Chapter 34: An unsuccessful strike

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Ethan, Fri Mar 6th 2015

My sweet angel is exhausted. After the week he had, though, it's not very surprising. Tuesday night was one of the most intense thing I have ever experienced, and I've done some hot and crazy stuff in my life. I am so smitten with that boy that only superlatives seem to be able to describe the things we do together in any case. That threesome however, was really something!

The fact I had not warned my boy in advance and just told him to wait in his usual position was a little test of mine. I wanted to see if he would completely panic when he heard that I was accompanied by a stranger or trust me enough to contain himself. The scene he had asked for was so intense it required that kind of confidence in me. The little minx made it harder on himself since he decided to wait for me naked instead of in his underwear, but I was extremely proud to see he barely flinched.

Then the first part was rough, almost animalistic and I am pretty sure nobody abused his holes like this before. I saw him tense at the beginning, but he quickly recovered, locking eyes with me and my initial concern that it was too much for him was quickly dispelled by the look of pure ecstasy he was bearing.

I could have punched Tanner at the beginning of the second part. It was his request of course, for me, the important piece was over and I would have stopped things there. My sadist friend didn't have the same view however, and for him, a submissive almost over the edge like this was a perfect prey for his mental torture. And that's exactly what he did to my little angel! In the end, relinquishing control over my Pet to Tanner was way harder than sharing him, and I don't think I will ever do that again.

I must admit that on an abstract level, what he did was beautiful. He played with my Sub's need to release and teased him in a masterful way. The little sadistic part in me clearly enjoyed how he begged, how his voice was more and more panicked and how he was slowly breaking apart. But the rest of my mind was furious at the sight of someone putting my boy through this. I almost used the safeword we had agreed upon at one point! I had only consented to his little game on the condition he would stop if it was too much for me.

That's the moment Tanner went to the last part, thankfully. Since we had chosen not to end the scene after the initial act, I figured we might as well tick another item on the list of things Anthony wanted to try. The deep pounding he got, then the teasing were plenty enough to prepare him to have our two shafts up his ass. Even if he was way over his limit on edging, he still had a blissful face and he told me the next day how much he enjoyed it. When we all reached our climax together, I must admit I had never seen my boy come so strongly – or pass out just after it for that matter.

Tanner helped me to clean the playroom while I washed my Sub and put him in our bed. We parted with no hard feelings despite the tense moment I had felt earlier. I know he is a sadist and I had previously agreed to what he eventually did so it wouldn't be fair from me to resent him.

Of course Anthony couldn't walk properly the day after, but he had this stupid smile plastered over his face for the whole day, the kind of smile a teenager who just lost his virginity would wear. That told me all I needed to know on whether or not he enjoyed the experience. I let his cute little butt recover the evenings that followed, only appreciating the sweetness of his mouth.

"Have you become a kinky pervert addicted to multiple partner sex?" Aiden asked the next day when he called.

"Look who is talking!" I replied chuckling.

"Fair point! So how did it go?" he questioned more seriously.

"It went great, really!" I answered before giving him a brief summary of what happened. "I didn't know how intense Tanner can be however," I concluded.

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