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Jung Hoseok POV

     Panic filled the room as we all scrambled to grab what we need. "Jimin, Jae. Follow me." Wonpil said as he filled a bag with medicine. "Where are you guys going?" Brian asked as he grabbed his sword and quickly sharpened it. "We can't go down, so we're going up." Wonpil said and I frowned. "Why don't you guys stay here?" I  asked and Wonpil shook his head. "What if you guys get destroyed? We won't have time to get out. We have to go now so we can make a run for it if worse comes to  worst." He told us and I nodded before waving them off. "Go, be careful." I said and Wonpil nodded before putting on his bag and waving Jimin and Jae over. I watched fearfully as they climbed out the window and into the trees.

     "Alright guys, remember your training, this is the time to really kick some ass." Yoongi said and we nodded grabbing our weapons and walked down the stairs. My heart was in my throat, and my stomach churned. We weren't ready, oh god I hope we'll be okay. Yoongi led in front and soon enough we were out of the hideout and into the cold. "Everybody spread out, try not to be seen." Yoongi ordered and we nodded, everyone moving their separate ways. I moved behind a cluster of rocks and kneeled down so I couldn't be seen. I couldn't hear or see anything, and I put my hand on the hilt of my sword ready for what was about to happen next. I watched, listened, and waited but there was nothing. A troubled silence, but I knew I saw them in the window. Coming out of a portal and into the woods. They were close, I could feel the power in the air.

     "Wow, you boys just going to hide? We know you're out here. Every single one of you." Namjoon's voice finally broke the silence, and I knew that the rest of the group was with him. "Mr. Big Shot Min Yoongi, the traitor, even the pesky hunters." I swallowed hard, I was the traitor. Me, Jung Hoseok, a filthy traitor. I peaked my head up over the rocks and I saw them. Namjoon was looking around with his sword in the ground, Taehyung next to him an evil sneer, Jungkook who was visibly shaking from nerves, poor boy, and two Demons looking around watching as well. They were all in their true forms and a heard a whimper from above. I looked up, and Jae had his hand covering Jimin's mouth as they stared down. Wonpil was a few trees over, I could barely see him. The other two however were in the tree seeming to be waiting for something. Jimin looked at me, and I gave him a thumbs up before turning back around to look at our targets. "Hmmm, what about the pretty boy with the pink hair? I know here's out here Min Yoongi. Wouldn't it be  a shame if we found him?" Namjoon teased and I heard a rustle nearby. They must've as well, Taehyung turned and stared right where it came from. "Wow guys. How low of you to just hide like this. We aren't going to leave anytime soon so you might as well come out." Taehyung said, and Yoongi finally exited the brush holding his sword behind his neck. His pure white wings were out, and he  had a smug look on his face.

     "Come out guys, we might as well just do this now so I can slit Namjoon's throat open." Yoongi said and I waited a few more seconds before teleporting to Yoongi's side, and changing into my true form as well. "How lovely to see you Hoseok, I think you're going to have the most painful death of them all." Namjoon said chuckling and I pulled my sword out ready to fight. Soon after everyone else came out and we all  stood in our groups. The others were still in the trees, hiding. "Well we're here. Before anything, can we just talk?" Yoongi asked and Taehyung sighed. "About what?" He asked rolling his icy blue eyes. "Look, we just need Jungkook to come with us, simple as that. After that, we'll leave you alone and you can be on your merry little way." Yoongi said and Taehyung sighed. "And why should we do that?" He asked and I watched Jungkook. "Because if you don't we'll kill you and take him anyway." Yoongi said and Namjoon huffed. "Bullshit." He said pointing his sword at us. "Jungkook isn't going anywhere." Taehyung said and Jungkook looked down at his feet. "Fine, if that's how you want to be." Yoongi said before getting ready to fight. "May the best fighter win." Taehyung said before pulling out his own sword.

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