Chapter 47: A new Master

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Warning: This chapter contains mention of non-consensual sex.

I don't like to put author's note at the beginning of a chapter, but this one requires it. All is said in the warning up here, though I don't describe the scene because I'm a sadistic jerk, but to show how Anthony finds the inner strength to bear with it. In the end it's not as bad as it could be.

That being said, if you'd rather skip this chapter, or if at any point you are too uncomfortable reading, I ompletely understand and I have put a small summary at the end so that you can go on with the story. You can choose to read it first and see if you feel like reading the whole thing after.

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Anthony, Thu Jun 25th 2015

I am slowly waking up from a heavy sleep and am surprised to be standing. How could I have been sleeping and standing? The mere idea is ridiculous... As the fog that was covering my mind begins to dissipate, I notice that I am completely naked. My arms are in a V position, both of them attached by shackles I feel around my wrists, and my ankles are tied to the floor with some kind of some fetters. I am fully stretched so I can't move anything other than my head, the muscles in my shoulders are very sore from being kept in this position.

Did I just pass out in the middle of a scene? Why didn't my Master free me then? He should be performing aftercare on me, massaging my aching muscles, not letting me hanging like this.

Then the memories of what happened begin to resurface. Oh God! I was abducted! And by my former rapist. Thinking about this makes my breath shortens. I begin to pant as the familiar pain forms in my chest. I would be shaking if my restraints didn't prevent me from moving. Please no! I can't have a panic attack right now.

"I see you are waking up, good!" I hear the familiar voice of my captor tell me in French. "Open up! Let me see those beautiful golden hazel eyes of yours!"

No! I don't want to see him so I keep my eyes shut. This has to be a horrible nightmare and I am going to wake up! I feel a few tears run on my cheeks while I'm hyperventilating. Then I hear a small whipping sound before I feel an intense pain run across my back. It hurts so much I can't escape the loud scream that comes out of my mouth.

"I'm disappointed, I had heard you were trained to be more obedient than this!" he smirks. God the throbbing sting in my back is dreadful. Sobs have replaced my pants and the few tears have become an unstoppable river. I finally open my eyes, allowing me to see the face of my nightmares in front of me, with a belt in his hand. I don't even have the strength to scream once again. I thought the worst of my life was behind me but hell has truly returned.

I have no illusion on what he plans to do with me and this is the moment I notice that I don't have my collar around my neck anymore. My Master won't even be able to find me! This monster will be able to abuse my poor body as many times as he wants! My anxiety levels rise even more, as I feel a huge wave of despair hit me at the same moment. Please God... someone... just end my life already! I don't want to endure the horrors I foresee in my immediate future.

"That's better!" my captor says. He is looking at me with a predatory smile that makes me tremble uncontrollably, which seems to please him deeply. "You don't have to be afraid of me," he says, caressing my cheek. A nauseating feeling hits me as he touches me. "As long as you behave and obey, I won't hurt you!" he adds, walking behind me. Flashbacks of the last time he was splitting me in half with his cock come to mind. I remember the pain I felt and a small whimper escapes my lips. I don't want to experience this ever again!

"You don't know how I have missed this body!" he whispers in my ear, letting his hands wander on my ass and creep between my buttocks. Again I feel like a spasm in my stomach and I barely manage not to vomit. "I may have taken a lot of boys in that nightclub, but you were definitely the best I had! Pity I had to share you with the other two dummies, but they wouldn't have helped me otherwise. Now I have you all for myself!" He kisses my neck softly while one of his finger slowly enters my hole.

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