Chapter 42: Cheering-up

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Ethan, Sat Jun 13th 2015

Seeing my boy in this state is fucking depressing. He barely left our bed yesterday and only got up today when I eventually ordered him to. But then he lazed on the couch, eyes empty, doing nothing. The only thing he is willing to engage in is sexual intercourse, but as much as I would like to spend the whole day having sex with him, this is not the way to cope with what happened to him. Plus I have work to do and I don't have the stamina for it. Aiden's mother was kind enough to fit a quick at-home session in her schedule, so he is seeing her right now. Hopefully that will do him some good.

Thursday was definitely one of the worst days of my life. First I got a weird text from my angel telling me he had been summoned to the Head of school's office. Then Luke called me in a panic.

"There are photos of Anthony having sex with two other men everywhere in the school," he blurted as soon as I answered.

"Is one of those men me?" I asked without thinking. There was no way a photo of one of our threesomes could have been taken I rationalized after, so it left only one solution.

"I don't think so, but I can't say for sure. We can't see the heads of the two other guys." Just as I thought... Shit!

"Luke, I need you to go to the principal's office now. Anthony is there and when he gets out, he will be freaking out. Just drag him somewhere safe and wait for me. Tell him I'm on my way!" I ordered.

I had Glenn drive me there as fast as possible, then I had to threaten the receptionist to let me inside the building. Luke had texted me his location, telling me to hurry up since my boy was a mess. Mess was such an understatement! I had never seen him experience such a full-scale panic attack. It took me forever to calm him down, just to be able to get him home.

Then the ass of a Head had to show his face and I almost lost it. Thankfully Anthony was leaning on me or I would have jumped on the guy and punched him. Nobody messes up with my Sub. He tried to call and apologize yesterday after he received the visit of my army of lawyers and angry calls from several members of the Board I know, but I won't let him rest until one, my boy gets a nice amount of money for wrongful termination, two, I am sure all the copies of the photos are destroyed and every students erase the pictures they made of it. Christ! Some of them even posted the thing on the internet!

I could just get the guy fired, I have enough influence for that, but this wouldn't achieve anything useful for Anthony. I very much prefer having the asshole sweating and eager to help fixing the problem than having him replaced by another Head who wouldn't properly deal with it. Even if he was a complete jerk, I have no interest in seeking revenge. That will be for the real person responsible.

Of course I already know who it is. Digging this kind of dirt is the specialty of my dearest father and he clearly has the resources to pull something like this. I still have to figure how he exactly managed to get a hold on that picture, knowing that even Glenn hadn't succeeded in finding it during his background check. I got all the proof I needed to know he is behind all of this when I had Tanner check the flights databases to track the whereabouts of Billy Geig. Officially, he is my father's head of security, but in reality he is more of a henchman. We saw he spent a bit of time in France, from May 29th until June 9th and I don't think it was for a vacation.

This is payback for helping my little brother, I just know it. I'm not sure the investigation Tanner started on this will go anywhere, and even if it did, my father would probably find a way to avoid being arrested. Again. Even with our strong case and the injuries Luke sustained he managed to have his lawyers stop him being put into custody. I'm pretty sure he also bribed the judge who was sitting on this case, that wouldn't be beneath him, and he used all his influence to have Tanner's chief pressure him into dropping the investigation, which my friend is wisely pretending to do.

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