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Park Jaehyung POV

     "Jae, wake up. Dude you got to wake up." A voice said shaking me. My eyelids were heavy and I barely managed to get them to lift up. I looked around and saw Dowoon next to me. I sat up and yawned. "How long was I out?" I asked and he stood up. "A few days. But that's not important. You need to get up and help me." He said and I rolled out of the stiff bed. "What's the worry Dowoon?" I asked and he frowned. "While you were out some Demons broke in somehow and Jimin's gone. I found everyone else knocked out and the house a wreck." He said and I frowned. "What do you mean, Jimin's gone?" I asked standing up. "Gone. Like magic. Just not here. He was probably taken." He said and I sighed. How did I sleep through all this? I frowned and walked out of the room after Dowoon.

     I exit the room and frown at the damage. There were knocked over tables, glass was shattered and spots of blood were scattered on the floor. I walked out and saw the bodies on my friends unconscious. I  was at a loss of words and ran over to Brian, who looked the worst. He was on the ground and had blood slowly oozed out of the side of his mouth. I sat down next to him and shook him awake. He frowned and I wiped the dry blood  off of his face. "Brian, wake up." I told him and he yawned just like I did. I gave him a warm smile  before moving to Yoongi who was the closest to him.

     "Is Jimin okay?" Yoongi immediately asked when he woke up. I reluctantly looked at Dowoon who was looking at me, also not sure of what to say. Brian was still on the floor collecting his thoughts, and Yoongi looked around at the room. "Where is Jimin?" He asked and I swallowed hard. "Where is Jimin? I need to know!" he said raising his voice and I let out a small breath. "We don't know." I said and he shook his head. "What do you mean you "Don't  know"?"  He said panic filling his face. "We don't know. Jae was still out when a bunch of Demons broke in. They were stronger than us, and we all got knocked out. I don't where Jimin could possibly be." Brian cut in, and Yoongi sighed. "I remember that part, but why don't I remember the demons fighting us?" Yoongi asked and Brian scratched his forehead and dried blood flaked off. "You were knocked out first. One clean blow to the head and you were out." He said and Yoongi closed his eyes. "I'm going to look around the place for any clues." Yoongi said before pulling himself up and turning into his human form before limping away.

     We got everyone else up and me and Dowoon were tending everyone's wounds. Yoongi was denying help, and was limping around, while Dowoon was helping Wonpil and Sungjin, I was helping Brian, who got it the worst. When he slammed into the glass table, shards of glass pierced his skin. So I sat here, pulling every small piece out while trying not to hurt him. He needed stiches in a few places, but Dowoon was starting to get drained from repairing everyone's injuries. "How bad is it?" Brian asked me, and I frowned. "Okay. You've had worse, but the impact you made with the table really got those shards in." I said before pulling another shard out from his arm. "I'm sorry. You're okay though, right?" He asked and I nodded. "Perfectly fine. Those demons clearly had nothing to want with me." I said and he gave a light laugh. "I don't think they wanted anything to do with any of us. They didn't kill us or anything, but one took my watch." he said giving a huff and I patted his head. I looked at his wrist and frowned. "That was the watch I got you for Christmas last year! I'm gonna get that watch back." I said and he laughed. "It's not a big deal Chicken little, now can you hurry up and get the rest of that glass out of me please?" He said and I frowned before focusing my attention back to the injuries.

     "Are you almost done Jae?" Dowoon asked as I pulled the last pieces of glass away. "Yep." I said before putting down the tweezers. "Alright, I'm putting these two to bed then I'll come back and heal Brian. Please disinfect his cuts while I'm gone." Dowoon said, and I nodded before he left. I let out a small yawn, and Brian patted my back. I quickly cleaned out his wounds before leaning back against the wall. "Are you tired?" Brian asked and I nodded. "You should probably go to bed then. I know it's late." He said but I shook my head. "I have to wait for Dowoon to come back." I mumbled but Brian placed his hand over my eyes closing them. "I'll stand up for you if he gets mad." He whispered and I yawned before feeling my body fade into darkness.

     "Tomorrow Jae. We're gonna get out of here tomorrow." Hyuk Said and I smiled. "I don't want to be here anymore. I mumbled and he rubbed my back. Hyuk had finally snuck me into the bath and I was the cleanest I had been in months. My wet hair dripped down my back and fell onto my shirt. My hair had gotten long and fell down my face in clumps. "Your hair could use a trim." Hyuk said before walking to the end of the table and grabbing scissors. In a few minuets, hair fell on me and my hair was kinda back to its original state. "Are you excited for tomorrow?" He asked and I nodded. "The though of leaving feels surreal. I don't remember what it's like out there." I said and he smiled. "It's beautiful Jae. Have you ever been to Italy?" He asked and I shook my head. "We're going there first. Then the city of love, Paris. We will probably go to London too, then America." He said and I smiled. "Sounds good, I've always wanted to go to London." I said and I leaned my head on his shoulder. "Too bad you'll never get to go to London." A loud vice yelled as the door swung open. Me and Hyuk froze, stunned. "The rest of my captors walked in and N had fire in his eyes as Ravi picked up Hyuk by the collar of his shirt. We were still at a loss for words as Hyuk was dragged out of the room. "You're leaving tomorrow anyways, but not to London. First you have to watch a little presentation from us truly." N said a smirk showing and two others, Ken and Hongbin grabbed me pulling me out of the room.

     "Jae?" a concerned voice said and I opened my eyes. I looked at Brian who was talking, and he sighed. He wiped tears off my face and I frowned. I knew what was happening next in my dream, and I was glad I was woken up from it. "Are you alright? You look a bit shaken up. Bad dream?" He asked and I nodded. "Do you want to talk about it?" he asked but I shook my head. "Not really." I spoke and he nodded running his hands through his hair. "Well, Yoongi found something that we think you should come and see. Everyone else is out waiting." He said before helping me out of bed. We walked out and I went into the kitchen where everyone else was standing.

     Yoongi was sitting down holding a piece of paper reading it over and over again. "What does it say?" Wonpil asked and Yoongi looked up. "They took Jimin. They have him! They have Jimin and I can't do anything about it!" he yelled standing up and throwing the note. "Calm down Yoongi. Why did they take him? do you know?" Sungjin asked and Yoongi closed his eyes. "The note was from Jimin. It said he was being taken by Demons and taken to Hell. That's all it said." He said running his hands through his hair quickly. "So can't we just go get him back?" Wonpil asked but Yoongi frowned. "It's not that easy Wonpil." He said and Brian sighed. "Why isn't it easy?" Wonpil asked calmly and I frowned. "Because, Humans and Angels can't freely walk between realms. Either you die or get entry from a Demon." he said. I sighed and Dowoon looked up. "Can't we go in through Purgatory?" He asked but Yoongi shook his hand. "We have to die to get to Purgatory. There is no way to get to Hell." Yoongi said before crumpling down into his chair.

     I'm willing to die if it means getting Jimin back." I said suddenly and everyone looked up. "You can't come back you know." He said and I nodded. "I'm not letting you die." Brian said and I frowned. "It's my own decision. Not anyone else's." I said and everyone froze. "At least think about it first." Brian said and I frowned. "How about this. If we can't find another solution by the end of the week, then I'm going." I said and Brian sighed before looking at everyone else. "Deal."

Hey guys! Today I read all of Sea of Monsters in under 6 hours and I feel accomplished. Also, it was the super bowl, and being New Englanders, my dad was pissed when the Patriots lost. I personally hate Football, so I didn't really care. Hope you enjoyed!
                - e.s

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