Chapter 36: Back from France

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Ethan, Sun Apr 19th 2015

The last month has been one of the best of my life. Work is going great, with our number of clients nicely expanding. I have also been approached by potential investors looking to buy my start-up. It is definitely something I will consider in the near future, but I am not sure if I want to sell it right now or expand it a bit further to other cities of the East Coast before.

The main reason for my happiness though, is my sweet little angel. I can't believe my luck at finding such a perfect Submissive! It looks like we were made for each other. He doesn't mind my strictness and the degree of control I require from him, on the contrary he revels in it. We enjoy the same kinks and more importantly, we love each other. He has become a bit more relaxed around me or my dominant friends, and even though his submission remains close to perfection, he sometimes uses his sharp tongue to deliver very sarcastic comments.

Now that I know his body and his limits better, our evenings in the playroom have gotten a bit more intense, which he seems to love as much as I do. We performed another public scene at the club at the end of March, in which he behaved perfectly. If he was a bit afraid of having sex in public before, that's long gone now. On the nights at the Blue Hedonism, we have sex on the couches as often as we do in my private playroom. It's only when Aiden invites his friend Paul to sit with us that my boy is a bit shyer. I still made him blow me once in front of him and smirked when the Dom looked at me with killer eyes.

Anthony has made so much progress compared to the boy he was in January, I am truly impressed! The cigarette is almost a done deal, since he tells me he no longer has the huge waves of craving he used to feel. I haven't seen him slip once on the alcohol issue either, even if I recently unlocked the liquor cupboard and put the beers back into the fridge. I still keep track of the liquid levels in the open bottles or of the number there is, just in case.

Mentally speaking, my boy is doing so much better as well. He still visits his therapist once every week, and it seems to do him a lot of good. He hasn't had nightmares or panic attacks in the last month, he has completely gone over his reluctance to dance at the club and often enjoys the music with Zach and Keith. He even accepted to go in the Blue Phoenix once with his two friends! Of course we were watching them with Aiden and William from the balcony of the VIP area during the whole time.

Everything isn't completely healed though, he still has some bad moments. Like that time a Dom began to dance too close to him from behind and he almost broke down. He still can't go to the restrooms alone, refuses to have a more modern phone and doesn't put any contact in his old one, remembering all the numbers by heart. I'm sure that we will get there at some point, and even if some of those things still remain hard limits, I will always be there to take care of him.

We just enjoyed a nice week of vacation in France. He still doesn't want me to tell my brother we are dating, but he agreed to introduce me to his parents. He was never particularly close to them and the fact he moved to another country didn't help, but he still visits them twice a year. They are both teachers - it seems it runs in the family - and live in the East of France. Of course I was only introduced as a boyfriend, not his dominant Master. They were nice, welcoming people who didn't seem to have a problem with their son's sexuality. I don't really understand why my angel isn't closer to them, I would have killed for parents like this.

We also spent the weekend in Paris, all by ourselves. My boy has stopped seeing the friends he had there a long time ago and didn't want to reconnect. I had been there before and done all the touristic stuff, so we just had long walks holding hands in Le Marais and near Notre Dame and ate in nice restaurants. I have never been a romantic person, and he never asked for a simple day together but I could tell he deeply enjoyed it so I made a mental note to plan for a getaway in my house upstate or more date nights in the City.

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