Chapter 4: Night out!

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Ethan, Thu Jan 15th 2015

Traffic is bad but not too horrible, as we make our way back to New York. This afternoon, I had a meeting in a potential new farm in New Jersey. I don't meet with each one of our new producers, but this one was pretty big so the least I could do was to show up in person. And it went pretty well. I think we will be able to work together, and with the growing number of customers we have, it will be a nice addition to our stocks.

To avoid most of the traffic, I've told Glenn to drop me off directly at the club. The Blue Hedonism is located in Gowanus, which is the new trendy neighborhood in Brooklyn. Aiden had opened his first club in Williamsburg seven years ago, and it was quite successful. A bit too much even, and at some point, he needed to expand it, to have more space for the private BDSM part. The real estate in Williamsburg had gone crazy, with all the hipsters wanting to move there, so keeping the club in that neighborhood wasn't an option. He sold it two years ago, built a new one in Gowanus, and still managed to make a nice profit. We can go there without passing through Manhattan, avoiding all the worst traffic jams.

I even arrive a bit earlier than I thought, and tell Glenn to go back home, that I will just text him when I need him. I intend to enjoy my evening with Keith as best as I can, so I warn him that it will probably be quite late. The Blue Phoenix has its entrance on Union Street, but the private BDSM part has its own doors on a parallel street, so as not to attract too much attention. Those are the ones I use to get in; I take the corridor on my right and am soon in front of Aiden's office.

After knocking - I would like to avoid walking on him having sex with his Sub on his desk again - I enter and greet my friend. Aiden is already dressed for tonight, bare-chested with leather pants and commando boots, his tattoo of a blue phoenix on his left pectoral fully visible. Like most of the dominants of the club - myself included - he is rather tall and pretty muscular. His thick brown hair is in its usual mess - I don't think I ever saw him style it - and when he looks at me with his mischievous brown eyes, his face lightens up with a warm smile.

"Ethan! Nice to see you here tonight! It's been a long time since you visited the club on a Thursday." Like I said before, I usually prefer to come here on a Friday or a Saturday night, to catch a good night of sleep after.

"Keith has been a bit naughty," I reply, sitting down. "So he asked me to take care of his punishment."

"Someone is going to have fun tonight!" he chuckles. "I don't get why he doesn't want a long-term contract with you anymore, since he always comes back for more."

"Well I won't complain. It has been a long time since I had a great evening of sex."

"Oh come on!" he replies. "You always find some Subs to spend the night with you. Don't tell me sex isn't great with them too!"

"They are not as good as Keith, I have to say." I don't want to dwell too much on the subject, so I try to change the topic of our discussion. "How is Zach, by the way?" Zach is Aiden's long time Submissive. He is a cute little ball of energy, with blond hair and beautiful blue eyes, always fun and a bit exuberant. While Aiden manages the club, he works as a freelance graphic designer.

"He should be here in a few minutes," Aiden replies. "I was actually going to order some pizzas for dinner. Will you be joining us?" Well I can't say no to a good pizza, especially since Aiden always orders from this great Italian place.

Zach indeed arrives a few minutes later, storming into the office with a loud "Daddy, I'm here!" Yes, they have this strange Daddy/Baby kink, even if Zach is only five years younger than Aiden, who, by the way, is thirty, like me. He hasn't dressed for tonight yet, and is wearing skinny jeans with a white V-neck tee-shirt and an electric-blue fitted sweater. He greets me with a quick "Hi Master Ethan!" before jumping on his Master, straddling his lap and they begin to make out quite profusely.

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