Chapter 44: Chicago - part 2

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Ethan, Sat Jun 20th 2015

"Good evening Ethan! It's good to see you here!" Aaron greets me when we enter his office.

"Nice to see you again, Aaron!" I reply honestly. It has been almost one year since I last saw him. Come to think of it, this has been an eventful year! I was still on a contract with Keith during our previous encounter. Now I am madly in love and married to this beautiful man just behind me. "This is Anthony, my husband and submissive," I add.

"Hi Anthony!" Aaron cheers. Like the good boy he is, he waits for my signal to look up and politely answer. Then Aaron introduces us to the other guys. I recognize Camden, whom I saw on our last meeting since he accompanied his friend on his trip to New York. The two of them enjoyed a steamy evening with Aiden and his crazy Baby Boy if I recall correctly. Then there is Joshua and Mark with their Subs, the latter having two of them! Someone seems to be greedy!

I'm surprised when Mark begins to speak fluently in French with my boy. Fuck, he speaks it better than I do! Then we sign the usual NDAs before settling in the next room to have dinner. I'm glad we naturally split into two groups on each side of the table, that way my shy angel will have to mix a bit with the four submissives. Hopefully, it'll soothe his worries and he won't have any problem going to prep with them after. One of Mark's Subs begins to animate a light conversation on the other end of the table and I'm glad to see my boy beginning to relax.

"How are things in New York?" Aaron asks.

"Great! Aiden sends his regards," I reply. "As does Zach," I add with a little smirk. "He asked me to tell you you are welcome to visit whenever you want and come as many time as you would like. His exact words." Of course that makes the four Doms chuckle.

"I will think about it for the next time I need some time off!" Aaron answers, barely containing his laugh. The discussion continues lightly on the topic of the Blue Hedonism for a bit.

"Can I ask what happened with your previous Submissive?" Aaron says softly as some point, when the boys on the other side of the table are too busy laughing at some joke to hear him. He has almost always known me in a relationship with Keith, so it's logical he should have questions.

"We ended things amicably not long after your last visit," I respond. "The level of control and strictness I require suited him very well at the beginning of our relationship, when he was a bit of a lost boy, but he was beginning to feel too oppressed under my dominance. I'm glad he and Anthony are good friends!"

Then the conversation switches to work as I ask Joshua what he does for a living. It turns out he is none other than the CEO of Pierce Constructions. I have never done business with them, but I know they erected several buildings in New York for my father's company. When I explain the business model of, Mark quickly joins the conversation. He is a chef, owns several restaurants and is the previous owner of the French place we went so many times with my boy. I congratulate him on what he had done with it, telling him Anthony and I had our first date and our engagement dinner there.

All in all, dinner is pleasant and laid-back. I regularly check on my boy, but he seems to have a good time on his own, speaking freely with the other Subs. I'm quite pleased to see his stance is way more relaxed than when we arrived. We are soon interrupted by Noah, Camden's cute little Sub, who asks permission for the whole group to go and prep. Aaron offers that my boy goes with them as well, and after confirming with him he is willing to, I let him go with them. Still, I can see his previous worries are creeping back in his mind from the way his shoulders tense slightly, even if he is putting on a good face. I don't act on it since I trust him to reach out to me if he wasn't comfortable enough.

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