Chapter 15: More training

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Ethan, Sat Jan 24th 2015

I'm looking at my sweet boy, sleeping soundly, his brown hair all over the pillow, his face completely relaxed. Tonight was amazing! Once again, he amazed me by how naturally he submits to me. He remembered all the rules I exposed to him to the letter as well as the kneeling position I had taught him last Tuesday. More than the fact that he can replicate it, it is the way his muscles relax when he kneels that tells me he is more of a submissive than he thinks. Or the way he offered himself to me afterward!

I expected that being in my playroom would trigger some bad memories for him. What I didn't expect, though, was how he managed to face his fears! I had planned to have sex with him in my bedroom after we confronted his dark memories in the room, I hadn't thought he would want to use the very instrument that almost caused him to experience a panic attack! I almost harden again when I remember the sight of him all shaved and tied to the bench. I never had such a beautiful Sub before!

I take one last peek at his gorgeous face before going back to the living room. I have a few adjustments to make in my flat now that he is living there, and I didn't have time to go back here before our dinner yesterday. I gather all my wine and liquor bottles in the same cabinet that I lock. Then I check the number of beers in the fridge for future reference. Perhaps it would be best to remove all kind of temptation, but I will trust him at first and change my strategy if he shows me I shouldn't.

As he left his coat in the living room, it's easy to retrieve his pack of cigarettes, and I make a mental note of the number left in it as I intend to closely monitor his consumption. He is bound to try to break the rules I set, this always happen at the beginning of a relationship with a new Sub, however eager he is. Of course, he will be punished when he does, and hopefully, it won't take too many mistakes before he learns to fully respect my direction. Also, I don't know how much of an addict he is. I have seen how devious they can be when you begin to control the subject of their dependence.

It seems to have been easy with Luke as far as I can tell, but it can get pretty ugly sometimes. I remember very well how long Keith had to struggle with his own drug addiction. That is the only time I forbade him to see some of his friends ever again. I know, controlling much, but what would you have me do when they only encouraged him to go back into his bad habits and sell this shit for their own profits? This part of the discussion yesterday seems to have scared Anthony but I don't think any of his friends are drug dealers so he should be safe on that point.

To be fair, I only really use the full control Submissives have agreed to give me when I have to punish them. Otherwise I often let them do what they want, as long as they ask for permission, barely suggesting changes if I feel there is a better way to organize their days. Okay if I'm perfectly honest, I often try to get a blowjob out of them before agreeing, but I could simply order it like other Doms do. In any case, I just need to feel I have the control, that sends shivers down my spine.

Like yesterday when he offered me to choose his clothes for him. I would have had a hard time letting go of deciding how my Sub dresses, but I would have done it, had he requested it. He might still ask that I stop in the future. But controlling the physical appearance of my Pets is something I have always deeply enjoyed. Perhaps this has to do with the fact I just love fashion so much. In any case I can't wait to buy him a whole new wardrobe! I also hope he will agree on a new haircut, I think he would look way better with his hair a bit shorter and a more modern style.

I go back to my bedroom and climb into the bed. As soon as I lay down, my boy snuggles against me with a happy sigh. I kiss his forehead and put my arm around him. I am very lucky he agreed to be my Sub, I think to myself, while I slowly doze off.

* * *

I wake up at 8am the next morning, in the same position. I usually need less sleep, but I guess Thursday night tired me a bit. My little angel is still curled against my side, his head resting on my chest. I slowly disentangle myself and manage not to awake him as I get up. He told me he usually has trouble sleeping, so I can let him have a late morning. I put on some sweatpants, go in the kitchen to fix me some coffee, then sit down in my home office to work for a while.

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