Chapter 38: A (not so) sad anniversary

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Ethan, Fri May 15th 2015

Traffic is, as always, horrible. Except this time I'm the one driving the car and that makes it a bit more painful than just enduring the congestion seated in the back. At least I have my very beautiful angel to my side to keep me company. He is so perfect in the casual designer clothes I picked for him today, while his haircut was done exactly like I wanted it yesterday. He has completely relinquished control over his appearance to me, for my utmost pleasure.

My gorgeous and smart boy! I can't believe he finally found the proof he was looking for. If it's the real deal, and he seems convinced it is, he will have succeeded where more than 150 years of mathematicians have not. True, he worked his ass off on this, but it is still extremely impressive! Needless to say, there was a lot of celebration going around in the past few days, a big part of it taking place in our playroom.

That's part of the reason we are driving away from New York on a Friday night – like the rest of the city apparently. I purchased a very nice house upstate, in the Catskill Mountains, a few years ago. It's just a two-hour drive from the city – when there is no traffic! – which means I can easily spend the weekend there. Contrary to all the usual rich people living in Manhattan, I don't own a property in the Hamptons; the ocean isn't really my thing, I am more of a hiking person.

Between my Sub's training and the vacation in France, it seems we never had a chance to go there before now, but a little weekend in the countryside, away from the City, will do both of us good. My boy's achievement is not the only thing we will celebrate there since he is turning thirty tomorrow! Sadly, today is also the anniversary of the tragic night that traumatized him so he didn't want a party, for obvious reasons. He accepted the idea of a romantic getaway but little does he know that tomorrow, Aiden and Zach will join us to celebrate his birthday.

Knowing the crazy twink, the whole thing will probably turn into a huge foursome, but what better way to mark one's way into the next decade of their life? I have realized I don't really mind sharing my boy with my best friend and his Sub. Perhaps it's because we are so close and I trust Aiden so much. Or perhaps it's simply because last time was hot as hell. In any case, I know how much my boy enjoyed the experience, and I don't mind having another go at it, as long as it's only on rare occasions.

Going on this little weekend also gives me an opportunity to finally drive my brand new sports car. I just had a quick test run when I received this baby a few months ago, but I never had an opportunity to really take her out. I am usually not one to spend a ridiculous amount of money on something that conspicuous, but once in a while, it's nice to indulge on a special treat. And that BMW i8 certainly is! I can't wait to see what she is made of when we finally escape the traffic!

I wish we were moving faster already! Between the quick peeks at my boy and the thoughts of a foursome in the playroom I installed in the house a few years ago, I'm getting really horny. I am not sure I will be able to wait until we arrive at our destination before having sex. But again, why should I? The windows are tinted, and I have the perfect Sub on the seat next to me. Perfect Sub who seems lost in his thoughts... on the anniversary of his rape... while my brain is going on the Perv road... I mentally face-palm myself for being so stupid.

"What did we say about dark thoughts today, Pet?" I ask with my most threatening voice. I can't believe it took me so long to realize where his head was, and I have half a mind to punish him since we discussed this and he had agreed to ask for my help.

"That I should tell you immediately about them and you would distract me, Master," he replies. "I'm sorry!" Now I have to divert his attention on something else but the only thing I can think about is the naughty scenario I was imagining a few seconds ago. That or a spanking but I'm not sure either will fit his current mood.

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