Chapter 33: Going public

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Anthony, Fri Mar 6th 2015

The last few days have been a bit weird. Since last Tuesday, I have been physically weak - it was quite difficult to walk on the day after the scene! - my legs seemed like jelly and my poor ass was very sore. Mentally however I have been feeling completely relaxed. I was unable to go to my aikido practice on Wednesday night, but when I worked on my research, it felt like my brain was on fire, quick to think and boiling with new ideas. I also quickly solved a problem Paul had submitted to me earlier this week, like he sometimes does, so I called him to describe my answer to him.

"You really are the best," he told me after my explanations. "This will be of great use for my work, thanks a lot for your help!"

"Working for Google made you slow," I teased back, "You could have found the solution by yourself back in the days."

"Not everyone spends two to four hours a day doing advanced research!" he replied. "How is it going by the way?"

"Great! I have a bunch of new promising leads. Now that I can focus properly again, I'm sure I'll have a lot of productive sessions in the next days."

"I can't believe he managed to make you quit smoking!" Paul answered. It's true that he has always known me as a heavy smoker. He was already very surprised when I had cut back to three a day at the end of last year!

"Is that a compliment for my Master I'm hearing there?" For some reason they don't quite see eye to eye.

"Perhaps he managed to do one or two things right," my friend grumbled.

"A lot more than one or two things. Do you realize it has been almost two months since I last had a nightmare?"

"Since you weren't telling me you were still having them before..." he said broodingly.

"Don't sulk! I already apologized for hiding all of this from you! I'm being honest now," I responded.

"How are things going with him, then? I hope he is not too hard on you in his playroom."

"I may or may not have trouble walking today since you asked," I answered him.

"Ugh, I'll have to kick his ass next time I see him at the club, then," he replied angrily

"No you won't! Besides he is not the only one to blame."

"What? Anthony Dumont, what did you let him do to you this time?" he asked furiously.

"Now stop with that tone already!" I replied fiercely. "He did what I asked - no, begged! - him to do for the past weeks and shared me with another Dom." Let's perhaps not mention it was Tanner, I don't want to upset him more. "Is it so difficult to understand that I would want to replace bad memories of that night with nicer ones?"

"What is hard is trying to picture you as a Submissive when you talk to me like that," he answered chuckling. "And no it's not hard to understand on an abstract level. But it's difficult to picture you doing those things."

"You're not my Master! And you know you'll see me doing those things, as you say, at one point or another." The idea of a public scene has been nagging in my mind since the time we had sex with Zach and his Daddy on the couch. I realized that the fact that other people could watch didn't bother me as much as I thought it would.

"Don't remind me! Poor Kyle is going to have to deal with a very angry me the first time it happens."

"And I'm sure he will love every second of it," I teased. Kyle is a little shy thing - he doesn't dare going to the Subs' room to prep for instance - but that doesn't mean he isn't kinky as hell! I managed to make him talk a bit last time we went out with Paul and Jonathan, when those two were busy together and weren't listening. He is happy to have the boyfriend part of their relationship during the week, but when they go to the club, he loves to be manhandled in the playroom!

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