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Kim Taehyung POV

I stood around as the guests entered. I didn't care for them I only wanted Jungkook. Jin confirmed everything yesterday so if he lied to me I would kill him. My black and gold jacket glowed and gathered people's attention as I made my way through the crowd. "Oh my Taehyung, you look so hot!" One woman shouted and I gagged. I truly hate demons, they say what they think and they talk before thinking. Half the time they just show hoping to get a piece of me, but not tonight. I'm saving everything for someone special.
     It was almost eight and I walked over to the dance floor. The chandelier's bright candles lit up the dance floor and poor Hoseok would have to blow them all out while I slept. But he doesn't sleep anyways cause he's a demon. Where is he by the way? I continued until it hit.
     There he was. Jeon Jungkook. He practically glowed in the candlelight and his blue jacket fit perfectly. His light skin was shiny and his lips were slightly tinted red. His chocolate brown eyes glistened in the bright candle lights. My heart skipped a few beats at his overall beauty, I didn't know it would this kind of effect of me. Slowly I walked over to him and ignored everyone around me. A song was about to start so I knew it was my chance to step in. I arrived and lightly tapped him from behind trying not to scare him.
     "Um, Hello." He spoke gently looking at me.
     "You seem to be alone, care to dance?" I asked letting my blue eyes blaze and my voice to charm him.
     "Okay." Jungkook replied and I took his hands leading him to the dance floor. Our hands fit perfectly like two pieces of a puzzle.
     "I'm Taehyung by the way, what is your name?" I asked even though I already knew.
     "I'm Jungkook. I's nice to meet you Taehyung but I'm gonna call you Tae." He said and I laughed. A light blush formed on his face. We got on the dance floor and I wrapped my arm around his waist. He put his arm on my shoulder and our other hands were interlocked.
We began to dance but Jungkook didn't seem to know how. "You don't know how to dance do you?" I asked and he frowned. "No, my parents never taught me to make a can of soup, never mind dancing." I could hear hidden pain behind his words and I rubbed his back encouragingly. "It's okay, that's what I'm here for." I said twirling him around. "We barely know each other, how can you be so nice?" He asked and I laughed. "I'm not nice to everyone only pretty boys like you." I said and he blushed again. I loved to see his cheeks turn a bright pink.
As we kept dancing he eventually got the hang of it. He was clearly enjoying himself and it pleased me very much. I never knew the innocence that Jungkook shows in his eyes.
After awhile we continued until Jungkook went to a stop. "I'm hungry." He said and I realised we hadn't eaten yet.
"Okay, I'll call dinner." I said and snapped one of my fingers. A man ran over and I told him to tell everyone to sit in the dining area and to start serving dinner immediately. Right after he walked away I lead Jungkook to the dining room. Two men held the doors open for us. "Are you having a good night so far, Mr. Kim?" One asked. "Well thanks for asking, I'm having a great time now that I've met Jungkook here. Isn't he such a pretty thing?" The man nodded and Jungkook's cheeks burned up. Clearly he doesn't get this much attention.
"Where do you want to sit?" I ask him and he looks around the room. "I don't know, how about you chose us a place to sit. I have to check in with my friends." Jungkook said and I nodded. He ran away to find them and I picked the spot where the host is supposed to sit. It's away from the exit so wherever you sit you can see the table. I take my seat and a waiter brings over two covered plates.
"Tae!" A voice yelled. It was Jungkook's. He ran over me with two others.
"I want you to meet my friends." I looked at them. It was Jin and someone else who looked extremely familiar. "This is Jin and Namjoon." Jungkook said and I showed a fake smile mentally telling Jin to get the fuck away.
He clearly took it and looked at Jungkook. "You two seem to be having a lot of fun. Me and Joon are gonna sit somewhere else okay?" Jin said politely. "Okay!" Jungkook said and I stood up. "Hey, I have to find out what's for dessert. I will be right back." I spoke cheerfully and I could see Jin's expression harden at the fact that I was being so nice to Jungkook and and brutal to everyone else. I flashed Jin a clearly fake smile before turning and leaving. I walked through the kitchen looking for Hoseok. "Has anyone seen Hoseok?" I called. "I think he went to his room early sir, he told me he didn't want to be disturbed." One cook said and I left. If I knew anything it's to leave Hoseok alone if he wants to be alone.
I left the kitchen and sat back down next to Jungkook. "So what are we having for dessert?" He asked me. Oh yeah. "I think chocolate cake but I'm not sure." He nodded and lifted the top off his plate to eat.
We ate in a peaceful silence and I was right. Dessert was chocolate cake. After dinner me and Jungkook danced again. Our steps fell into sync and Jungkook had slowly gotten closer to me as the night went on.
"Tae, you smell nice." He told me and I laughed. The music was slower now and Jungkook leaned his head on my chest. "You seem tired." I told him as we rocked back and forth. "I am." He responded and he closed his eyes. "Sleep pretty boy, you can stay with me if you want." I tell him and he nods. "Yeah, can we sleep together? I don't want to be alone." He said almost begging. "Of course, just let go. Let sleep take over, I'll take you to my room okay?" I said and Jungkook sniffed me again as he fell asleep. I picked him up and held him close to me. I began to my room and told a woman to end the party. She walked away and I left beginning to make my way to my room. I climbed the stairs slowly trying not to wake Jungkook. "Be careful." A voice called and I turned. Jin stood at the bottom. "Calm yourself Seokjin. I will take good care of him. You can come visit sometimes too." I said and my blue eyes faded to brown. "Don't hurt him. Please." Jin said and I sighed. "Look, I'm tired, Your tired, were all tired. Let me go to bed. And no, I'm not going to hurt him." I tell him before turning and heading to my room. I take off Jungkook's shoes jacket and earrings before my own and I tuck him in. He stirred around but I hummed gently climbing into bed myself. Jungkook latched himself onto me. I smiled and ran my hands through his soft hair before closing my eyes and allowing sleep to take over my body peacefully.


Yoyoyo it's spooky time here. I'm dying cause I'm tired but I hope you guys enjoyed!
                                      - Em

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