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(^ What Yoongi looks like but with black hair btw)

Park Jimin POV

     My stomach did flips as I went to my locker to get my stuff. I didn't have any other classes with Yoongi after lunch so  I hadn't seen him since. I didn't want to tell him, how did he know? I wanted to throw up right now but I didn't want to ruin my makeup.
     The hallways were filled and I silently made my way through the halls before I stopped to say goodbye to Jin and Namjoon before I made my way out. I still questioned why Yoongi and Namjoon had given each other mean looks for the whole lunch, did they know each other somehow? It didn't make sense though, Yoongi had gotten here just today.
     I exited the front doors of the school and shivered at the cold. Damn I should've brought a scarf. I slowly made my way to the gates of the school and I spotted Yoongi fully decked out, hat, scarf, jacket and man I was jealous.
I got closer and he smiled as I arrived.
     "It's cold." I said and he looked me up and down. "Pretty boy it's November." He said before taking off his scarf and placing it around my neck. I gave a small laugh and he gave me an adorable grin.
     "Here, let's go to a coffee shop in town. I have a feeling you don't want everyone to know." He said and I nodded. At least he has the decency to go somewhere private.
     We began to walk and the cold hit me hard. I need a jacket tomorrow, I reminded myself  while I stuffed my pink nose into Yoongi's scarf. Besides the cold, I loved fall especially now, where all the leaves have fully changed colours and you're waiting for the first snowfall but you're at peace with yourself because fall is just so calm.
     "Do you like fall Jiminnie?" Yoongi asked and I nodded. "Autumn is the best time a year. I find it so peaceful and calm. Sometimes I just forget how cold it can get." I said and Yoongi smiled. "I don't mind you taking my scarf. You look cute in it." He added and my cheeks burned red that luckily he couldn't see.
     We continued to walk until we finally reached the coffee shop. Yoongi held the door open and I began to walk to the counter. "What would you
Like Jiminnie?" Yoongi asked me and I smiled. "Hot chocolate" I said and he smiled back. "Okay go find a seat and I'll get drinks." I began to protest but Yoongi refused to let me pay. I eventually gave up and walked away.
     I looked for seats and chose a small couch next to a window. I took off Yoongi's scarf and rolled it up before I placed it on my lap so nobody could take it. I looked out the window and the wind blew the leaves gently making a wave of red, orange and yellow. I heard that apparently the leaves rarely change colours, only in places that have all four seasons. Sometimes I wished to go somewhere else, maybe America, or France, but that would probably never happen, which is okay cause South Korea is still nice.
     "One Hot Chocolate for the pretty boy." A voice said and I looked over to Yoongi. He handed me the drink and I smiled before taking a sip. Yoongi sat next to me in the couch and I moved a bit closer to him. He noticed and I mentally cursed before he moved over and wrapped an arm around my waist. I wanted to get closer but told myself not to, instead taking another sip of my drink. "I guess it's time." I spoke quietly looking down at my chubby hands that held my drink. Yoongi nodded before sipping from his own drink.
     "Before you tell me I just want you to know that I'm staying put and I'm not going to leave no matter how bad it is." Yoongi said and I looked at him. I took a deep breath before speaking."
     "I don't eat. I hate to. I'm fat as fuck. I can't even keep food down. I barely drink either. I just tell everyone I'm not hungry and they buy it. To be honest, I don't get how you found out. Please don't leave. I know I'm a disgusting pig. I can't help it." I all said at once and I immediately regretted it. But Yoongi didn't let go of me. Instead he took my chin and we made eye contact. "Jimin, you're the most beautiful person I have ever met and I want you to know that you are not fat. I don't want you to think that of yourself. It's not disgusting and I want to help you. Please let me help you, please I don't want you to die because you stopped eating."
     My eyes teared up I smiled. Yoongi then engulfed me in a hug and I felt shocked. I always thought he would hate me. Everyone always hated me when I told them. He let go and looked me in the eyes. "Tonight you're going to eat. We're going to do this together." He said before putting his scarf back on me. "I'm going to take care of you." Yoongi said before standing up.
     "You did your part, now I have to do mine. Come on, we're going shopping." Yoongi said and I stood up drinking my Hot chocolate. We exited and I looked at Yoongi the whole way. I didn't mean to, but I think I'm falling in love with Yoongi.

Oops this might be a bit late. Whatever, I'm busy trying to not die. Also we have a football game tomorrow and the high is 35 degrees (Fahrenheit) and 2 degrees (Celsius). I'm going to freeze my ass off. Anyways, hope you enjoyed!
                           - Em

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