Chapter 26: Therapy

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Anthony, Tue Feb 3rd 2015

I'm slowly making my way to the therapist's office, dragging my feet. I wouldn't be doing that if it weren't for my sexy Master. Did I ever mention I hate meeting new people? That's the first reason I don't want to go there. Then, I don't believe in psychology. I mean, I don't think it's a real science. There is no real replicability when you are talking about person's minds. What works for one may be totally wrong for the other. And I have a small tendency to think that everything that isn't a real science is pure charlatanism. A bit extreme I know, but I'm a hardcore mathematician after all.

Don't get me wrong, I'm sure some skilled persons can easily get into other people's head. It only took Zach fifteen minutes to read me and make me open to him for instance. But I'm sure a good friend with an attentive ear can do the same thing than some random guy who doesn't know the first thing about you and charges a ridiculous amount of money for just talking with him. Sometimes without any proper degree! I saw a therapist for a few months not long after the events of that night almost three years ago, and you can judge the results for yourself...

Why did I bother do you ask? Well Paul of course. He made me go see one, I guess it must be a gay Dominant thing... I realize I don't even know if he was already into the lifestyle at that time. I'm so mad at him for not telling me this before! That and the fact that he tried to decide for myself which kind of relationships are good or bad for me. It's completely obvious that my Master is the best thing that has happened to me in a long time, but no, he didn't even listen to the reasons I would decide to become his Submissive.

On top of that, he hasn't tried to contact me since last Saturday and that's driving me crazy. Why can't he just admit he was wrong, apologize, so that we can move on... It'll be so easy to resume our friendship after this since I won't have to hide anything in my relationship with my Master anymore. Well as easy as a friendship between a Submissive and Dominant can be. From what I saw at the club, the two groups seem to keep to themselves as far as amity is concerned, only interacting for sex.

I'm still brooding on this when I reach the address of my new shrink. I sigh heavily when I buzz for Doctor Alice Tyrell: I don't want to do this. I didn't really fight my Master when he asked me to go to this pointless appointment since it was obviously important to him. I hope to persuade him to stop this nonsense when he sees that it doesn't yield any results. Stubborn as he is, he would still make me try another therapist. I'm already trying to guess how many of them I'll have to bear with before he admits it doesn't work. In the meantime, this is precious time I could use for my research I'm losing.

I try to get rid of those thoughts when I get into the elevator. I promised him I would try my best to get better; going in as if the battle was already lost isn't really trying. Plus he chose his friend's mother, so I wouldn't put it past him to ask for a debrief of the meeting. The guy had me investigated before we started dating for Christ's sake! After checking in with the secretary, who leaves soon after since it's almost 6pm, I retreat behind my walls and put on my most social mask.

It is 6:15pm when I finally see Aiden's mother get outside of her office and gracefully walks a patient outside. She is the epitome of femininity, as far as I'm concerned, with her long blond hair styled with a few waves, her beautiful red blouse that matches the color of her lipstick, her black skirt and her mid-heels shoes.

"Anthony Dumont?" she asks in a warm and soft voice.

"Yes, it's me," I blurt clumsily.

"Please follow me!" I walk behind her into the adjacent room, sit on the armchair she points at while she installs herself gracefully in another one, crossing her legs. I swear if I were straight I would already be in love with that woman. She doesn't quite appear her age - or she had Master Aiden really young - but there are still a few wrinkles on her face.

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