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Jeon Jungkook POV

     We all stood there, fighting to the death. The Angel I was going against I had seen before, the night me and Taehyung left for Hell. He and Yoongi had chased after us, but I never learned what his name was. He was young, my age for an Angel. I wondered if he was purebread of became an Angel, how did he even die if so? I ignored my thoughts however, as he swung his sword alost taking my head off. I thought they didn't want me dead, then why was this Angel trying to kill me? On that, why do they want to take me away? "Why do you want me to come with you and Yoongi?" I asked the angel as I deflected his thrust, and he smiled. "You're a mixed breed, who's soulmates with Kim Taehyung, the Devil himself. We need you so he can't try to take over Heaven again." He said, and I frowned. Take over Heaven? "Taehyung makes it sound awful, but you would be loved by everyone. You would even meet the other Archangels. Don't you want that? Fame and fortune in actual Heaven?" The Angel asked and I paused. "But won't I have that with Taehyung?" I asked and he laughed. "You're wrapped aorund his finger Jungkook. In Heaven you'll be able to be free, you can do whatever you want. And you can see your mother again." He said and I stopped. My mother? "I can see that you're thinking about it." He said and I looked aorund. Here we were, in the middle of the forest fighting, because of me. Did I want this?
     "Jungkook, don't listen to him." Taehyung said and I frowned. "Are you really going to listen to him?" The Angel asked and I frowned. Should I listen to him? Do I even want to see my mother again after years of neglect and hatred of me? Even though I couldn't decide, I knew deep down that I didn't. I knew that I wanted to stay with the ones I already knew and trusted. I didn't want Heaven if it meant losing the person who showed me what real Heaven is.

     "I'm not going." I said before swing my sword again. "You do know that when Yoongi kills Taehyung you are going to have to go anyway right?" He asked and I shook my head. "I shouldn't have to worry because he's not going to kill Taehyung." I said before thrusting my sword and whacking the end of my sword against his shoulder. He fell, and tackled me in the midst of it. "Get off of me!" I yelled but he pinned me down. "I'm just going to stay right here so you can't get away." He said and I sighed. I moved my hand out from under him and put it on his forehead. I focused for a few seconds, before knocking him out with I spell I had learned in the library one day.  

     I pushed the Angel off of me and sat up covered in sweat. He was knocked out, and I was tired as shit. I looked over to see Hoseok covered in blood as he continued to fight Namjoon. I could also see that Namjoon was losing, which was odd for the fact that he almost killed Taehyung a few days ago. My sword was lost in the snow, and despite my training I wasn't good at fighting with a sword. My knives were still on my waist, waiting to be used. Taehyung and Yoongi were still fighting, but both were tiring. Joshua was on the ground passed out and Jihoon was defending off the hunters he was fighting. I looked over to see Jimin? He was on the gound next to were Hoseok previously lied. He was just watching, not fighting, he didn't even have a weapon. He looked at me, and we made eye contact. There I was, staring at the boy that once liked me despite me not giving a shit about me. Does Jin know he's here? He didn't  move, not even afriad at the fact that I could kill him. We continued to sit there motionless, until a cling of metal happened causing me nad Jimin to look over to our lovers.

     Taehyung was on the ground, his blade gone as he held onto his arm that was profusly bleeding. Yoongi had both blades in his hands and threw Taehyung's into the snow behind him. A few seconds later another final clash was heard and Namjoon was down. His sword was in the snow,  but Hoseok didn't try to kill him. He just sat there, already weak from losing his wings. I didn't think he had it in him to kill his old friend, even though Namjoon did the worst crime you can ever do to an Angel or Demon. I looked back at Taehyung,  and he looked over at me. Yoongi was about to deliver his final blow, and I pulled out one of my knives.
     This was the time I had to decide. Kill Yoongi and save Taehyung, or not kill Yoongi and lose Taehyung. Save the Devil I loved and kill the innocent Angel, or save him and let Taehyung die. I heard Jimin move foreward, waiting to see what I would do. Yoongi paused as he looked at Taehyung and said something I couldn't make out. Do it Jungkook, kill him. A voice said and I frowned. Just as Yoongi was about to kill Taehyung, I threw my knife, aimed at Yoongi.

     "No!" A voice screamed and I looked in shock as Jimin jumped infront on the blade letting it dive into his chest. I froze, and Yoongi turned around. Jimin fell to the ground, imediatly bleeding. Taehyung stood up and grabbed his sword, but didn't go to kill Yoongi. I  just sat there as Yoongi ran to see his lover. "Jimin, you're going to be okay." Yoongi said but Jimin shook his head. "Yoongi, I know you're weak, if you help me,  you'll die. I can't let that happen." Jimin said refusing help. "Jiminnie." He said and I noticed tears falling from Yoongi's eyes.
     I made an Angel cry, me. I continued staring, but emotions stirred inside me. Jimin smiled at Yoongi, pullling the knife out of his chest. "Thank you Yoongi, for everything. Thank you  for showing me what it's like to love someone." Jimin said before lifing his head just enough to kiss Yoongi on the lips. Then, his head dropped to the ground, Park Jimin was dead.

     "Jimin, oh Jimin, don't leave me." Yoongi said holding Jimin's head in his hands. All of the colour had drained from his face, and Yoongi cried even harder. Yoongi didn't bother with us, I knew deep down that he didn't care anymore. I stared at him and watched as he wrapped Jimin in his wings so neither of them could be seen. The crying stopped, and I watched as Yoongi's feather's fell off his wings and blew away in the wind. I looked at Taehyung, and he was as shocked me. The feathers kept falling, and I realised that all the fighting had stopped. A large ball of white light came up and I looked at Taehyung. The ball rose up and up into the sky fading from sight. "Jimin's soul." Hoseok murmered from behind me and I looked up. Jimin  really died. He was gone and wasn't coming back. I killed someone. Someone who only ever wanted to be  nice to me. Someone who was always in pain despite being nice to everyone. I watched as the rest of the feathers fell and only two motionless bodies were there. Yoongi had died as well. I killed an Angel. At that moment I realised what had happened. I chose the dark side.

     Taehyung dropped his weapon and ran to me embracing me tightly. "Jungkook, you saved me." He said and I looked at him. He smiled, and ran his thumb across my cheek. "Blue." He said and I looked at him confused. "Deep blue eyes. They're beautiful Jungkook." He said it occured to me. I had blue eyes. "Taehyung, I killed them." I said and he smiled. "It's not easy being on the dark side Jungkook. It's not easy being on either side. You're going to have to kill people sometimes." Taehyung said and I nodded.
    "Are you going to kill Hoseok?" I asked and he looked behind him to where a wingless Hoseok sat. "No, he can stay here." Taehyung said and I nodded. "Alright, I think we should go now. I'm tired." I said and he nodded. "I am too Baby, but now we don't have to worry anymore. Now we can annouce that I'm back, Jin and Namjoon are going to get married, we have many celebrations to look foreward to." Taehyung said and I nodded. "Let's go home." I said and he nodded.

     We walked around and picked up Namjoon, Joshua, and Jihoon. The Angel I fought was still on the ground, but now the rest of the hunters came out of hiding and were helping each other out. They all had solem looks on their faces, but we didn't bother them. Just as Taehyung was about to open a portal I walked over to Hoseok, who still didn't move. He looked up at me, but still didn't move. "Hey, I just wanted to say thank you. I know you'll find what you're looking for eventually." I told him and he smiled, a sad weary smile. "Anytime Jungkook. Goodbye." He said. "I have a feeling we'll see each other again Hoseok." I said and he smiled again. I then waved goodbye, before stepping through the portal.

Hey guys! Guess you weren't expecting that lol. Not just one death, TWO! Hahahahaha I love killing characters that people have emotional attachments to it's so fun. Hope you enjoyed! (Also lemme know if you cried lol)
       - e.s

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