Chapter 14: Basic training

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Anthony, Fri Jan 23rd 2015

The way back to Ethan's apartment is very silent, a bit like the last time we went back from le Louvres to his place. I have nothing against reenacting what we did this time! I'm slowly smoking my cigarette, indulging on the shoot of nicotine, while I ponder on the rules he just explained to me. Will I really be able to let go that much for him? Not a word is uttered as we walk, and during the elevator ride, he just stares at me, smiling encouragingly.

"Go in the bathroom wash your teeth, Pet, then come back to the living room, strip down to your underwear and kneel like I showed you last time," he commands as soon as we arrive. "You have five minutes." God this is so hot! Did I really think I wouldn't like being dominated by him?

I almost run in the bathroom, but take my time washing my teeth. He said he didn't like the odor of cigarette at all, so I wash my hands as well. Then I go wait for him in the living room like he told me to, and hurry to remove all my clothes except the boxer briefs he had chosen earlier. There is a small cushion in the middle of the room; I guess it's for me and I go kneel on it, trying to remember exactly how I was positioned last Wednesday, knees spread wide, back straight, eyes lowered, hand behind my back.

A few minutes later, I hear his footsteps coming and I can't help but looking at him. Oh God! He is bare-chested, wearing sweatpants that show the waistband of his underwear. My mini-me jumps happily at this sexy sight.

"I didn't tell you you could look up, Pet!" he says sternly, his green eyes unamused. Shit! I'm already messing up. I quickly lower my gaze hoping this won't be enough to get my first punishment.

"Sorry," I mumble.

"What was that?" Fuck, I forgot to address him properly! Two mistakes in a row, how pathetic is that? I have to try better, I don't want to suck at this. This man deserves perfection.

"I'm sorry, Master!" I quickly correct myself.

"Good boy!" My rational brain is still at a loss to understand the reaction these two words provoke. A warm feeling washes over me, and I almost purr. I know, in this instant, that I want to do everything possible to please him. "Your position is almost right," he continues. "Just push your shoulders a bit backward... Perfect! This position is called Kneeling Display and this is by far my favorite. Whenever I tell you to wait for me kneeling somewhere, I want to find you exactly like this. Is that clear?"

"Yes, Master." This is easy enough to remember! And I don't know why but I find this position strangely soothing.

"I will teach you all the basic positions you need to know tomorrow, this one will suffice for now," he tells me. "During dinner," he keeps on after a short pause, "I explained to you the rules you will have to respect. Now I would like for you to recite those rules, Pet. As I warned you, if I'm not satisfied with your answer, you will be punished." Thankfully, I have always been a good student, so fixing a speech in my memory has never been a problem. I list all the rules and the explanations he gave me earlier.

"That's perfect Pet," he praises me when I finish. "I'm very proud of you for remembering everything on the first time." Again, I feel this fuzzy feeling that relaxes me completely. As long as my Sexy Master is pleased with me, I discover, nothing else matters. "Before going on with what I have in my mind for tonight, I have a few questions on your past experiences. There is absolutely no need to feel ashamed or embarrassed about anything I ask. Is this clear?"

"Yes, Master." Being unembarrassed will probably be easier said than done, but I can try.

"You can look at me now," he orders. Of course I immediately comply and drown in his gorgeous green eyes. "Now, did you have any sexual encounters since the night you told me about yesterday?"

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