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Park Jaehyung POV

     I sighed looking at the clock. I sat in the dining room watching the others play cards. We were waiting for Yoongi and Hoseok to wake up, and it was boring. I wanted action, I wanted my life to be filled with the colour that it once had. My life used to be bright and happy, which was surprising for the fact that I dropped out of school at sixteen to professionally fight monsters. I found it fun, my parents did it until they died, so I knew I had to do it too. I didn't want or need love or really anything at first, and was just me against the world, living off what my parents left for me in America. I missed America, driving around running wild living life like how you should. Those were the best times, I was free from everything. But that didn't last long, and I got into some trouble on a case. It was against a Wendigo, but luckily some other hunters happened to be on the same case. They saved me and took me under their wings. It was fun for a while, but I didn't like how many rules and restrictions I was given. They wanted me to go back to school. they wanted me to do something other than hunting. But I didn't want that, so one night I took the rest of the money my parents had left me and took the first flight to South Korea, leaving everything I once had in America. I was free once again, but of course, that didn't last long either. I began to run out of money. This as probably the scariest part since my parents had left, but one night I met five other guys around my age all doing the same thing. I later learned that they were the guys I would be with to this day. I am still happy that I found them, they cared but let me run free if I really wanted to. I miss those days, when I could do anything I wanted.

     "Jae" someone called and I looked up at Brian. Yoongi and Hoseok were both up, I really need to stop zoning out so much. They both sat down, but only Hoseok looked like he actually slept. "So, Hoseok, how are we going to save my Jiminnie?" Yoongi asked and Hoseok frowned. "I'm not sure but I know we should try to sneak in and do it as fast as possible. Also, we'll grab unwanted attention if we all go." He said and Yoongi nodded. "I'm going, don't even try to stop me." Yoongi said but Hoseok sighed. "Yoongi, when I talked to Jimin he told me that they will try to kill you if you  go. It might not be smart." He replied but Yoongi shot him the death stare. "Look Horse boy, I'm going to save Jimin whether you think it's a good idea or not." Yoongi said back and he shut up. "Alright, well we probably shouldn't have two angels go so I'll stay at the gates and make sure you guys get in and out safely." Dowoon said and Hoseok snapped his fingers before a pen and paper appearing. He quickly scribbled something down before looking back up at us. "I'll stay too, I would rather not go to Hell." Sungjin said and Yoongi nodded before Hoseok writing what I was guessing who was doing what down. "I'll go, I'm a solid fighter, I can protect Yoongi as he goes to get Jimin." Brian said, leaving me and Wonpil. "Only one more can come but you both can stay if you want. Remember though, I can't help you guys actually save Jimin, I can't put myself under suspicion until you guys get out." Hoseok said and we nodded.

     "I'll go. I wanted to go in the first place anyway." I said, and the room went silent. "Jae, you might not be well enough, it's dangerous." Brian tried but I shut him down. "I'm going, Jimin is my friend anyways, I've spent more time with Demons this year than you ever have Brian." I shot back, and he frowned. "You know I'm just trying to pro-" He started but I cut him off. "Shut up Brian, I can fend for myself, I don't need you." I said and he stood up. "That's what you said before you got kidnapped by Demons Jae! You can't fend for yourself and we both know that!" He yelled and I flinched before also standing up. "I can't get better if every time I try to help you shut me down." I said and he frowned. "You can't get better if you get killed! I'm so worried that you'll get in trouble again and we can't help you Jae. I can't let you die on me!" He yelled before storming out of the room.

     I sat back down before running my hands through my hair. Everyone else just stood there in silence and I looked up. "Should I go get him?" Hoseok asked but Wonpil waved him off. "He needs to cool off, don't bother him." He said and Hoseok nodded looking down. "Alright, well I was thinking that I can sneak you guys in then I can distract the guards while you guys get Jimin. Then we leave and it's good." Hoseok said and we all nodded. "It won't be that easy, I can tell." Sungjin cut in, and he did have a point. Hoseok looked off into the distance in thought. "Wait. Namjoon has these things that are more important to him than anything else." He started and every looked at him listening. "I can steal some of them then give them to you guys. You can pretend that you broke in and made me give them to you. Then tell Namjoon that if you don't get Jimin back, then you'll kill me and take the things." Hoseok said, and it was the best idea you could probably think of. "That could work." Yoongi said and I nodded. "Alright, so is that the plan?" Hoseok said and we all nodded. "Jae, go apologize to Brian while we finish up here." Wonpil told me and I frowned. "Go." Sungjin added and I frowned before getting up and leaving the room.

     I arrived at Brian's room and knocked on his door. "What" I heard him say and I frowned. "It's me. I just want to talk." I said through the door and I heard a shuffle of feet before the door opening. "I'm sorry." was all I could say before being pulled into a hug. I breathed out before hugging him back. Tears threatened to spill suddenly, and eventually did. He broke the hug and looked at him. "What's wrong?" He asked and I barely could talk. It seemed as if everything I had held in was coming out. "I'm sorry. I'm so stupid,  I know you're just trying to protect me and I'm always so mean to you." I said still crying hard. He pulled me back in and rubbed my back as I kept crying. "It's okay, it's okay, you're okay." He told me and for once I could actually believe it. I thought about the last time I cried in front of Brian, it happened to be when they found me in the vamp coven. I used to be so strong and I never cried, not even when my parents died. But when I was taken, I was broken, no longer emotional stable anymore. And at that moment, as I stood crying in Brian's eyes that I realized I still had colour, I just had to find it, and one of those colours was blue, which I just so happened to find in Brian's arms, crying until I couldn't anymore, letting all my emotions go away into a bigger place that I wouldn't have to find until my time was on earth was up.

Hey guys! So I finally finished writing this book so everything just needs editing. It's actually really relieving, and I get to start more new stuff soon. I have 4-5 ideas flowing currently and I want to start and develop my writing more. But you guys don't really care but I hope you enjoyed!
                 - e.s

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