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Jung Hoseok POV

     I walked through the kitchen and looked for some food. I wanted some junk food but I couldn't see anything. Ever since Jin had arrived all the good food had gone to him. All I wanted to do was stuff my face with food and read for hours on end to distract myself from my problems. I know Taehyung at one point will catch on about the deal I make with those hunters, but I don't really regret it. But I still am facing a bit of heartbreak and I'm the only single Pringle here. I mean, people are dumb and annoying, I like being alone.
     I looked around when I spotted a tray of cookies. I looked to make sure that nobody was nearby, before grabbing the tray and slipping down the hall.

     I stuffed my face with cookies as I skimmed through some books. I already knew most of the spells in the books as they were used over and over again. It just stunk that all of the books are over a hundred years old. I would kill for a comic book.
     I closed the book and looked around. I picked up the large stack of books and walked to put them back. Nobody else really comes in here, not even other workers, so I'm basically the librarian. I don't mind it however, it taught me where everything is, I could get around even with my eyes closed.

I carefully put the books back before venturing further into the upstairs back of the library. This was the only section that I didn't know well, mostly because it's all scrolls and tablets, and so old it's hard for even me to understand. Also a lot of it is in ancient languages, some even the angels language, which I only know bits and pieces of. It's not like I could just learn it however, the language is practically dead and I'm not friends with any angels.

I looked through the large amounts of scrolls trying to find anything interesting. I stopped in my tracks when I spotted a certain part. It seemed to be all about different types of angels and demons. I knew there were different that there were different types of angels and demons but not this many. I looked through the scrolls when a voice broke through the silence. "Is there anybody in here?" A voice called and I frowned. I took a mental note to go back there later and made my way downstairs.

"Sir Suha!" A voice called and I rolled my eyes. I didn't have time for this. "Hi Jin, and by the way, my name is Hoseok." I corrected him as I walked over. "Yeah whatever, but I came to tell you that lunch is ready. Are those cookies? I swear somebody was yelling about missing cookies this morning." He said and I looked at the cookies. Whatever. "Okay, lets go."

I ate my soup and looked at the table. It was just Jin, Namjoon and me and I was slightly confused on where the others were. "Where's Jungkook and Taehyung?" I asked and Jin looked up. "Still sleeping." Namjoon said and I frowned. "I make that commute twice a day and the go once and sleep for that long?" I scoffed and Jin looked at me. "It was the first time Taehyung had flown in years, and he had to carry someone for the whole time. Give them a break." Namjoon added and I frowned. I put down my spoon before standing up. "I need to check on some things. I'll give you a report later, Namjoon." I said looking at him and he nodded knowing what I was talking about.

I walked down the hallway and passed the throne room. I could see the line of demons waiting outside and I pushed through them. They shouted, whispered and even spat at me, but I didn't care. No demon like that will ever get here.
I walked to the end of the hallway and pulled out the small silver key that unlocked the large door in front of me. I was the only one that had a key, not even Namjoon had a spare. I put in the key and twisted it unlocking the door. I quickly entered before locking the door behind me. I turned around and my mouth dropped. I walked to the shelf that held dozens of bottles and stared in shock. Almost all of the bottles had gold content inside, when just the other day only one bottle was gold.
     I walked over to the large set of notes I had and scanned them. I didn't know that so many could change in a small amount of time. I stopped at the right page and read it.

Gold: super important to thought process and personality
Blue: sad, reminder that things can get better and you can move on.
Orange: happy, important to friendships and love
Green: disgust, important to decision making and happiness
Red: anger, reminder of bad friendships, and sadness
Pink: love, important to happiness in the future, but can also be sad
Purple: vanity, shows want and belief that you are higher than others
Grey: unimportant
Black: darkness, can be seen as evil, narcissistic and manipulative.
*memories can change as time passes*

     I looked back up at the bottles. I knew that I should get rid of the important memories, but I couldn't. I didn't know what what the outcome would be and Namjoon would kill me. Most of them were now gold with a few blue, pink and grey. I walked over and picked up one of the bottles. I looked at it carefully as the dust like particles moved into a scene, or a memory.
     I watched it intrigued before realising what I was doing. I quickly pulled away and watched as the scene faded away. After that I put the bottle back in the cabinet before exiting and calling a guard to send in Namjoon as it was mandatory. The guard just nodded and walked away, we were the only ones that knew about the memories.

     I sat back down and continued to look through my notes when a knock was heard on the door. "Namjoon?" I asked and a yes was heard from the other side. I quickly opened the door before pulling him in looking around to make sure nobody was around and closing the door before locking it.
     "Hoseok, what is going on?" He asked and I frowned. "By the looks of it, your little plan is failing." I said before showing him all of the memories. "Um, how exactly?" He asked and I looked around. I stopped before realising that I never really told him what it all meant. "See how most of them are gold?" I said and he nodded. "That means that the memories are very important." I said and he looked at me. "So..." he started and I face palmed. "It means that your precious Jin might as well have amnesia. Except he doesn't, you just felt the need to take all of these memories away from him, and I have absolutely no clue what his reaction will be when he finds out what you did." I said coldly and I saw the confusion morph into worry on his face.
     "I have a plan. We just won't give him the memories back."


Hey guys! This is coming out literally right on Wednesday lol. If you haven't yet, go watch the trailer for the book! It's in the last chapter/AN fyi. Also the library in the photo is the Trinity College library in Dublin Ireland, I went there in 2016 and holy shit it was amazing. While writing this, I imagined that libray so it looks kinda look that. Also, I found out that some snake thinks I hate them because they got into Kpop and that I said that they "copied me". Yes I hate this specific person, but not because of Kpop. Jesus Christ I'm not fucking five years old. So if that snake reads this because apparently they're following me here, go fuck yourself. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed!

- e.s

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