Chapter 46: Where the f**k is he?

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Ethan, Thu Jun 25th 2015

I need a vacation, I decide as I end yet another call and take a look at my agenda for the afternoon which is not any better than this morning. Sadly, it is when I need a lot of time to care for my little angel at home that work is at its busiest. I am just finishing to make up for all the meetings I had to postpone on Monday afternoon to rush home and comfort him. Poor boy had crossed one of his ex-students in the street near our apartment, which caused him to panic for obvious reasons.

This is just a setback in a line of continuous progress, and we will work around it, but my Sub needs constant attention for the time being. In the past three weeks, I have worked from home as much as I could to be physically there for him, but you can only do so much out of the office. As soon as I was confident he could keep himself busy enough not to brood all day long on the couch I went back to work here. Of course, a lot of meetings had been pushed so that I could attend them, which explains why my days have just been completely full.

That means I almost have no time for 'regular' work and so when I finally arrive home, I have to catch up on emails or documents for the best part of the evening. When you add to these crazy hours the fact that I have to micromanage my boy's life, you get one really tired Dominant. Don't get me wrong, I love my work and I certainly don't complain to have to care for this gorgeous Submissive! He gave me the beautiful gift of his trust and surrender, so I would poorly repay him if I didn't take care of him when he most direly needs it.

I am just extremely tired by the whole situation, which has been very draining on me. I can't imagine how this crazy guy in Chicago manages two Subs at the same time!

For the umpteenth time, I look at the business card of the investors who contacted me earlier to buy my company. I had been wanting to expand it before giving its selling some serious thoughts, but I could certainly use some holiday. This could give me all the time I need to care for my Sub before starting a new business, and between the huge amount of money I would make from the sale and the cash my boy will bring home for his proof - I still can't believe he never told me that solving this problem would earn him a fat million of dollars before - we would be comfortable for quite some time.

Yes, I say to myself, this might be exactly what we both need right now. Before the next meeting that is going to bore me to death, I make a quick call and we agree to meet on next Monday. I will hear what they are offering, then if the terms they propose, not only the amount they are ready to pay, but also how the current employees would be treated - I certainly don't want to give its control to someone wanting to lay off the most of them to make some immediate profits - I will sell them this company.

I send a text to remind my boy of his instructions for this afternoon before heading in the first meeting of my long afternoon. It is as boring as I expected, so I soon log on the app to track the movements of my little angel to check that he obeyed the order I gave him: go for walk outside when Jack has arrived to clean the flat. It would be better of course if I were with him for this, but unfortunately, there are still only twenty-four hours in a day and I just don't have time. I'm confident he can do this on his own, besides, with eight million and a half people in Manhattan it would really be bad luck if he crossed another ex-student today! I'm sure they all moved to the Hamptons already.

I let my mind wander on the evening we enjoyed last night at the Blue Hedonism, barely listening to the financial reports my treasurer is delivering in a monotonous voice. My little minx of a Sub talked me into cock-caging him on a regular basis, so that I can even have control over his erections. He got the idea from one of the Submissives at the club in Chicago and of course my control-freak self absolutely adored the concept. I must admit I had thought about it sometimes in the past few months but never dared to ask that much of him.

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