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Kim Seokjin POV

The car buzzed slowly as I drove down the street to my house. Joon was in the car with me but he had been awfully quiet since lunch. I don't know who the new guy was but clearly Joon knew him and Jimin was as confused as I was.
"Hey Joon, you've been acting a bit off today. If everything alright?" I asked him while trying to concentrate on the road. "Yeah, I just don't like the new guy." He responded and I frowned. "He didn't seem to like you either." I responded and he huffed. I let the topic go, I didn't want him to get mad at me, and Yoongi seemed like a nice guy, except when I caught him checking Jimin out, that was awkward.
We arrived at my house and I got out slowly before I walked over and unlocked the door. I set my bag down and took off my jacket when a pair of arms wrapped around my waist.
"I'm sorry if I made you upset baby. If a make you something will you forgive me?" Joon said and I laughed. "Joon you can't cook for your life." I said back and he smiled. "That's because I wasn't trying that hard. I will make it great for you." He said before placing kisses up my neck. "Okay. I'm going in my room so you have to tell me when you're done." I said before kissing him and walking upstairs to my room.

~ Le magical time skip

     I sat at my desk doing my homework (not really) when I heard a knock on my door. I stood up and opened it and there Namjoon stood with a bunch of food and damn it looked good. "I guess I underestimated you." I said moving out of the way so he could enter. Joon just laughed at the comment and handed me a plate of food and a drink. We sat on my bed and I looked at the food. There was pasta and sauce along with a piece of chicken that was covered in melted cheese. Along with it was a red drink but I didn't know what it was.
     I ate the food quickly and I chugged the drink and I felt over fed when I was done it all. "I didn't know you could make so much food that's so good." I told Namjoon while putting down the dishes. "Well I couldn't disappoint now could I?" He replied putting down his plate and cup both empty. Joon them moved back in the bad and put his feet on the bed before stretching out his arms.
     "Come here baby." He said and I moved a bit closer. He laughed before pulling me closer onto his lap. I suddenly yawned and he laughed gently. I adjusted myself so I my back touched touched his chest and I leaned my head on his shoulder. He had his arms around me and I closed my eyes. "I'm tired." I said quietly yawning again. "Sleep Jin." He said and I let myself go in his arms drifting into sleep forgetting about all my problems.

     I walked slowly through the hallways even though I didn't know where I was. I felt like I had been here before but it looked different then any house I had ever been in. The floor was covered in a velvet carpet and candles lit the hallways. There were also windows but they were covered up.
I got to the end of a hallway and I noticed a room. I went to open the door but it was locked. I didn't know why it I desperately wanted the go in the room.
     "Don't go in there." A voice called from behind me and I turned around. A man with orange hair was walking to me holding a large red book. The book was open in the mans arms and I moved to him. "You causing me trouble, Namjoon has been looking for you." He said and I frowned. I walked closer to him and we began to walk away when I looked at his book. It wasn't in Korean, matter a fact I didn't know what language it was in. "I don't want to be rude, but what language is your book in?" I asked him and he looked at me before shutting the book. "It is in Latin, and what the book is about is none of your concern." He told me and I looked down. I wasn't planning on asking and I can't even read Latin, why did he feel the need to close the book? I thought as we continued to walk entering a smaller hallway with two large doors. The guy, I'll call him "Sir stick up his ass or Sir Suha" walked in front of me and opened one of the large doors. I walked in and saw Namjoon look over and smile as I went to him. "Thank you Sir Suha!" I called out before I ran into Namjoon's arms. "Sir Suha?" Joon said to me and smiled "stick up his ass. Suha." I said and Namjoon started laughing hysterically. "I love you Jin." Namjoon said still laughing before planting a kiss on my forehead.

     I opened my eyes and I looked up to Namjoon. "Did I fall asleep?" I asked him looking up. He nodded and I questioned myself. The dream felt so real, Namjoon felt so real, so did the hallways I walked through. I could even recall the Latin words that were on Sir Suha's book. "I just had a weird dream. But it felt so real, I don't know." I said to Namjoon and he laughed. "I remember every detail, I remember this guy had a book that was in Latin,
And you were there, it doesn't make sense." I added but Namjoon just shrugged. "I don't now baby, but you look tired. Go back to sleep." He said and I closed my eyes again hoping to go back to the magical world that my dreams presented to me.

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