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Park Jimin POV

     We walked down the streets and my hair flopped in the wind. The coffee shop was on the edge of town so we had a ten minute walk until we got to the shops. I could see the busy people in eyesight all shopping and staying warm. I still had my Hot Chocolate and I drank it slowly so the drink could keep my hands warm. However, the cold was cooling the drink so I ended up drinking the rest at once. At this time the sun had begun to set and the sky tinted orange as the moon started to show itself. "Someone once told me to never trust the moon because she's always changing." Yoongi suddenly said I looked at him. "Well it's true that the moon does always change, but I don't think you shouldn't trust her because of that. I just think she's lonely because people never see her as much." I replied and Yoongi smiled. "I never thought of it that way, but you're right."
We continued on and we eventually made our way to the shops. I didn't shop much, clothes never fit me right and I don't want to count how times I've been directed to the women's section in stores. "So where do you want to go first?" Yoongi asked and I shrugged. I tossed my cup into a near by trash and I looked around. "Can we go into a clothes shop?" I asked Yoongi and he nodded.
We started our way to a shop and the crowds were building. I lightly stuck my hand out and I smiled when I felt a larger hand engulf my smaller one. I looked to who's hand it was and it was none other than Yoongi's. "I don't want to lose you." I blurted out and I felt my cheeks burn red. "I won't let that happen." Yoongi said and I smiled as I moved closer.
We walked into the store and I adjusted myself so i was holding Yoongi's thumb with my whole hand. I grasped it tighter as I began to surf in the large store. The store was large and had a makeup section that I was trying hard to avoid. I ended in the jacket section and I ran my hands through the fabrics easily being able to tell which ones were cheap and which expensive. I kept moving when I felt a silky type of fabric that I had to stop for.
I took the jacket out and looked at it. It was black and had silver-grey embroidery on it. The fabric was good quality and the seams lined up with each other. The jacket also had buttons at the sleeves that were a light yellow shade and brown.
"Do you like that jacket Jiminnie?" A voice said and I snapped back in and I had momentarily forgotten that I wasn't alone. "I mean, it's high quality so it caught my eye. But it's probably expensive." I replied and the jacket was taken out of my hands. I looked at Yoongi as he quickly looked at the price tag. His face showed no expression so I couldn't tell if the price was high or not. "Can you try it on for me?" Yoongi asked gently and I nodded quickly removing my sweater and Yoongi's scarf.
I carefully put on the jacket and it fit for once. I was genuinely shocked that a piece of clothing like this fit my small body. "Do I look bad?" I asked Yoongi but he just smiled. "I'm getting that for you, no but's." Yoongi told me and my heart jumped. I didn't believe him. "Yoongi you don't have to-" I started but he shushed me. "Jimin, I know you like the jacket, and I like the jacket on you, so therefore I'm getting the jacket for you." Yoongi said and I smiled. I took off the jacket before hugging him tightly. "Thank you, thank you." I told him and he laughed. "Anything for you, Jiminnie." Yoongi said and my heart warmed.
We continued in the store and I eventually started to make my way to the makeup section. I told myself no, but I found myself looking at different eyeshadow palettes and Yoongi looking around confused. He picked up an eyelash curler and looked at it oddly. "What is this modern torture device?" He said to me pointing at it. I giggled at his concern for the product. He put it down and walked away to look at other makeup products and I watched and laughed at his disbelief in some of the things he saw.
I continued looking at eye shadow pallets but moved on after not loving any of them. I went to lipstick next and saw a light pink shade that caught my eye. I looked at it and noticed how pigmented it was. "Hey Yoongi can you come here please?" I asked politely and Yoongi walked over still a bit freaked out over the eyelash curler.
"What don you think about this lipstick?" I asked him but he shrugged. "I don't know anything about makeup." He responded with and I shook my head. "Do you think this lipstick is pretty?" I asked him and he lightly nodded. "I think so." He said and I laughed leaning my head into his shoulder. "It would look pretty on you if that's what you're wondering." He said and I smiled. "Thanks." I said and he took it from my hand. "I'm kinda tired, but I'll get the jacket and the lipstick then we'll get outta here, Okay?" He said and I nodded.
We left the store and I also began to feel tired. We walked out of the town and eventually we arrived at my house. I wish I could stay with Yoongi for a bit longer, even if we didn't do anything, but it was time for us to part.
"Thank you for everything Yoongi, I feel guilty for not paying for anything." I told him and he smiled. "It's okay. I'm always happy to pay for a pretty boy's things." He said and my cheeks burned red. I took my bags before we hugged tightly as a goodbye. "By the way, keep the scarf. It looks better on you." Yoongi added and my smile widened. I quickly stood on my toes and placed a light kiss on Yoongi's cheek before running up to my house and waving goodbye at the boy who I know had a huge crush on.

Not much to say except I'm still sick and want to kms. I also kinda forgot to post so yeah. That's all though, hope you enjoyed!
                  - Em

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