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Anthony, Wed Oct 7th 2015

"And this is how we come to the conclusion that all the zeroes of the zeta function are on the line Re(z) =1/2," I end what is now a well-rehearsed speech. I still blush lightly when the crowd applauds loudly; after a few of these lectures, I know I will never get used to that. I just finished a conference in my old university in France on the topic of my proof. I have given a lot of those since last August because apparently, the article is very nice, but the man who wrote it explaining things in real is much better.

"Do you have any question?" I ask. Of course they do... A lot of them are pretty easy to answer, since they revolve on why I tried this or that and not another approach. But a few of them are actually extremely technical and I have to think extremely hard before carefully responding to them. And there are one or two to which I have to admit I have no answer. All of this has become a bit of a routine by now, but darn! It was easier to teach a class of twelfth-graders!

There is a small buffet when I have finished that I quickly escape. Now that it's over I will finally be able to join my Master. Of course I didn't travel to France on my own... like he would let me do that, or like I would even want to! This is the end of the fashion week in Paris, so he had to be there for work. True to my promise, I have accompanied him each time he had to travel – which happens quite a lot. He made a few adjustments to the company jet, adding a small desk in the office room for me and quite a few kinky accessories in the bedroom.

I will meet him directly there, at Le Bourget airport where the plane is parked. These past few days have been a bit crazy for him in terms of work, and I have barely seen him at the hotel, often going to bed before he was back. I would have waited for him but I had strict orders against that. The only nights I saw him was when we had to attend some social events, but it was boring formal black-tie dinners. I can't wait to be alone with him again! And to go back to the club!

Let's try to limit the kinky thoughts for later, I tell myself as I get in the car – yeah even in France he has someone drive me around... Since the events of last June, I have never gone outside without one or two bodyguards. I try to think of this as a proof of how much my overprotective Master cares about me, so that it doesn't bother me too much. That's one of the lasting aftereffects of my abduction: I know I will never be alone or unwatched anymore.

Things have slowly but steadily become great again. The nightmares have completely stopped, once more, and I haven't had a panic attack in the last three months so I might be rid of those as well. I am still completely amazed by the fact my Master fell in love with someone like me, but I don't feel as pathetic and unworthy as I used to. Perhaps there is a part of me that is lovable in the end... I have worked on the guilt I felt after my abduction by being the best Submissive I could for him and that feeling has almost disappeared now.

All in all those last months have been the best of my life, writing my book, doing conferences, travelling with my Master all around the word and going to the Blue Hedonism. Zach is as crazy as ever and I have to do my best to keep us out of trouble. Keith has almost stopped coming to the club recently since he found a boyfriend outside of the lifestyle. He is trying to add more and more kink in their bedroom before making his lover try out BDSM and become a Dom.

I miss him dearly, but I have also gained new friends since Master William and Master Tanner both found Submissives that have joined the Blue Hedonism. To be fair Henry, Master William's Sub, has barely been three times at the club for now but he seems like a really nice guy. God the mere thought of the way Master William had him go in the main room with just a white jockstrap and a collar last time they were at the club has me blush, but Henry didn't seem to mind being embarrassed like this.

As for Gabriel, he has been there almost every night since the ruckus that followed his arrival. Even for my standards, the depth of his submission is almost scary. Of course he is a masochist, but more than his love for pain, the way he bears Master Tanner's mental torture is frightening sometimes. I've tried to teach him that it's okay to have some limits, and that he should discuss them with his Master, but we are not quite there yet.

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