Chapter 40: Taking back control

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Ethan, Thu May 28th 2015

Work has been so tiring these last few days that I'm seriously thinking about selling my business just to get a month of holidays. On second thought, make that two months! At least tonight should be relaxing. We both need it, since my smart boy is working his ass off on his proof. I sent him my instructions a while ago and he texted me back, so I should find him in the position I requested in a few minutes. I am already hard, anticipating the rough session I have planned for us tonight in the playroom.

I probably won't be able to restrain myself from using his mouth as soon as I arrive, I just love it too much. Then, a bit of sensational play since he has been a bit tense recently. A long flogging with a lot of teasing should do the trick, it usually deeply relaxes. And of course I will conclude the night by fucking him until he can neither think nor walk straight.

I try to hide my hard-on as best as I can when I get out of the car and bid Glenn good night, but the smirk he wears when he replies tells me I did a poor job. Whatever. I spend the elevator ride focusing on the different ways I will enjoy my beautiful angel tonight.

It is precisely 9pm when I enter our apartment, like I warned my angel. The little fantasy I was envisioning is immediately shattered by the vision of my little brother holding himself against the wall. I can't see his face but his clothes are bloody and torn apart in several places. Fuck! I rush over to him and see my boy standing in the living room, naked with a cushion covering his crotch. Double fuck! Of course Luke doesn't need to be introduced so the doorman didn't call and he surprised my angel in the position I had ordered him to take. This is all my fault!

A sudden wave of anxiety crashes over me as I take in the situation, a feeling of complete helplessness that I used to have all the time before joining this lifestyle. It's as if my mind suddenly shatters and chaos slowly creeps in, while the grip I have on my life eludes me. Control. I need to take back control! I think to myself as I take deep breaths. I need to take charge!

"What's going on?" I ask as soon as I manage to put my uneasiness at bay. "Luke? What happened?" I add, unable to contain the panic in my voice when I finally see his face. He has two large bruises and his lips are busted in several places.

"Father..." he whispers. "He went mad when I told him about your wedding."

"Why the fuck would you talk to him about it?" I reply angrily. Shit! I really need to calm down! I don't want to scare him more than he must already be right now. I take a deep breath, noticing my Sub making a run for our bedroom. Good boy! I make a mental note to check on him later before focusing on my younger brother again. "You know he doesn't like it when you talk about me," I tell him more gently. "So why did you tell him I got married?"

"I'm sorry," he answers and tears begin to fill his eyes. "He wasn't supposed to be home tonight. I had just organized a small party. Nothing much, just a bit of music, a few beers, and some friends were getting high. I swear I wasn't!" His voice breaks at that point and he starts to sob uncontrollably. I can guess what happened next and I don't like where this is going. I try to hug him, but he hisses when I touch his back.

"When he arrived," Luke continues in small voice, "he threw everyone out and began to hit me with his belt." I try to suppress the memories that begin to form in my mind when he says this, with little success. "He kept saying how much a disappointment I was, how much better you were, how he was going to throw me out and make you his heir again. I just lost it and told him he would have to welcome you back with your husband."

That man is definitely purely evil. Does he really think I would willingly greet him back into my life? I have made one without him, and I fully intend to keep it that way. I feel the anger I managed to keep contained all these years slowly rising.

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