Chapter 24: Surprises

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Anthony, Sat Jan 31st 2015

I am really dreading coming back to the Blue Hedonism. Everyone will remember how I seriously messed up last time and judge me, I just know it. I'm sure I will feel every eyes on me as soon as I enter the club. God why did I agree to go back! I think to myself while I watch the city from the window of the car.

"Calm down, Pet, I'm sure everything will be fine," my Master says to soothe me. He must have sensed my discomfort. We are going there early so I can spend some time with Zach, which should be good, I guess. Then we will have dinner with his friends and go see the first show. My Master told me times and times again that he wouldn't leave my side in the main room, and that I should tell him if I feel overwhelmed at some point, in which case we'll just retreat to his playroom.

I still have trouble to realize I signed a contract with such a Sex God! Of course we argued a bit this morning, because there was just no way I could let him pay for everything. He is so thoughtful to have offered one of the rooms in his flat as an office for me! That's going to make working there a lot easier. Then, there was this very embarrassing moment where I had to rate that list of activities. The mere thought of it makes me blush again. And to say he has seen it... That Master Aiden will see it...

It also made me think a lot about my desires. I didn't know how to reply to some of the things that were there and that I had never experienced, so I just put a neutral 2 when they didn't sound too horrible. Then there was the questions about multiple partners and double penetration. I have never tried either of them, but that does sound hot. With the right preparation for the second one, of course, but I trust my Master on this. I just don't know how to address the subject with him. Well he saw the questionnaire, that'll suffice for now!

When we arrive, an overexcited Zach greets me in the corridor toward Aiden's office and hugs me tightly.

"Hold on a bit, Zach!" my Master tells me. "Aiden wants to talk with him alone first." Wait! What? Is there more punishment for the last time I was here? "Don't worry, Pet," he whispers in my ear. "It's just a small formality regarding the contract." He knocks on the door of the Master Dom's office and opens it for me when we hear his approval.

"You wanted to see me, Master Aiden?" I ask shyly as I enter. He naturally radiates authority and the memory of his paddle is still very vivid in my mind. My Master just drops some papers on his desk and goes out, closing the door.

"Yes, Anthony, take a seat," he replies. "And try to relax, I'm not going to bite you," he chuckles. Well that's easy for him to say! "You have done nothing wrong. I just like to have a little chat with the new Submissives, especially the ones I didn't train, as well as the ones who just sign a long-term contract."

"I understand, Master Aiden."

"Good! Ethan told me you just agreed to one this afternoon. As I'm sure he told you, one copy will be kept here at the club. I have to ask, though, did you sign this document after thinking it through, without any pressure from anyone, especially Ethan?"

"Yes, I did, Master Aiden," I reply with confidence. This may well be the best thing that happened to me so answering this question is easy.

"So this is something you truly want?"

"Yes, I'm sure of it, Master Aiden!"

"Congratulations, then! Now I want to take a bit of time to point out that this contract contains rules your Dominant has to follow as well," he explains. "When you break a rule, he will punish you, but if he breaks one, it can seem to you there is no one to discipline him. I have seen once a long-term relationship in this lifestyle slowly turn into abuse and I don't want to witness that ever again. So if Ethan breaks one of the rules he should follow, the most important one being respecting the use of your safewords, I want you to tell me or Zach as soon as possible. Is that understood?"

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