Chapter 25: A quiet Sunday

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Ethan, Sun Feb 1st 2015

For once, I wake up in an empty bed. It is only 8am, and I am a bit surprised not to have my boy cuddled to my side. I hope he didn't have trouble sleeping again. He fought with his best friend yesterday, which could definitely have triggered his insomnia. As the memories of last night become clearer in my head, I also remember how I slipped and shouted my Sub's old drinking habits for everyone to hear. I still can't believe I messed up like that, I usually have better self-control! The humiliation he endured must not have helped either.

I remember he told me I was forgiven when I was carrying him to my car, after I gave him a pretty damn good blowjob, if I may say so myself! Of course that doesn't really count, and I know it. I hadn't disciplined him too much before that, mostly because he put me in my place quite respectfully when I fully deserved it, so I didn't really think he earned a punishment. Also, I felt deeply ashamed of my mistake, and it wouldn't have been fair to sanction him for something way lighter.

I had never really met his friend at the club. There are more than one hundred Dominants who attend it regularly, and even if I sometimes help with Dom's training and certification, I wasn't there during his, otherwise a guy named Paul with a French accent that thick would have rung a bell! We fought a bit, but as a Dominant, I must say I understand his concerns for his friend, which completely honors him. I hope they manage to bury the hatchet soon, he seems like the kind of good and caring friends that Anthony needs.

With these thoughts, I get up and put on some sweatpants before heading out of our room. It smells delicious! It looks like someone has been busy! I quietly walk to the kitchen and am rewarded with the sight of my stunning angel in light blue boxer briefs cooking pancakes. This of course does nothing to calm down my morning wood. I just watch him silently until he eventually turns around.

"Shit!" he exclaims, jumping, when he sees me. I raise an eyebrow and he quickly continues. "I'm sorry, Master, you startled me. I wanted to surprise you with breakfast in bed."

"I have a pretty good idea of what I want for breakfast, Pet," I reply, staring at him intently. "I'm not sure you should have bothered cooking..." That makes him blush a bit, but the lust in his eyes mirrors mine, and I can definitely see a bulge growing in his underwear.

"If you would just go back to bed, then, Master, I'll be just a minute." I'm in the mood to indulge him, so I just do as he says. I remove my sweatpants and wait for him, lying on the bed, arms behind my head, the comforter completely pulled down. As expected, when he enters the room with a platter in his arms, he stops dead in his tracks, staring at me mouth agape. He quickly recovers though and puts the platter on a nightstand before climbing in bed besides me.

"Here is your coffee, Master," he says handing me a mug. "I made some pancakes, as you saw. I didn't know if you preferred jam, maple syrup or Nutella so I brought all of that."

"Strip and lie down, Pet," I whisper with a commanding tone. His pupils dilate and I can clearly see his arousal as he removes his boxer briefs. "I'm sure you made a lot of effort to cook your pancakes, but you look way more delicious than them," I say as I grab the jam jar and begin to put some on his abdomen before licking it sensually. That, of course, makes my boy moan.

"Still, it would be a shame not to enjoy the fruit of your morning work," I add, taking a pancake, putting it on his chest and generously pouring maple syrup on top. I take my time to clean my Sub, biting a bit more than the food, licking everywhere the sticky juice went. I finish with his inner thighs, then put his legs on my shoulders before continuing with his little hole. My sweet boy lets out the most beautiful sounds as my tongue enters him. After a bit of teasing like this, I grab the lube in my nightstand and begin to prepare his hole with one then two fingers. I hope he is not too sore from yesterday. I use my other hand to feed him one of his delicious pancakes.

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