Mr. Cheon barked as I made my way back to my seat. I looked at the clock and realised I had been gone for almost fifteen minutes. For once, my cranky History teacher had a point that was logical and even better, not History related. I sat back into my seat and realised how much easier Mr. Kim has made my job, which just made me worry for Jungkook even more. If he is making my job easier he must really need this plan to work out. But I made me wonder even more. What are his intentions? How dark and messed up are they?" I allowed my mind to take over for the rest of class and plague me with these questions but the only way to find out is to wait until Halloween.


Hey guys! I kinda want death because now we have band Tuesday - Thursday then I have select chorus on Friday and I have no time for anything else. I also have this thing on Saturday called Umass band day and I'm actually gonna be dead but I'll try my hardest to upload.
                                                    - Em

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