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Park Jaehyung POV

     "Take this." Wonpil said handing me a knife and a flask of holy water. I placed the bottle in my pocket and hid the knife inside my jacket. He handed me a smaller knife that I placed inside my boot and I smiled at him. "Be safe. And don't get yourself killed." He said before messing up my hair. I smiled at him and walked over to Sungjin. "Here dude." He said giving me a small bag of salt. I gave him a bro hug before walking over to Dowoon. "Here." He said handing me a larger blade. It was silver, and I thanked him before walking next to Brian. He looked at me and I smiled at him. "I'm okay." I told him and he tried to smile. "Okay. Let's go meet Yoongi outside then." He said and we waved at the others before exiting. They wouldn't be leaving for a bit, they were only concerned about us coming out of Hell. I opened the door and before I knew it, me and Brian were dashing down to the stairs trying to get adrenaline pumping and to shake out nerves.

     We arrived outside and saw Yoongi at his ready. He was in a bright red jacket that had a million different pockets with weapons in them, and black pants. He held his knife out and it gleemed in the sunlight. I mean, Yoongi is already pretty intimidating as is, but just his glare would kill you now. We both knew he was on a mission, and didn't want to be the Demon that's been messing with Jimin. "You ready?" Yoongi asked and we both nodded. "Where's Hoseok?" I asked and Brian looked around. "He's getting ready to open the gate. Follow me." He said and before walking infront of us.

     The walk was silent, but my nerves seemed to have already died. We made our way through the snow covering our tracks as we went. If something else managed to get out, we weren't going to let them find us. Eventually Hoseok came into view, and he was working quickly. He had glasses of chemicals around him, making what looked like a potion. "We're here." I said, and Hoseok turned for only a split second. "Just about- I'm done." He said shaking the bottle in his hands. The liquid inside was purple but turned a more pinkish colour not long after. "Shall we?" Brian asked, but Hoseok shook his head. He pulled out a knife and quickly slashed his cheek open. He then Purposely fell in the muddy snow covering himself in dirt. "Someone punch me in the face." He said and we all looked at each other. "Look, this won't work if nobody believes it." He said, and before anyone else could, Yoongi punched him right in the nose. Blood then started to come out and he nodded. "Here." He said before handing Brian a small bag. Brian peered inside and looked up. "What are these?" He asked curious. "Memories. Don't open any unless you have to." Hoseok said, and he nodded closing the bag. "Are we ready now?" I asked, and they all nodded. Then, Hoseok opened the bottle and pulled the liquid straight ahead of us. Purple smoke came and circled around us. "I wish you all the best of luck. Now remember, I'm not your acquaintance, I'm your prisoner." Hoseok said as the smoke engulfed us.

     We all went crashing to the floor, and Brian, Yoongi and I all stood up. "Alright guys. It's game time." Yoongi said before grabbing Hoseok off the floor. We then walk-ran through the Hallways trying to find the way to the throne room. Hoseok had blacked out from the travel, so it was up to just us. "Weapons at the ready boys." Brian said pulling his Knife out and I soon followed. We went silently, stealthy and a bit taken back by the lack of people here. I didn't mind it though, it would help with the element of surprise later on.

     We kept moving until we caught sight of Guards at a set of doors. "This must be it." Brian whispered, and I nodded. "You guys go. I've got a sack of potatoes." Yoongi said and we nodded. "Ready Jae, just as before." Brian said and I nodded. "On three. One... two... Three!" I whisper- yelled and we attacked. The guards were thrown off, and I easily knocked one out and Brian the other. I laughed at the simplicity of it all and Yoongi smiled as he walked over. "Ready guys?" Yoongi asked and we nodded. "As I'll ever be." I said before pushing open the large doors open.

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