Chapter 12: Confession

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Ethan, Thu Jan 22nd 2015

"I was raped."

I tense as I hear my sweet angel utter these words, before hugging him tighter. I expected something bad had happened to him but certainly not this. I continue to gently pet his hair and peck his head to let him know I'm here for him, as he begins the story of his personal hell.

* * *

The day had gone fairly well, with the farmer I had visited last week finally agreeing to join our pool of producers. I am finally done with the last details for the ad campaign in the subway, we just have to wait now. So I decided to go to the club to have dinner with Aiden, Zach and Tanner, perhaps watch the first show and then have an early night. But as soon as I entered the car, Glenn had a disturbing piece of news to share.

"I think Mr. Dumont may have a drinking problem," he stated bluntly. He has never been one to beat around the bush.

"What makes you say that?" I asked. I knew he wouldn't say something like this without any solid proof, and I really wanted to understand what he discovered.

"He has been seen bringing home beers every night, except Saturday night that he didn't spend at his home." I certainly knew that. "But he has never had any people over as far as we could tell."

This is why I'm currently waiting in my car in front of his apartment, after having cancelled my plans for dinner. I'm texting Anthony as if nothing happened, while we wait a bit for the evening to go on. Glenn suggested that the best way to confront him would be to surprise him drunk and it seemed like a good idea. I still can't get my head around the fact that he could be an alcoholic. He didn't seem like it! Yes he drank a bit of wine at our dates, but we didn't have too much. And he was always sober when he arrived. I would have smelled the booze on him otherwise.

Even right now, nothing in his messages shows that he could be under the influence of alcohol. They are perfectly well written. Glenn was positive he went back to his place with a new beer pack, like yesterday though. I will get to the bottom of this: either my driver is completely wrong, which would be a first or Anthony hides his addiction very well.

When it's finally 10:20pm, Glenn goes out. The plan was for him to buzz all the neighbors until one of them let him in, but he doesn't even have to do that since someone exits the building at the time he arrives in front of the door. I see him exchange pleasantries then go inside. We had decided I would wait for ten more minutes in the car, in case one of the neighbors decided to investigate in the hall, but that won't really be necessary now. Glenn lets me in, I take the stairs to the sixth floor and knock at Anthony's door.

I can see that his golden hazel eyes are shining more than usual when I open the door. But I have all the confirmation I need when I kiss him: he reeks of alcohol. As I make my way inside the living room, I can see several empty bottles of beers on the coffee table. How disappointing! I would have loved if, for once, Glenn had been wrong.

"Care to explain?" I ask coldly, and he breaks down in tears against the door he closed. I wait a bit, but since he doesn't answer, I press harder, going on full Dominant mode.

"I asked you a question Anthony and I expect an answer!" That makes him retract in his cold shell. His eyes become blank, and his posture stiffens. Fuck! I wanted him to open up to me, not the opposite. He walks into the living room and sits down on the couch, staring in emptiness.

"What's the point since you are going to leave me anyway," he finally answers. Once again, his voice is completely void of emotions. Does he think I won't want him as my submissive because of this? It only strengthens my resolve. Clearly he doesn't manage his life as best as I think he was and now I definitely want to step in to help him put some order into that.

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