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Kim Taehyung POV

     I rolled over in the covers, shifting in and out of sleep. I was restless, and everyone could tell. I had skipped dinner, and I had been in my room for most of the day, and the weather was in a constant rain, which I didn't mind. I sighed and ran my fingers over the empty spot next to me. I knew it had only been a day since we had gotten into our fight, but I hoped he would forgive me. I never thought I would even have to tell him in the first place. I knew he's probably hurt, but I promised I would never hurt him, but I even failed that. I promised that I would protect him, but I just hurt him, like I do with everyone else I meet.  rolled over and out of the bed. I walked to the window and opened the drapes. I had them closed, but it was the middle of the night, and Jungkook wasn't even here with me. Instead, he was hidden somewhere in that huge library where only that horse could find him.

     I sighed as I looked at the water that slowly dripped down the windows. Every drop represented a different mistake I had made in the past, which is why there are so many of them. I winged shadow could be seen from the floor and I smiled knowing that Jungkook loved my wings. I turned back around and ran my hand across and to find the tiny gold latch that held the window closed. I turned around and looked into the dark room where the only light was came from the outdoors. I looked at my bed, and found it empty. I took a deep breath before undoing the latch and jumping out into the rain.

     The water soaked through my thin clothes, and seeped onto my skin. My hair hung lose and stuck to my face. My wings were heavy and the tips were sprawled against the ground. I Breathed in the cold air, and hot tears rolled down my face. I never cried, not when I was picked on by other angels, not when I got injured, I didn't even shed a tear when my wings were cut off. But now, It felt as if all the tears that had built up over time finally overflowed and spilled. It calmed me down, and it made me remember why people cry so often. It's reliving. I thought about Jungkook, and how he cried that night after dinner. I remember when he would have nightmares and snuggle up against me for protection. I wonder what he'll do now when he wakes up to find nobody waiting to see what his next move is, what card he's going to put down. Even though I usually made the plays, he was included in all of them. I loved him more than anything, and he probably thought I was nothing more but a monster, but even monsters have hearts. I shut my mind down and lied back into the wet grass and closed my eyes. The air was still, and I covered my face with the palms of my hands. I wished everything could stop, but not even my Brain could leave me alone for five minutes.

Le magical flashback ~

     "Your Highness, we are losing ground. I don't know what to do." The words escaped the Captain's mouth, and I was at a loss of words. We had gained so much over these months, but everything was crashing down. "You know that the Old Man's punishment on you will be extremely harsh right?" he asked and I huffed. "What should we do?" he asked and I sighed running my hands through my sweaty hair. "We might as well go in strong and not be cowards. Send in Kim Namjoon please." I told the Captain and he nodded in agreement. "I will ready the troops, I wish you great luck, Taehyung." The man said and I weakly smiled before he left sending in Namjoon.

     A few seconds later Namjoon entered. "What is it Taehyung?" he asked and frowned. "Namjoon I have a bad feeling about what's going to happen in a few hours. So I'm going to ask you of something huge." I said before pulling out a prewritten contract, quill and ink. "What is it?" He asked generally concerned as why I was pulling out a contract. "Namjoon, if we don't win this war and I get in some type of trouble so that I cannot rule here, I am declaring you King until I return." I stated and his mouth slightly dropped. "Me? You can't be serious." He said but I shook my head. "Dead serious. You are my most trusted advisor and I hope you can at least keep things intact until I return, because we both know I  will return." I said boldly, and he nodded. "I will try my absolute hardest." He promised before quickly signing at the bottom completing the contract. "This is to go up immediately after the last battle, but now, I must fight." I said before shaking his hand and exiting the tent and into the large field where the last battle would occur.     

End of le magical flashback ~

     I eventually made my way back to my room and the rain had soaked the floor. I stepped inside and closed the window preventing anymore water to enter. I slowly stripped the pile of wet clothes off and I rang my hair out. I  sneezed and shivers ran down my spine. I knew I was out for a bit to long then what's healthy for you, but I could care less. I walked to the dresser near my bed, and changed into another pair of clothes before climbing into bed, finally tired enough to fall into a emotionless sleep.

     I woke up to a loud knocking on the door waking up. "What is it?" I practically yelled and the knocking stopped. "Some demons just dropped some boy off in the cells. It's said that he knows about Yoongi. I was told to get you immediately." The voice said and I grumbled before getting out of bed. "I'll be out soon, thank you." I said and the person walked away. I quickly changed into some daily clothes and brushed through my hair. My hair was almost back to original state, and I smiled before putting in some earrings and exiting into the halls pretending that all the emotions I went through last night never occurred. 

     I entered the dungeon and smiled at the guards at the door. "It's good to see that you're back Sir." one of them said, and I smiled. "I'm glad to be back as well." I said back, and the other guard looked up. "Have you announced it to the public yet?" The other guard asked and I shook my head. "We have to clean up some messes first, but once everything's back in order we will have some festivities." I said, and both of them smiled. "Sounds good to us, but you probably don't want to listen to us ramble for an hour so I'll lead you to the cell." The left guard said, and I smiled. "Thank you." I said before he lead me deeper into the dungeon.
     "How far is this kid?" I asked as we went deeper and deeper into the cells. The screams of pain and rotten smell I had gotten used to, but my shoes weren't for walking. "In the way back. We don't him to try to escape. This place is basically a maze, so he'll have no clue where to go even if he did manage to get out." He said, and I nodded. We continued to walk, and eventually we made it to the final cell. There were two doors, both with locks, and no other prisoners were to be seen. entered the first door and the guard stopped at the second. "I'll unlock the door, but I'll wait out here for you." the guard said, and I nodded before he unlocked the door and left.

     I pushed the heavy door open, and looked for the kid. I spotted him balled up in the far corner and walked to him. "Who are you?" I asked in my cold voice, but he just flinched. I frowned before kicking him gently. He lifted his head, to reveal a bloodied face, half purple and pink hair red from dried blood. "Please- don-don't h-hurt m-m-me" He stuttered out, and I frowned. "I won't have to if you listen and to what I tell you." I said and he reluctantly nodded. "First off, what's your name?" I asked and he closed his eyes. "J-Jimin. Park Jimin." He told me and I nodded. "Okay Jimin, how do you know Min Yoongi?" I asked him, but he held back. I repeated the question with more force, but he was unresponsive. I pulled him up before changing into my true from. He trembled and shut his eyes tightly. "Look Jimin, I'm not a man to mess with. So will you tell me, or will I have to force it out of you?" I said and he opened his eyes. "He's my boyfriend." he said and a smile formed on my lips. Tears dripped down his cheeks and a pleasing feeling came upon me. I had forgotten how good it was make people cry. "Now tell me Jimin, what do think Yoongi would do for you?" I asked and he looked at his feet. "I-I don't k-now. I know he loves me very much, but I'm not sure." He said, and I frowned. "Do you think he will try to find you?" I asked and he wiped the tears off his face. I noticed that he was wearing chains on his wrists and blood encrusted them. "I hope so." Was all he could get out before closing his eyes and going limp. I dropped him to the floor and frowned. "That's all I need to know Jimin, I hope you enjoy your stay because it might be for a bit." I said and his face contorted in emotion even though I thought he couldn't hear me. "Please tell them to be nicer sir. The men who brought me here." Jimin mumbled as I was about to exit, and I frowned before leaving.

     I looked at the guard and smiled. "Get as much information out of him as possible. I don't care how." I said, going completely against what Jimin had asked. While guilt should've passed through me then, nothing happened. It was just one of the reasons everyone was so afraid of me and called me a monster. That's because I am a monster, or as some say, the Devil himself. And I always get what I want, not matter how hard it might be. At that I knew what my next target would be. To get Jungkook back and to show him that he belongs to me, not Jin, not Hoseok, and not some stupid angel.

Hey guys! First off, I'm currently re-reading the Percy Jackson series (10/10 recommend btw) and I'm noticing that the things I write are (unintentionally) heavily influenced by Rick Riordan's work. So on that, would anyone read it if I wrote some kind of  Greek Gods AU? I'm  not sure if anything will happen, but you never know. I hope you enjoyed!
                 - e.s

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