Chapter 37: The proof

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Anthony, Thu May 7th 2015

With the return of warmer and sunnier days, I've started to trade the treadmill for an actual run outside. There is a nice road that does the whole perimeter of Central Park, which is almost 10km long. Or 6 miles if you are one of those crazy persons who use the imperial system. It usually takes me an hour or so to complete it. Since my Master won't come home until late tonight while I finished work at 3pm, I decided to go for one those runs to enjoy the gorgeous weather.

My Master and husband, I think to myself as I stare at my wedding ring while I tie my shoes. I still can't believe he proposed to me so casually in a line at customs. Of course I had nothing against tying myself to him in yet another way, quite the opposite, but I would have expected something more romantic! Nothing too grand or ostentatious, I know my Master isn't the type to randomly throw money at things. Even if he is quite rich and was raised in an extremely wealthy family, I like how simple he still is. But I didn't expect it to happen at immigration in JFK either!

I still got my very romantic dinner at the restaurant where we had our first date. When dessert was served, he knelt in front of me and properly proposed with the magnificent ring that is now on my left hand. Of course I had to pretend to be surprised, since I had seen the piece of jewel at the beginning of the week. Thanks to Master Aiden's help, I was able to get the jeweler to show it to me and choose a design matching for my Master's ring. It is a good thing I was able to save a lot these last months with my Master almost never letting me pay for anything, because the thing wasn't cheap!

Thinking of my Master's relation with money makes me blush a bit, as I remember the fight we had when he told me he didn't want to do a prenuptial agreement. I don't understand how he wouldn't want to protect himself in the case our relationship went astray. He, on the other hand, thinks it's a sign of defeat to even think about it. My butt still remembers the spanking I got just after our argument. For some reason I always forget myself when we squabble, which of course leads to a painful reminder I shouldn't swear or cuss at him.

Fortunately we don't disagree very often: money and Luke are our only subjects of dispute. With us being married, I am slowly losing on the second one. I can't really ask my Master to hide it from his brother anymore, but I'm still very uncomfortable with any of my students knowing I'm gay and in a relationship, even if he keeps it to himself. It's completely irrational, but it reminds me of the big humiliation I endured in my last high school, and I'm very uneasy at the idea of one student knowing about my private life.

God I had trouble to keep myself from blushing each time one of my colleagues or students asked me a question about the ring on my finger in the days that followed the wedding! I hadn't realized that so many people – mostly girls – paid attention to that kind of thing and it was very embarrassing, even if I only replied with laconic answers, mostly telling them coldly it wasn't any of their business. Anyway, I had better brace myself because I know my Master will tell Luke soon.

Going back to the wedding, the ceremony in itself was completely nondescript. At least I had prepared a personal and open-hearted speech that I made before proposing my ring to my Master. I am really glad he accepted to wear it. The rest of the evening is rather blurry, as I completely took advantage on my Master's permission to drink as much as I wanted; I just know I had a lot of fun. I also know I was seriously hungover the next day!

Nothing much has changed in our relationship since then. We still go to the club every Friday and Saturday night, sometimes a day more during the week. I've been given a bit more responsibilities there, in the same way my Master helps Master Aiden with the training of new Doms and Subs and their certification, I help Zach showing the new guys around, giving them advice or listening to their concerns. Some of them can be a bit intimidated by my friend's apparent craziness and they seem to prefer my more controlled nature. It feels a bit like teaching in a way, so I don't really mind.

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