Chapter 19: Grounded

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Ethan, Tue Jan 26th 2015

I'm feeling a mix of pride and disappointment as I watch my boy go to work. I'm very disappointed his first mistake was a relapse into his addictions, I thought he would have a better self-control than this. But I'm also very proud at how well he took his punishment! After he realized he had done a mistake, he was extremely mature about it and he seems to have perfectly understood what he did wrong. He almost asked for another sanction after my rough spanking - another fault of young and eager Subs - and didn't utter any complaint when I listed all the things he was forbidden to do, or when I didn't let him text Zach. His behavior this morning was perfect, and I got a very nice blowjob out of it. When I compare this to the first time I grounded Keith!

I will have to see if this attitude lasts, and if he doesn't screw around behind my back. That's why I tell Glenn to have the guy watching Luke keep an eye on Anthony. I want to know if he cheats and go buy himself a drink or another pack of cigarettes. That's not very trusting, I know, but he showed me last night that my confidence in him should be limited. Besides after dealing with Keith's addiction, I think I know almost all the tricks in the book. I just wish we will soon reach the part where he is completely honest with me and just tell me about his urges before rushing into satisfying them.

The ride to work is fast, thankfully, since I have a ton of things to do before leaving the office quite early to be at our appointment for HIV screening at 4:30pm. I will work from home after, but it's easier to be directly connected to the network inside the company building, jumping through all the security hoops while connecting from home takes a very long time. Plus I will have to manage my Sub, which should be easy if he behaves properly, but could take a lot of time if I have to punish him again.

I won't complain about that part, though, since I am the one who chose to have a long-term Submissive. Of course it's easier to just play with them one night with no strings attached, and not deal with their problems. But this is the part of the Dom/Sub relationship that I prefer, helping my boy become a better person. I don't particularly enjoy grounding him like a nine-year old - although if his dedication to pleasure me stays like this morning I might revise this judgement - but I know it is helping in the long run.

He keeps texting me all day, following the rules, letting me know when he arrives at the French high school, how his day goes and to ask for my permission to smoke his cigarette. I'm still amazed at how naturally this side of the Sub/Dom relationship came to him. He barely had to train in the postures and kneeling to master them all and always addressed me properly. Except for the one time he talked back or when he called me Daddy, but I think I made it pretty clear I didn't like that. He hasn't even sworn in my presence once. Still he had a bit of a sarcastic sense of humor when we texted before I revealed the BDSM lifestyle to him that I would want to see again. I make a mental note to tell him that he can be a bit more relaxed with that, as long as he keeps being respectful.

The day goes by very quickly, I almost don't have time to eat the lunch my assistant got me. I leave the office at 4:10pm, hoping traffic will be light. Thankfully, Glenn knows a few shortcuts that allow me to be right on time. My boy is waiting in front of the building, as he texted me ten minutes ago he was.

"Did you behave today, Pet?" I ask him gently.

"Yes, Master," he replies, lowering his eyes.

"Good. I will still check a few things when we get back home," I warn him.

I have taken an appointment with my usual doctor to do the new rapid HIV test that gives a result in twenty minutes. It only detects the presence of antibodies generated by the virus, and not the virus itself, so it won't give accurate results if either of us was infected in the last three months, but since I know Anthony didn't do anything risky during this time, and the Blue Hedonism policies on safe sex are drastic, it won't be a problem in our case. I just ask my physician to run a standard physical exam on my boy while we wait.

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