Chapter 58: The thing we feared

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Ethan, Thu Jul 9th 2015

Control. It feels so good to be completely back in control. Control of my own life and my Sub's. The feeling of not letting myself be directed by the flow of events but on the contrary deciding its course is deeply soothing to me. The fact that my father is in jail helps a lot to feel at peace as well. After everything he did was revealed, he was denied bail and all his personal assets were frozen, so he is going to stay there for a very long time.

Handling the communication around this was a nightmare, and I spent the better part of the weekend working on this with our public relation team. Hiding why he was arrested was impossible so we didn't even try. Instead we issued a statement saying the company strongly condemned my father's doings and took action as the charges were brought to its attention by removing him from his functions. In that light, replacing him with an openly gay man such as myself was a very smart move.

Most of the designers or models who would have left us because of my homophobic old man had no more reason to do. I made sure to play the queer card the most I could, staging a photo op with my boy on Monday. The press release stating he had proved his century-unsolved problem came on the same day, and the media absolutely loved the story it was fed. Apparently math genius and CEO go well together, especially if they are wearing designer suits.

In that regard, my plan to divert the whole media attention on ourselves instead of my father worked perfectly. The feeling of being in control of the press was almost as good as the orgasms I got with my boy when we celebrated.

It even worked a bit too well, to the point all this consideration has become annoying. I have planned a longer interview with Runway tomorrow to try to calm down the hungry journalists a bit and I had to ask one intern of our PR department to help my boy manage all the requests he gets from the press. There even were some paparazzi waiting at the entrance of my building several mornings or evenings this week!

Of course they never got past the squad of bodyguards I hired to protect my sweet angel. Call me overprotective but I don't want to see him abducted – or worse! – ever again. Glenn is now managing the whole security around him and myself, on top of keeping on being my personal driver. This is the only team in the company where I made some purge. I wanted to be sure every man too loyal to my father's former henchman to be out.

My boy is a bit surprised by all these people wanting to know him, but it has helped him a lot with his low self-esteem. Sadly we are not back at the stage we were before he was kidnapped but he is slowly healing. He still has some nightmares, even if they are not as strong as before and he keeps on having phases where he feels so guilty for what happened during his captivity. At least he hasn't relapsed into one of his old habits again! I made sure to cover him with loving attentions, like last Saturday on the rooftop of the Blue Hedonism. Hopefully, with time, it will help him realize how much I love him.

I wish I could spend more time with him, but I have had crazy hours since I took on this new job. I only had time for quickies in the mornings or light scenes in the evenings but definitely not as much as I would like... or my sex-addicted submissive would, for that matter. Yesterday he showed up at my lunch break unannounced with a mid-size plug in his ass! Needless to say I devoured him instead of my meal.

"Mr. Schell is here to see you!" Jenna calls. Yes even if I finalized the sale of my previous company last Monday, I still kept Jenna with me. After all there is personal in PA! She knows me too well, and it would definitely have been too much of a pain to get used to a new assistant on top of everything else with my move here. She had to adapt herself to the new organization but she is smart and very capable so I don't think it was too much of a problem. If it was, the huge pay rise that came with the change of job was enough to prevent her from complaining.

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