Chapter 45: Back to New York

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Anthony, Wed Jun 24th 2015

Things are getting better, slowly but surely. I didn't have a nightmare last night for instance. I don't find myself dazing on the couch as often as I used to last week. It's easier to focus on things and I'm working on my research again, trying to generalize my proof to similar conjectures. I am nowhere as concentrated and efficient as I was a month ago, but it's definitely an improvement.

Of course it is all thanks to my Master. The fact that Luke left our apartment is also a nice breather. Not that I didn't like his presence, he had become quite nice to me after the thing that happened at the French high school, but it prevented us to fully live our Dominant/Submissive relationship, and God knows I need that right now! If my Master wasn't controlling every aspect of my life, I would still be falling apart. With his help, I can even begin to envision the future.

First I won't go back to the French high school. It's obvious but quite freeing to think of it. Sadly I will cross path with some of my ex-students since we live nearby, I guess I will just have to learn to live with it. It happened once for now, on last Monday. Feeling all powered up by the weekend in Chicago, I had gone for a short walk - a strong suggestion from my Master - and I almost had a full-scale panic attack on the sidewalk when I spotted a girl from twelfth grade. I don't think she saw me but I immediately ran back to the apartment and curled up on the couch, where I stayed until my Master came back home. I have refused to go back outside by myself since then.

Since I got a good amount of cash for my wrongful termination, I'm in no hurry to find another job. Plus, if the proof is indeed correct, which I'm pretty sure it is, I will get a million dollar at the end of next year. When I remember how my Master's eyes went wide when he learnt this, I almost chuckle. I had never been interested in this hypothesis for the money but it is one of the millennium problems selected by the Claye Mathematical Institute, which will reward the one to solve it with this huge prize. In any case, it will be nice not to have to worry about wasting my Master's money.

It should be easy to find a teaching position at a university after my proof is published, but I don't think I will want to start that next year. I was thinking of taking the time to write a textbook about all my work on this conjecture and its consequences. I will have to contact the specialized publishers later to see if such a book would interest them. In any case, I'm not sure I will be ready to face a class before another couple of years. First I need to be able to go outside normally again.

It was easy to do so in Chicago because I was sure I wouldn't meet anybody I knew. This really was such a nice weekend! I was a bit stressed to go to the Back Diamond and meet some new people, but in the end, they were really kind and welcoming. As promised, I texted Liam the next day, thanking him and his friends for their warm welcome. He texted me back to tell me I was most welcome, then we agreed he would call or text if he had more questions on the topic we had discussed.

The night there was freaking hot! First, the scene performed by Noah and his Daddy was extremely impressive. Even at the Blue Hedonism, I had rarely seen anything like this! A few Dominants have done performances involving bondage, Master William being one of the most skilled at our club, but it was seldom as artistic as what Master Camden achieved. Then of course, the small scene we did in the playroom after was also sexy as hell. Lifted like I was, my limbs tied to the spreader bar, there was nothing I could do to prevent my Master from using my body as he wanted, and I loved the feeling of helplessness and surrender it provoked inside me.

Of course returning to the Blue Hedonism is great as well. Since it's a close and contained environment, my newfound fear of going outside doesn't bother me when I go there. Walks in our neighborhood are really what I have trouble with, it seems. As always, Zach is waiting for me at the entrance. My Master made me go a bit earlier to enjoy time with him, he will only join us for dinner. Or maybe after if he has too much work.

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